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 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
i talked to a man from india
jilted at the altar
three times
by the girl he loved
because she was
"feeding her dog".
he waited nine hours in his tuxedo
"like an ***"
he said.
she wanted more
if she was going
to marry him.
depressed, he went to a *******
"where the real fun began"
got hired as a dancer
got paid to make women wet
he'd never done
most were married with kids
he felt bad at first
but his boss said
it couldn't be helped
get used to it
he became incredibly wealthy
many friends,
many gifts,
paid a high pension
didn't show his face to the girls
but showed other things
eventually he was banned
for being too

...a man almost forced into prostitution
even when he didn't like it
a sad story
one that belongs on a blog somewhere
or in a poem

and it all happened
on imvu
welcome to the ******* internet
where being ridiculous is cause for farming liable sympathy
i mean....what the actual ****
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
Ayaba Babe
I'd die seven times if it took that many lives to be reincarnated with a destiny parallel to you.
Could get the best of me
Is it true that it could be, possibly-
That the entirety of the universe is versed to the melody of our hues and energies;
The strength and vitality needed for sustained activity,
A persons physical and mental powers,
Like electricity surging through cosmic showers...
Do you wish upon a star when you see one fly?
Have you ever flown high enough to gaze down at the sky?
The haze of the atmospheres often glares the heavens, but I'm prepared to take you there
I swear
We could frenzy through the air like acrobats
See, I've got wings on my back
Hold on.
I recognize the ring to this song
We've danced through the streams of my dreams
Amongst the pyramids at the first beam of the morning sun
The pyramids gleam
It seems the existence of life has begun
A King and a Queen and a universe to conquer and run.
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
She wasn't beautiful, no.
Not in society's perception of beauty
But she was beautiful,
in the way she spoke and the way she said your name.

She was beautiful in the way her fingers lingered on the objects that she touched, as if she was caressing each one
and the way in which  she gazed longingly at the golden sunset from her rooftop.
She wasn't beautiful, she wasn't perfect or astounding.

But she was flawless in how she cared,
how she gave away so willingly, how she understood.
There was no mistaking the beauty in which her eyes radiated love at the sound of your name
There was a breathtaking perfection in how she laughed for the consolation of those around her.
No, she didn't have a beautiful face or a hot summer body.
But she ways beautiful in all that she was,
pure honesty in what she believed,
and graceful in the way she carried her soul.

She was the girl writing poetry in the back of the class
and she was irrelevant to you,
you didn't notice her then but you can't imagine life without her now.

She is beautiful, treasure her.
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
I wanted to tell you I love you.
Like I wanted to every night, and like every night I realized that I would be talking to myself.
Cause you wouldn't be there, you're not here now and you won't ever be.

I realized that I'd always been alone. That even when you were there, you weren't.
That I had been standing on my own all this time and that I didn't need you.
You fooled me into believing you were something I needed to live, but with you I was only surviving.

I became a mere shell of the girl I used to be.
My vibrant colour and fiery passion was lost along the folds of your diseased tongue.
With your blackened hands you twisted all that was good from my soul, wrung me out like a gym sweater and hung me upside down on your line of deceit.

But then...
And now...
And probably tomorrow...
I will still love you.
This is my actual account, I will be transferring all my poems from my old account under the name SALT to this one.
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
Bring the blade, bring it near
Run along the rough skin that lies willingly here
Press it light, just a touch.
We don't want my white shirt stained with blush.

Thoughts disappear pain in its place.
Long I have yearned for this embrace
Faint pink lines appear on the surface
But not yet have they fulfilled their purpose

Press harder now,hear the sweet sound of tearing flesh.
Over old scars, over skin like mesh
Watch the blood weep from my veins
Not much more I hope can they sustain

Feel it burn,tiny pulsing flames
Pain and fire coursing through,taking reign
My eyes shift out of focus,darkness fills my eyes
I follow a white light,I'm free,surrounded by serene blue skies.
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
I wish to burn you, watch you be consumed by flames like a match and then breathe in the smoke you create.
Let it pollute my lungs and stain my heart.
Pick up your ashes and let it fall through my hands onto the ground beneath my feet,because you were my world.
This way, you would always be a part of me.
 Oct 2013 Haley Rezac
Some men sleep
Some men dream
I am stuck in between
Night and day
Find no rest
Painful pounding in my chest
Tomorrow is a
Heinous Word
Last night's whispers will be heard

Some men sleep
Some men scream
I am somewhere in between
Time slips out
Beyond my grasp
I cry out in but a rasp
She calls my name
From in the dark
Bleeding, screaming, dreaming Lark
 Sep 2013 Haley Rezac
Noah wrote Allie one letter everyday for a year.
And you cant take the time to text me and tell me whether or not I need to keep trying
Why the **** is it so hard to let me down easily.
 Sep 2013 Haley Rezac
Kat payne
She was beautiful, but not in the way you would expect a person to be beautiful.
You could see it by the way her dark green eyes fixated on you, like she could
see all your thoughts blooming like wildflowers from your head. You could see it
by the way she held her ceramic coffee cup, with both hands, embracing the warmth
and taking deep sips of that magic black liquid.
Their was something about her, something so... genuinely unique.
You could feel the electric pulse of her aura going through your nervous system.
There was something about this girl, telling, urging me to just say one simple hello.
 Sep 2013 Haley Rezac
i have a thing for vengeance.

i like to watch people reap what they sow
i like to watch evil human beings eat **** for what they've done
i enjoy it.

and that sounds kind of ******* messed up
sort of
but at the same time
i love to see good, kind people
does that still make me bad?

my dad says that my gift of justice needs to be redeemed
that i have so much trouble forgiving people
because i refuse to give up the right to vengeance
that vengeance is the lord's...
i get that,
but i don't want to wait
for these ******* to die
before they get
what they've sent around
and i don't want to watch
the few good people on this earth
die before
they feel alright
for once

i am a fighter
i can't help but fight
someone once told me that's why i'm single
i said
*******, man
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