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 Aug 2016 -
 Aug 2016 -
do not call me "cutie."
if you're lucky enough to call me anything,
call me beautiful.
call me spectacular.
i want to be a force of nature.
i want to be remarkable.

i do not want to be "cute"
 Jul 2016 -
i know there have been moments where you pulled yourself down the stairs just to collapse onto the kitchen floor
i know there have been moments where you repeated,
"i will most certainly not make it out of this alive"
and you wake up the next morning and make it an inch further
my dear dramatic girl
there is no fault in loving with all of your heart
you will grow up and know what each word he presses to your chest means
you will have an Oxfords Dictionary for every time he tells you he was just out late
but if you keep putting pieces of you into everyone who runs their finger over your lips
or tells you "forever" as if it hasn't already lost its meaning
you will lose yourself
do not let the world desensitize you to its contents
theres nothing more tragic than watching a romantic become a cynic
you are full of a quality you cannot let every boy that stops loving you when it's convenient take from you
you are truthful and forgiving
you are trusting
and whats left of your heart is safety-pinned onto your sleeve
your heart belongs to you alone and i know its been a while since you heard this, but
you are full without people miles away telling you that they think you'd look pretty without your clothes on
dust it off,
lie on the kitchen floor and remember what it felt like when you said
"i will most certainly not make it out of this alive"
for when you wake up one morning and forget how it sounds
to be despondent in love
do not let the world take you and spread you over people who push you to fill pieces of them they have lost in others
you are prevailing every time you whisper
"i love you, too"
 Jul 2016 -
Star Gazer
I've been lost for most of my life, every wrong step taken in the dark, every turn and twist; tripped over my shoelaces many times and just in constant fear of things. I'm scared that nothing I could do for you ever goes right, I want to tell you I love you face to face, under the light of a million stars. I want to hold your hands, watch as the path we take fill with the indents of our footsteps. I want to kiss you under the moonlight, let you know that with the power of us combined, everything will be alright. I want so much for everything to work out, but sometimes reality is a bit different. What I'm really scared of the most now is, that I might not be the knight in pink armour you were expecting and I might fall short. I wish so hard I could be that perfect guy for you, the right one for you, but what if I'm not. There's no words I could describe you, except that you have a soul I would cross mountains, swallow razor blades for. I'd let myself bleed out if it meant that my blood could somehow make you happy. I'd give anything for you, I just hope that you realise that. You are the best person in my life. I love you so much and just the thought of you leaving, it's a bit of a heartbreaker in itself, tear inducing, heart hurting, stomach churning, blood boiling, bruise causing thought. I don't know how that three word could ever measure up, heck it might not ever measure up to how I really feel. I love you. I just love you so so much. In the same time, I'm scared when I finally tell you, you won't stay.The thought itself is killing me. Babe, there's nothing in this world that you don't deserve. You are the epitome of caring souls, kindness, beauty and much more. I just hope that this message reaches you and that no matter what happens, there's a loser who will love you with all his heart. You showed me what true love is, and in return I hope you'll give me the chance to show you the world, to show you how I see you, because in my eyes , you are everything. You are the breath of fresh air, to the light of the night stars. I love you princess, your weakling loser.....

You are the reason my heart beats. You are everything. You are the sounds of my heartbeat and you are the only thing I want to see between each blink.
people need to stop
with this whole
'real women have curves -
real women have stretch marks -
real women have cellulite -'
etcetera freaking etcetera
this mentality is killing us
i have rolls and wrinkles
and skin dimples
and i am real as the dawn
and my best friend has none
she is slim and lithe
and unmarred by flesh like mine
and she is real
and she is beautiful
and i am beautiful
bodies are bodies
stop it.
 Jul 2016 -
Star Gazer
 Jul 2016 -
Star Gazer
I could probably give myself to everyone
Pass myself around like a bottle of alcohol
Letting everyone take pieces of me slowly
Till I am but empty glass on touched lips
And that might not be too bad for some.

I could split myself one by one; cursed
by a serrated touch of those who take
all they could from what I am and
if it weren't so hard, I'd given myself
to everyone, just to be tossed around.

I could give pieces of my heart like
I was playing a game of pass the notes
in class, trying to find those who would
open the notes and take a read of
every letter there is to behold.

I have given myself to enough people
to know, that not everyone wants me
and that doesn't bother me as much
as the idea of having to live a life
without the stars, without the sunset,
unable to grasp at the moon and its light.

I have given myself to people,
some who take more than others,
some who reject what they have not yet known,
But it is you that I want to give myself in entirety.
No broken pieces, no serrated cursed touch parts,
Just an instant of chemistry and wholesome hearts.
I want to give you, not pieces of myself, not pieces
of my life, but I want to give it to you in its whole,
And if it takes a million years for me to get it right,
I will give you a million more years, to see one
beautiful smile.

Let's banish the shadows, fight the darkness
Because the toughest always fights the hardest
And our two souls can intertwine to cast
a different light to those who ever dared to look past
What we have achieved and what we could yet
to achieve.
 Jun 2016 -
Bianca Reyes
I want the sun to kiss me upon my forehead
To comfort the cold that stings inside of me
The one that overwhelms me with darkness
I want the wind to blow fresh air into my lungs
Since those are the ones to be tiring the fastest
Leaving me breathless like almost-lovers before
Shared on Hello Poetry on June 26, 2016
Copyright © 2016Bianca Reyes
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