I want to explore the subterranean core
beneath the dirt and worms
trampled upon each day by twelve billion feet
I feel there is a pulsing, pounding, thumping, pumping
heart beating, soul meeting happening
right now in an underground street
in an ancient city where wisdom is wholly received
and eyes are internally illuminated
by a terrestrial heat complete with a circle of fire
eleven feet or higher that warms the coals that sparkle
in the soles of diamond encrusted shoes
under my toes and your very own nose
the ancient master’s conspire
to turn the earth into a living pyre
and to ignite the spices
that good taste prevents from being retired
to create a future in which forests, jungles and grasses
rivers and valleys, both blue and green
will no longer become extinct
due to the purposeless and systematic decline
of the traditional continuity of nature divine
in hopes that we the indigenous souls and minds
who are everywhere and in everyone eternally entwined
within this breathtaking space
receive more than what we gave
to once again find our rightful place
on the rapidly fading face of an earth based composition
may all naturally embrace the sacred flame
which has a secret and ineffable name
that is to be repeatedly sung for seven days
while dancing ecstatically around the one sun
may we perceive as our ancestors believed
that to truly meet the one you love
you must first greet and make complete
the one above, below and within you
Aho Mitake Oyasin!