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 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
You bit my lip
So ******* hard
That it hurts
To drink alcohol
Thank you.
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
Waiting for a train to come
a quick fragrance hits me
and immediately I am reminded of you
The path I'm taking
Seeking comfort
subway lines
Like socks
The train is here
Off I go
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
I truly
to not love you anymore
you waste of ***** and egg
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
when i'm with you
everything else seems so
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
all the time we were running

we didn’t know that we were slowly going

 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
the string of thoughts that runs through my mind is longer than the hair caught between our lips

i run long strands of golden blonde across your open lips, as you burry me in olive colored skin and white bones

you asked me to cut your hair

i cut you until you called me beautiful
written in october 2013
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
my empty stomach has been ringing and twisting for two days now

you finally proved to me that you’ve been floating outside of my perimeter

instead nestling inside where i’ll keep you safe

and rather than hauling you down and drowning you

in the depths of my anger and insecurity

i punish my empty stomach that’s been ringing and twisting for two days now
written jan. 12th 2013
 Nov 2014 Gigi Tiji
Chloë Fuller
despite the small time

and the cold nights half-sleeping

i still enjoy it
written dec. 12th 2012
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