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 Sep 2013 hallee
Stephen E Yocum
I have loved this time spent and shared
with you, said some things that meant
something to me, and read some beautiful
thoughts and words said by others.

Frankly this thing, this site can become
down right addictive, and before we know it
a whole day is shot, we might even give up
needed sleep to pursue it.

Like any addiction it needs to be controlled,
taken if at all, in small doses and that then
is my intention.

For new and old friends, I treasure your
warm embrace and no doubt I shall return.
There are other things I must and wish to do,
and as in all matters, I peruse everything in moderation.
Hugs of friendship to all, keep writing, be happy.
Thanks for the tutorial on Poetry communication.
I very much enjoyed it.
"It is truly a blind man, that only views his own worth
through the eyes of others." SY
When we start to be more concerned with how many people
"LIKE" our words, rather than writing them for our selves
it may be time to do something else. All a matter of personal
choice and desire.
 Sep 2013 hallee
Sir B
This is titled
I found someone
to go along with
hand in hand
for a whole night

Though it was scary
Wasn't as bad as I thought
She accepted it
I felt relieved
to have found someone
to share a night with
Yea... I did ask.. and she did say yes!! (win-win) So. Flippin. Happy. Today.
After I did it, wasn't so bad. =)
Their are three
types of love.
The first type
is when you
care about
that person.
The second type
is when you
love that person
and stick around
to know what
they like.
The third type
is when you
love that person
so much that
your willing to
do anything
for her and
say to her,
I love you
and I want
to be with
you together
Well those
are the three
types of love,
but their are
so many different
types of love
in the world
that we just
can't contemplate or
compensate or
even comprehend.
Only you know
when your in love
and you will
have to be
the one who
shows it to
the one you love.
I don't know why I wrote this. I guess I just felt good about something inside of my heart.
Hope you like it :)<3
 Sep 2013 hallee
Mona Schweikle
The seas are deep and heavy,
and we cannot control where it all goes.
The seas are wide and windy,
but never take your eye off what you chose.

We learn from the ones we fear,
and we learn from the ones we hate
but with every fire back, we fly further out
and we leave behind all our pain and weight.

You are so young little girl,
there is so much for you to see and you to learn.
let your confused mind and heart take you
wherever you may go, but know which way to turn.

Love someone when you are ready,
not when you are lonely.
Because all the loneliness will drag you down to sea,
like an anchor, still and motionless for eternity.
 Sep 2013 hallee
Ellyn k Thaiden
It's been a long day
I whisper and sigh
Every moment full of anxiety
Full of me wanting to cry

I tell people I'm fine
I hand them my lies
Nearly perfected the art
Of my disguise

I'm over wheeled
By normal teen events
But some not so normal
Some are more permanent

Like the scars on the skin
My emotional trauma within
The past we don't talk about
A taboo of sins

It's been canned and pressurized
Packed tightly inside
All the secrets I hold
All the secrets I hide

There is a storm raging
All around my mind
The calm is on the outside
The storm harder to find
 Sep 2013 hallee
Jorge Love
Doldrums bang, doldrums, doldrums
Throughout she sang, throughout, throughout

My heart broke then, my heart, my heart
But then she spoke, but then, but then

Enraptured I flew enraptured, enraptured
Because she knew, because, because

Dispite what she does dispite, dispite
My love she was my love my love
 Sep 2013 hallee
he said he believes that
after we die, we come back as birds
(but what happens after that
i asked; he shrugged and said
does it make a difference?)
i watched blaire with project last night and i'm scared shitless of going into the woods now.
our class goes camping in the middle of nowhere later this year.
 Sep 2013 hallee
Is this what it means to love?
The pain that goes through my chest when I can't see you.
The tears I choke back when you hurt me,
Cause somehow it hurts more when you watch
The pounding of my heart when you say my name.
The mixed feelings and confusion.
How come I can't smile without you?
And yet I cry night after night,
Cause you didn't love me the way i feel I deserve.
Somehow there is more pain with you than without.
And yet I can't see myself being here without you.
You complete me.
Jagged pieces of your imperfect character fit right where I need them to.
This must be love.
 Sep 2013 hallee
Emma Amme
Hello my old heart
i'm sorry to say
that during all the time you took off
due to being broken
you my dear
have been replaced.
For what you may ask?
Because you were always
too busy sitting under my ribcage
knitting scarfs and hats of messy emotions for me to wear.
It made it a slight bit difficult for your co-worker, the brain, to function.
And you know how important it is, that he does.
See this new heart doesn't talk much.
Its calmly sits and listens obediently to the brain.
To be honest, its wonderful.
As much as i remember how fantastic it was
to let you, let me love.
I also remember how much i hated
how you let me hurt.
So now i want you to think of this
next time you are placed under someones ribcage,
If you had only listened to the brain    
maybe you wouldn't have broken
and then maybe i never would have fired you.
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