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Oct 2018 · 614
MeghanKylie Oct 2018
it grips you with a cold blade
tight around your throat
no screams escape;
no pleas get out-

nothingness; no sound.

. . . the whispers threaten;
your pulse quickens
"I'm a failure,"
"I'll never make it."

stops. turns to:

"no one wanted you anyway,
so why are you still fighting me?"

fragmented as it may be,
you turn away; ashamed.
frightened. in pain.

but suddenly-
a voice, growing stronger through the years rages on.

"Because I deserve to not feel like this."
"Because I deserve to feel wanted."
"Because I deserve to believe the truth."
"Because I deserve to not be in pain anymore."
"Because I deserve to be happy."

Because you deserve to be happy.

I promise you deserve to be happy.
MeghanKylie Nov 2017
if you think
for just one second,
that the soul you hold in your precious body
isn't cared for by at least one being on this Earth,

then you don't know this Earth,
with Her twists and turns,
Her forests, and streams, and winding roads
And creatures numerously flooding her Blessed Planet.

for the possibilities are nearly infinite
and even as a realist
or at worst, a pessimist
you have to admit that

the probability of
millions of Human Beings on this Earth
not caring about at least one soul--
YOUR soul
is the true impossibility.

so please consider this:
in all the minutes and seconds you have to live,
wouldn't you rather spend them
smiling upon the moments you feel cared for
than frowning upon the ones you feel not?
Oct 2017 · 292
reasons in the mirror
MeghanKylie Oct 2017
my eyes are like the ocean
my heart has the temperament of fire
what I lack in devotion
I make up for with desire.
Sep 2017 · 319
MeghanKylie Sep 2017
your words
once so pure
now create a pain
i cannot endure.

your voice
once so soft
is now less than a whisper
i don't want to hear anymore

but i cannot condone your silence
i cannot allow myself to listen anymore.
i cannot justify to myself
the violence your echo resonants in my bloodstained ears.
Sep 2017 · 348
i remember.
MeghanKylie Sep 2017
i remember
the lost nights
the starry skies
beckoning for our call

i remember
the stupid puns
the illegal driving
that caused your anxiety to
C R A S H-

but how could i forget?
when your anxiety ran rampant
a collision of devestation
unparalleled by delight.

how could i forget?
watching a beautiful soul
crush himself under my weight

how could i forget?
the collapse of anything sacred-
the burdens you put on me
the burdens I put on you.

no... I remember.

i remember you
unbecoming you-

and me
becoming me.
Sep 2017 · 309
we are the forgotten souls
MeghanKylie Sep 2017
we are the forgotten souls
we are the ones who thought
we'd been left behind
when really we did the leaving
Sep 2017 · 240
the present
MeghanKylie Sep 2017
i cannot sit here
knowing the future is full
of so much promise
and possibility.

i cannot sit here
knowing the past is bereft
of so much comfort
and hope.

i must keep moving
knowing the present
Sep 2017 · 256
a kind soul
MeghanKylie Sep 2017
simply because
someone has a kind soul
does not mean
they deserve

in fact, maybe
you should realize that
not all kind souls
have full hearts.

often our hearts are broken
often are hearts are torn
often we break them
for you

a kind soul does not always mean a happy one.

and sometimes they want you to understand that.

we are all broken.
but not all of us
to break others.
Aug 2017 · 589
MeghanKylie Aug 2017
i'm afraid. . .
. . . but i shouldn't be.
i linger on
. . . hesitations.
and when i'm slow again,
when i'm clear again,
when I

i seek comfort in the strength of words, of music...
that i can't
something i can TOUCH.
something i can FEEL.

only to find it, and
lose it once more.
Aug 2017 · 270
MeghanKylie Aug 2017
why is it that
i can still retrace
every single piece
of your shattered heart
back to

even when time goes by
even when we both lie
to ourselves
even when the page runs dry

we coincide.
yet still, it remains unanswered how-

years go by, yet
you will never trace
a piece of your fully whole heart
back to
MeghanKylie Jul 2017
I write this as I sit surrounded by trees,
Forest; a never-ending green.
I breathe Her air, I feel Her heartbeat

I feel the Earth.

I feel the Earth, with its pesky flies
I feel the Earth, with its spiderweb lullabies

Amidst the cherished flora and fauna,
Amidst the Life.

I feel the Earth.
Sun-shining, canopy of plants blossoming;

But the autumn leave do fall, in time.
And the winter winds, so cold; harsh--

I feel Her sorrow.

I feel the Earth weeping; but not just in rain, or in snow
I feel the Earth sobbing, but not just in hurricanes or tsunamis
I feel the Earth screaming, but not just in Earthquakes, in her fear.
But what "fear" could someone so powerful hold?

She is afraid. . . of the Forgetting.

She is afraid, of her muddied waters,
When a human forgets her importance.
She is afraid of losing her trees
That we are cutting down.

She is afraid of losing control;
Of sobbing so much that-


Who am i to judge her pain; when i am part of her enemies?
Who am I, oh Mother Earth
To feel your deepest anguish?

Just someone who sees My Home.

And never wants Her to be Forgotten.
Jul 2017 · 351
i see you.
MeghanKylie Jul 2017
torn between the past and the present
another version of you dies
you run towards the future
but then you start to cry

what if
you'll always feel

push that aside; you're better than that.
you are intricate,
you are beautiful,
you are pure.

they just can't see it.

they just don't see you.

but i do.
i see your flaws, and how they make you beautiful.
i see the way your hair falls on your face,
the crack in your voice when you start to cry,
the patterns on your summer dress,
the strings on your black hoodie

i see you.
i see the way people ignore
something so

Jul 2017 · 249
"our land."
MeghanKylie Jul 2017
a horror unleashed, yet safely hidden.
kept from her view.

she runs to the water, unnoticed, yet afraid.
there was beauty in each breath,
there was kindness in each touch; a land of sorrows.
a land of memories.
memories soon forgotten by-

a man who grabs her by the hand; harsh.
“You do not belong to this land.”

She lets go. . .

this land?
land of my fathers, land of my brothers,
land of my sisters and land of my mothers.
i cherished its carefree nature, and it cherished me.
i am befuddled and aghast. i am startled and amazed.
shocked. petrified. afraid.
speechless. yet so full of so few words but these--
this is not my land.
this is not your land.

“This land does not belong to you.”
But who does it belong to?
This land belongs to no one.
It is no one’s land.
You cannot take away what is not yours.
I cannot take back what was never mine.

But so long as you pollute my waters,
So you pollute your heart.
And that, I cannot take away. . .
I fear you already have.
if the shoe fits... #Dakota Access Pipeline.
Jul 2017 · 205
her fault?
MeghanKylie Jul 2017
hushed screams haunt her walls
who knew she'd cry out, if she'd fall?

it's all her fault, after all.

begging, pleading, no-- WAILING
fighting, trying, to no avail-

a muffled cry,
from the depths of her--HEART
broken into pieces; shattered at your touch.

isn't it her fault?
after all...

— The End —