Is it too much to ask for respect towards eachother? Is it too much to accept eachother for who he or she is? Is it too much to ask to stop all the namecalling and to stop making fun of people about their looks? Is it too much to just treat eachother in a normal way? I'm not the best-looking, cutest, funniest, most interesting guy, I found that out a long time ago. And just when I reach the point of loving myself just a little bit, someone comes and knocks the foundation from right under me. Is it really too much to help eachother build a foundation, instead of breaking it down?
Its kinda sad really When you can feel One of your favorite people Slowly slipping away from you It's not as exciting now when you talk to them It doesn't make you that happy anymore The little things they do Its kinda sad really When you can feel them Slipping out of your reach Off on their own journey Without you