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I will never be
What is expected
From society

But maybe

You'll still admire me
Titillate and demonstrate
that you alone will conquer.
Things will never stay the same
but my love
oh my love is constant.
And I will always let you win
and let you  bite
and let you win.
I'm staking thin
and you're shaking more and more
With sin.
So please just let me be
for a little while
for a little while
and you will see the paint within me
and I will show you home
***** locked
Stomach twisting
Grasping for control
But my world's shattered out from beneath me
And I feel no soul.
Miles of sedation could not save me from this.
No nirvana no mothers love
No meditational bliss.
Here I am empty no feeling but this sick.
Tired and turmoil.
My stomach twist.

I could ***** or die
Or both at the same time.

Nothing could save me from this.
Coming into unity.
Patterns soaked in the nether minds
Of thousand walk planks so bored
Just waiting for a greater Potential
A better idol
To shape their overgrown
Un kept minds
Which **** and stench
And infect the air.
Amazing the way zombies
Beg for a tyrant to save them.
So masochistic in their decay

Control my movements
Only allow my expression
To stem from your word
For I fear my own movement
They say in secret
They never speak it
They may not know.

They copy copy
They move in turn
They pattern walk
They never learn .

Originality may be a farce
The archetypes to strongly stitched
But tell me this
Do you understand the threading
Or do you just wear the sash
Could that be the difference?
We all hold pose of that which we admire
But how many of us devote
Our minds to understanding
How to truly mimick something
To a point where it becomes like that first moment In time.
All peel skin
Frayed edges
A thought quite
In the worser of ways.
I had rubbed raw the idea
And it had turned into a sorefar beyond blistering
The skin was chaffed.
Raw cut and open.
How many times did I have to weave
This thought through the coils of my brain
To bruise and defame
All of my sane?
I must have thought I was dreaming
To make such a terrible decision.
Two bodies is to many!
Why must I have to fear!
One being is plenty!
We could be so much closer my dear!
No need for this distance
Nor the bridge of trust
If we're simply one
Our connection never rust.

In chips of the foundation
The bridge is falling down
In moments without reconciliation
The trust falls to the ground
With in the minds of lovers
The worlds do fall apart
As distance ever grows
Between their very hearts.
they want to only love
But the pride is so insecure
That any minor slip
Is a resentment to incur
And things that were just fate
Are rested in blame
Things that happen all the time
Now result in shame
And fear
Which sets into the minds
And lovers feel so separate
And this makes them blind

Love me just love me
I meant you no harm
Distances away
In the reach of my arm.
And I must be so ugly
For you turn to so hate
When all that I want from you
Is to relate just relate
  I never meant to hurt you
******* my stupid monkey brain
Things just couldn't be
If they didn't make lovers insane.
One dry dust evening
Those times when sun shone pink
All across the hill side
Flickering on the lake

That's it.

Picture me and my complexes
Stumbling in the grass trying hard
To breathe.
Wanting to last forever
But begging to leave.
I only questioned my existance
In every being of my observance
And every time life flickered before me
Like sun rays on the lake
Shedding pink tones of gold
Over everything I saw...
And when infant wings fell from their nests
I hung them out to dry
In metal fish nets
From the pine trees
And I wanted to pour
More life forth
In the feeding of pigeons.
But they always died
And I never knew why
But it was my lack of conscious.
Growing up in southern indiana finding the fledglings and taking their lives unknowingly
Time after time. 5 6 7 8 9 years old. I don't remember when I realized to water them I only rememeber the guilt.
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