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Apr 2018 · 157
full moon hijacking
full moon hijacking
thank you for taking me from my ego
letting me breathe in your fragrance
you are the goddess
saving me from myself
rest is health
love is wealth
am i swimming
or drowning in your beauty
please shoot me
and let me drift freely
upon the bow of your ship
i sip tea and lick
the sweet sweat from your brow
i am hungry in the garden of the earth
the storms have come and gone
and they've dragged away the prisoners
that never brought us any harm
shakti saved me
and held me
as I worshiped the offering
of fruit and spice
a present so intoxicating
that its only given thrice
Apr 2018 · 167
questions are questionable
who’ll fill you up
when your cup is broken
who’ll fill your cup
when you’re heart is broken
who’ll fill you’re heart
when you’re feeling kind of broken
who’ll heal your heart
when you’re feeling kind of down
who’ll lift you up
when you’re feet are on the ground
who’ll give you life
when your mind is kind of frazzled
who’ll take their time
when you need them in your life
Apr 2018 · 223
your reflection
a stream of hungry eyes ran down the mountainside
a flock of birds can put you to sleep
so count sheep like you count rainbows
set your alarm to wake you
for as you sleep in the stables
your eyes water like fables
your hips gyrate in greasy undulations
and your dreams are capable
of transforming life into a parable
will you embark on a quest with me
you said, i want to see the end of the world
will you fight dragons and ***** through the valleys
looking for wrong deeds to right
and endangered kingdoms to protect
love is a prism, it reflects your longing
for god is the rainbow that is never boring
a haiku is structured out of a rhythm
so ancient it contemplates itself
and you are able to penetrate
through silence into existential glory
excelling at life is complicated
if success is defined by what you know best
at last we return to the place where we can rest
the edge of a cliff is just the start of it
and your musical body breaks me in two
as i see the split inside me
each day i choose to start anew
thank you my brothers for allowing these feelings
you are stallions and we are constantly healing
under-pressure warriors and thread-bare soldiers
instead look out for and stop locking up your daughters
as i collect flowers and place them beside their bed
there is a test our fathers did prepare for us
they said when we are ready
our souls we must bare
and in that barren land
we will be tried for our crimes against man
and if we survive the rest will make sense
we will again be kind to each other
for we know there is more hunger than we can ever fill
i watch your spine as it moves against your will
you are truly beautiful but you don’t even know
that the ways you think you are flawed
are actually your greatest assets; which are
worth more than all the imaginary weddings
or Victorian-style homes with white picket fences
and golden-green gardens with hanging trellises
or any other thing you've ever dreamed of in your head
to distract you from knowing your own reflection
Apr 2018 · 242
somatic insurgencies
new manners are being formed
as the era of the dawn is getting warmer
groping with ***** hands
for candy bars that can’t be bought
our names have become sullied
as our souls were polished in the serpentine waters
welcoming women into the thick of it
the folds of this organization
are still unmentionable
i prefer to remain in the vital spark of the species
our hearts are clocks
keeping time to rhythms long gone
and forgotten by most
except the loyal soldiers
who carry spears in their teeth
your hurt is clear
yet i must keep wary of your fear
thank you dear for everything is clearer now
and that's the way we like it
our hearts and minds can’t hide it
the chronicles of complexity are such
that we expect the unacceptable
somatic insurgencies
the chronic divergence from field to flatland
cubicles are likely as carcinogenic
as cantankerous old ladies are successful
at liberating the hearts and minds
of their children's babies
the berries of hatred
secrete juices that are tainted
and stain the features of our faces
with their unctuous secretions
did you waver or did you savor
the fruits that they forgot to give you
look for mediocrity in fields of melancholy
and grief in strings of bikini anarchy
a blessed nothingness
respects all this drunkenness
so relax and follow these sounds into silence
and ask yourself if anyone has ever really  
overcome violence with more anger
Apr 2018 · 152
i'm so delighted
so delight in
chunks of sodalite
lightly salted
even though lite soda
denies it
I never sought it
nor sold it
I'm not a soul
nor a soldier
to lie about it
I saw SOL's Light
with insight
Sol De Light
is the soul of light
and she sews the light
so deliciously
it solderized
solid light
so rightfully
into my diet
agitated we danced
hot-blooded and bullied by our inner children
your hands touched mine
so much time passed
before one could look the other in the eye
in the eye i saw one color
one color pouring from the waterfall
a thousand doors
a thousand doors
practice sitting in silence
and surely you shall break free
of insincere eyelids
that wink at you when you fall
i remember your voice
it spoke to me before
her aged lips and salty hips
had sunken in the ground
like lemon trees
they will bring you joy
and sorrow, each in turn

how it rings
for your soul
how the well drinks
from these ferns
into diamonds
forests burn
your eyes are smiling
your nose is hiding
your tears are shining
your fruits are growing
i am throwing all this music at your feet
you bend down to greet the night
as she crawls in heat
her aching heart wanders
into precocious streets
the provocation of the situation
is immanently sweet
you sing the song for nothing
and dance for each one that you meet
Apr 2018 · 139
young eyes
young eyes and young hearts are opening
forming bridges and questioning
gifts are everywhere that you look
the face of god is your own face
the sight of angels is filled with grace
umpires call the shots from their tree houses
while entire empires have fallen
faster than those very same tree tops
to reignite passion first love your self
then nourish a practice
with discipline and compassion
and you’ll feel better too
in this existence we need certain tools
to know ourselves as managers
and maintainers of our own fuel
oh and finally the truth is told
that you must be personally
impersonal in everything you do
her precious breath
yearns for warmth
and contact between the sheets
her body sways and grinds
her spine is a limitless ocean
her limbs are ropes to climb
they are towers or spires
filled with millions of subtle wires
she is noisy and delicious
they heard moaning
coming from the bedroom
as she came into her darkness
she held it and allowed it to shine
yet transformation is endless
its happening all the time
like underbellies rising
undercurrents entwining
she is sovereign and sublime
content to birth the world
from between her juicy thighs
no longer does she hunger
for your silly little lies
and yes her beauty is music
and its too bad really
that you happened
to be away for the night
Apr 2018 · 151
expatriates of the soul
this insurgency
as you plead
please let me linger a little longer
at your fingertips I fell
and tasted the deer's head
eyes of the serpent’s brides
this congregation is full of liars
and truth-sayers
seekers all aside
i hide between drishtis
as yogas collide
I am clean and undivided
subsided topsoil
until tilled it thrives
i glide
upon four legged spiders
dine upon succulents and hang gliders
as the cream rises to the top
we become like butter
ghee is the mother of all beings
is harmony in soluble fats
or in burning ghats on the ganges
fat solids cooked in vats
on home burners
i sold the answers to the texts
as the scriptures were stolen by hungry thieves
in need of a tryant’s democracy
a solvent alternative to capitalist precocity
i seek thee
in fibrous stalks of kale
as spines recline
so do our waking minds
and we become blinded
to the ingredients of divergence
you allow for the butter to melt
and spread over mind toast
i boast about our love
and yet it swallows me whole
i am a shallow vessel
fill me and i overflow too easily
greatness is deep and heavy
and the west is getting ready
for its birthday
a celebration of identity
still neglecting the face
of multidimensionality
we continue to harbor
expatriates of the soul
Apr 2018 · 122
mask of alertness
the mask of alertness protects its bearer
as unstable strength topples before lightning
moist apples are ripening on the branch
i see their sweet nectar standing up
the streets we drive upon carve up the earth
i frequently eat the meat of the gods
homosapiens are blessed with ancient scars
your grasshoppers follow in the path of the stars
hopping from stem to stem like cinnamon darts
Indecent incandescence
The ineluctable insentient
That inevitably transcends
All our sentience
Our intransient ascendants
Are evidently intransigent
Irreverents descended
From irrelevant past tenses
Of evanescent innocents
In essence I recently
Have my reasons
To resent my senses
That sent me again
Into decadance
Their essence
Remains essentially
Interdependent and unaffected
By your effective decrees
Of decreased independence
Demands for the deceased
Senators may be reached
Through seances and signatures
Designed to desensitize
Pieces of our peaceful
Resistance to allegedly
Intelligent reservations
With admirable indignation
These indigenous
Geniuses display divinity
With dignity and ingenuity
And indubitably
Deserve our immediate
And utmost designation
Of authority and self-determination
Signed on time
And delivered by
Intelligible design
Feb 2018 · 157
Poetry speaks of
plenty. But hunger conceals
not one thing at all.
Feb 2018 · 163
flaming letters deposited
in a lunar fortnight
the rites are immanent
in the cosmos descent is inevitable
the drunken rites
absolve our ecstasy
make whole again the leftovers
stop what you are doing
and wake up from this dream
a beautiful prison is all i see
respect kindness and let it flower
for a certain portion of an hour
this is theft
the way we neglect our music
is simply tragic
relax to the point of expansion
i sense your new friends
the real ones are the ones
who stick around for the end
blessed are they who don’t play pretend
so forgive yourself
at each morning’s bend
with moisture and hunger to spare
you are as supple as bamboo
and throughout space and time we bear
this cold that does not signify the end
Feb 2018 · 21.6k
A perfect metric
ugly men burning their bay leaves
in pots of static gardens
underneath all this cement
your past is looking at you indecently
so change the words around you
you can shift their meaning
its all a game and no-one's winning
your tired emotions accent your poetry
umbrellas are scars that carry symphonies in their hearts
you held my hand as we welcomed god back into our skylines
her face is as familiar as the stars
we originated from
with ulcers open in quiet hurting
your youth are wordless and distrustful of angst ridden authority
in unsuspecting situations love’s vacation is ending
her wedding gown got quite *****
since she literally spent her entire honeymoon
wandering idly into banks of muddy water
humanity is worthy of justice and sweaty romance
i breathe your flesh into my bottle
and we take boundless walks upon the clouds
that straddle mountains, graveyards and cemeteries
fresh from wading in the rice fields
i peeled you a ripe banana
under pressure your sweater came off
and revealed a perfect metric for us to emulate
your eye sockets are two umbilical chords
and your voice is a curved sword that cuts through fear
like the moon slices through the sky
i have held all of this inside for far too long
and now it comes shattering forth
spilling itself over every page
every letter an escapade almost as long
as an Eskimo's pilgrimage to safety
Feb 2018 · 170
reverence and water for each of our daughters
our sons are beyond our command
our souls get out of hand and require
our patient attention to bring back the necessary completion
if you wish to become a poet then stop
stealing your words from others
start to observe the meeting point of nothing
relish in imperfection and you’ll become as sweet as honey
so come again and we will make our journey
to the streets, to the ****-holes and the hovels
in the cornfields
rishis greet you with a bow
so tropical ideals seem irrelevant now
somehow you are lost
i can sense it by the way you toss your hair back
you are anxious and i am smiling at your negligent cough
stroll along the boulevard looking for apples
rest in the stores that don’t seem too commercial
i have stretched my body now i stretch my mind
i have lost my love but she will return
i am confident as a god
i am as suspicious as a pirate
i am grumpy as a hungry man
without any brandy
i am landed wealth
i am the aristocrat's fate
i am napolean’s secretary
i am the human race
vehicles of passion lead to disaster
if you read Siddhartha you will know the answer
to the young person’s nightmare
what to do with time that repeats
all the ways which we have lost our minds
i hate to break it to you but the world is a mess
even if you do your best
you're still liable to witness suffering
and being a part of a community may be the answer
but for somebody
other people’s company is truly hell
Feb 2018 · 139
the shelf life of infinity
i insist that you walk with me
into the volcano’s flames
spraying beauty in your wake
relatives remake their reality
to reflect the space of awareness
in which they dwell
consequences are plenty
that alone i can tell you
stairways open into bottomless
underground i rise in thrones of diamond light
throats cut by words of pride
and perfect sight
you gave me the keys
to weep for all the jealous dancers
who partake in the genocide of mice
is this the sweat of our passions
or just the price of our pride
that pours from our tribe
into a stream of hungry eyes
that runs down the mountainside
a flock of birds can put you to sleep
so count sheep like you count rainbows
set your alarm to wake you
for as you sleep in the stables
your eyes water like fables
excuse our greasy undulations
these dreams are capable
of transforming your life into a parable
will you embark on a quest with me
i want to see the end of the world
will you fight dragons and ***** through the valleys
looking for wrong deeds to right
love is a prism, it reflects your longing
for god is the rainbow that is never boring
a haiku is structured out of a rhythm
so ancient it contemplates itself
so you are able to penetrate
through silence into existential glory
excelling at life is complicated
if success is defined
solely by what you know best
Feb 2018 · 151
Flirting with the birds
your eyelids
fly in tragic circles
under black skies
your mountains crumble
putrid apples and hillbillies all return
from chaos came compassion
from darkness came the word
kindness gave birth to sorrow
and silence was never earned
your antithesis presents itself
in every situation, myth is ever heard
speaking to the elves
in their own language
and flirting with the birds
yes i long for nonsense
i long for romance too
i long for our companions
to put you in the mood
stolen gardenias leave a trail of scents
your eyes tore across the pavement
and left tracks upon my arm
could i have ever won your heart
indescribable unseen voices
signal the rising sun
surrender to the one
and give all of yourself
in service
kiss the ancient ones feet
lick the sweat from the streets
greet yourself in the other
i shudder in suspense
i grow weary awaiting thy countenance
i count the days, hours, weeks and months
until i see thy lotus feet
Feb 2018 · 166
Making love for fun
caress the creatures at your side
and bring them into their highest vibration
turn them inside out till they shout
penetrate me with your presence
the essence is perfect here and now
grown out of pumping
you start touching her desperation
she releases over and over
her fingers pass through the channels of the night
gliding lightly upon the surface of your body
as ducks prepare for morning’s flight
into every morning’s dream
love comes at last
but your expectations are blocking you from receiving
that which surpasses your mind’s narrow visions
you let go of goals and become as golden as the fire
candles and bronze statues may offer perfect forms
but perceptions are born, worn, and torn
long before you can even view them
Feb 2018 · 562
Hermosa Estrellas
words are lotus blossoms growing in muddy water reaching upward for
your heart now is the bottomless pit pointing towards oblivion repeating
yourself again and again i am never lonely said the powerful goddess
dearest tender soul with golden eyelashes comb my hair with folded
fingers i am the bringer of the harvest fresh fruit impresses the stars to
bursting as celestial songs abound and resound throughout eternity's
garden sri ram jai ram jai jai ram pulsing with yerba the santos sing
drunken Ubuntu if the juries find you guilty green gardenias will
blossom cascading droplets of thyme’s silence the smell of jasmine
flowers shower the dawn am i wrong to admit that i have always loved
you true this moment is just a passing tone on its own insignificant yet
strung together like tea leaves worn around the neck of children to
protect them from broken-hearted sirens use this love wisely for
whoever entrusted you with this warrior’s shield is counting on you to
hold on and yield not to the arms of any man’s brokenness
stubbornness is willful misguidance you are the beauty of a thousand
rainbows repeating the words of god colors shine in empty minded
splendor only for wisdom’s sake you shine new like the dawn and twice
as strong forever laughing at the caterpillar’s folly home is more likely
to be found while you are alone then with another more often than not i
have witnessed the distress of a tigress at seeing her cubs taken from
her arms vipers send silent signals that in turn signal the dancers to
start their turns in spiral arms of the galaxies my burning feet follow the
sun hot like coal the deserts bottom is made of sandstone and cotton
forests of flowering malanga and taro tell fortunes to the stars dream in
repose and stormy weather i am never afraid to become young and
open to the other in contact’s proximity breath becomes fire while
hearts send images into the ether read the words written upon blades
of sword wielding soldiers their fathers left them for far too long youth is wasted on television’s plagiarism heaven’s songs are formed in
basements by angels strung out and love struck with crazy wisdom
bracelets made from shackles intimidating cackles and feathers
reaching for the sun in moonlight’s quiver silver arrows gather words are lotus blossoms growing in muddy water reaching upward for
your heart now is the bottomless pit pointing towards oblivion repeating
yourself again and again i am never lonely said the powerful goddess
dearest tender soul with golden eyelashes comb my hair with folded
fingers i am the bringer of the harvest fresh fruit impresses the stars to
bursting as celestial songs abound and resound throughout eternity's
garden sri ram jai ram jai jai ram pulsing with yerba the santos sing
drunken Ubuntu if the juries find you guilty green gardenias will
blossom cascading droplets of thyme’s silence the smell of jasmine
flowers shower the dawn am i wrong to admit that i have always loved
you true this moment is just a passing tone on its own insignificant yet
strung together like tea leaves worn around the neck of children to
protect them from broken-hearted sirens use this love wisely for
whoever entrusted you with this warrior’s shield is counting on you to
hold on and yield not to the arms of any man’s brokenness
stubbornness is willful misguidance you are the beauty of a thousand
rainbows repeating the words of god colors shine in empty minded
splendor only for wisdom’s sake you shine new like the dawn and twice
as strong forever laughing at the caterpillar’s folly home is more likely
to be found while you are alone then with another more often than not i
have witnessed the distress of a tigress at seeing her cubs taken from
her arms vipers send silent signals that in turn signal the dancers to
start their turns in spiral arms of the galaxies my burning feet follow the
sun hot like coal the deserts bottom is made of sandstone and cotton
forests of flowering malanga and taro tell fortunes to the stars dream in
repose and stormy weather i am never afraid to become young and
open to the other in contact’s proximity breath becomes fire while
hearts send images into the ether read the words written upon blades
of sword wielding soldiers their fathers left them for far too long youth is
wasted on television’s plagiarism heaven’s songs are formed in
basements by angels strung out and love struck with crazy wisdom
bracelets made from shackles intimidating cackles and feathers
reaching for the sun in moonlight’s quiver silver arrows gather
Feb 2018 · 91
all the girls have seven bodies
all the world has seven forms
your anxiety is nothing
compared to the psychopathy in all

is blistered
and busy
interviewing itself
on television
Feb 2018 · 139
the five skandas
i am fortunate enough to choose my own melodies
as sadness drifts like a river through the night’s journey onward
forget your identity and merge with the trees along the shoreline
who is the gatekeeper anyway
she is the one who decides what is appropriate
i wish to meet her face and see her eyes
for what a challenging occupation it must be
this infinite being presides over our frustrated creativity
i see women dreaming like symphonies
making serendipitous discoveries
individual recoveries from addiction to imprisonment
symbols surround our mountains
and draw us down from the ethers
into present day realities
i choose to face the fire of the architect
as stardust collects on your shelves and altars
you may stall as long as you wish
for procrastination can never touch this
who found infinity first
to brag about it would be laughable
i question our obsession with thoughts
why we validate some and consider others repulsive
can there be value in individual ideas
or only in vast conglomerations
perhaps we are bound to an infinite chain of misnomers
if all skandas are fundamentally empty
including form, feelings, perceptions, formations and consciousness
then earth, water, fire, air, and ether
are all manifesting maya equally
this life may indeed be a satire or a tragedy
with a sprinkle of ire or perhaps a little irony
Feb 2018 · 141
what about the money?
why do we pontificate to the point of no return
if language is a bridge
than i wish to toss you over the railing
and what if i did
would you despise me or be grateful
are we certain that we are angels
or perhaps we came about by accident
our opposable articulations merely artifacts of evolution
and would you be opposed to me
never knowing your other names
forever shaming each other
for the ways that we are the same

same language
same bodies
same insecurities
same feelings
same meanings

shreds of wisdom cast before the fire
our accents were as thick as honey
what else can we burn, you asked
I replied, what about all this money
Feb 2018 · 106
The Seeker
seekers of the psoas
with bones and tendons
robed in shadows
stretched as tight as arrows
the seeker bows down
what if Moses had drowned
would his followers
have had to then run for cover
seek your mother
gift her another dragon's eye
look for our brothers
in words and stutters
close the shutters
as rooms descend like escalators
no one likes to let you
fool around with their heart
Feb 2018 · 95
Dance with no labels
Dance with no labels
jump, spin, twirl
leaping into thin air
folding into the center
falling from grace’s chair
dreams come and go
dreams are life’s theater
try to play your part well
for when the goddess is hungry 
your soul must feed her
freedom is emptiness
emptiness is form
let the music take you 
into the eye of the storm
movement is the sacred fire
that makes your body warm 
people are never 
going to understand
so why try to make sense
of why we spend half of the budget
on a defensive pretense 
we could come together
in unity and song
let's quit spending our hard-earned money
trying to fix what went wrong
I suggest we educate our children
with movement, meaning, myth, and art
to finally heal the age-old split
between the mind and the heart 
sold on becoming
we lost our salvation
a perplexing situation
dancing became an occupation
a means to embodying self 
an invitation for sacred activation
enfolding essence into form
our juicy potential was lost
instinctually responding to heat
the honey bee swarms
scarcity implies 
you are not enough
how could it be, this silly lie
for if it were true
the world would be dry
still it is wet
and your soul is too
so dance with no labels
and sing as if you
had all the answers 
when you haven’t a clue
as to the meaning of things
or the direction we’re heading
just listen closely
and watch the signs as their showing
in my heart we are dancing
in my soul we are too
in the world they are waiting
for a harmony to renew
the union of love that exists 
between two beings
who have given up labels 
and let go of form
forgotten about borders
and released all taboos
these beings are free 
to love as they please
and pleasing it is 
when we all can agree
that when you are dancing
without any labels
you can be me and I can be we
then two becomes one
like the seed and the sun
a forest has been hidden
inside of a single tree 
this sacred combining
some call it Alchemy
has just begun
but in truth we are eternal
so the great-work is never done
Feb 2018 · 107
Cacao's song
From my eyes to your heart 
space and time are torn apart 
into the void, the rose of life 
falls and merges into and becomes white 
echoes and silhouettes are what we are  
slowly twisting and spinning 
sacred knots strung together 
in a moment of eternity
the storm and the feather
the dancer and the dance 
begin to slowly come untethered
your sound and your face 
your heart and its embrace 
your wings and your feet 
all dipped in chocolate earth 
our lips and tongues surged to greet 
your *** and your innocence 
could not be separated by a single death and birth 
nowhere, only now 
signs of the eternal meeting point 
its here, there, anywhere 
pulsing with delight and purpose 
self reflective and formless 
like the morning sunlight 
it conceals and reveals 
such is the mystery of sight 
magic is consuming the inorganic  
Om Ah Hung 
sprinkled with cosmic dust, life awakens 
morning’s daily miracle 
arises from sleep’s rich fecundity
Feb 2018 · 108
pretenses and fear fornicating with stars quantum children do no harm teepee poles and totem sticks justice has no equivalence retrofit your darkness burn the images in your fridge the ice will melt and liquid will fill the streets you are everyone you meet you are entire galaxies you are the face of divinity remember your words are heard by angel-eyed realtors operating candy factories men cooler than the open windows frozen in warmer climates a cactus breathes her empty eyelids islands are jazz rising from the depths of your spine kundalini rising now ever after crazy wisdom ontological phrenologies keeping time and rhythm of the bees depth is measured with a stick visions torn from the quicksand sinking below your feet understand the timing of the streets please perfect yourself correct the grammar and mistakes this homework is the price we paid for love her magic gave all she had was all she made triumphant and free willow reeds Yemanja came to me up beyond the stars and space her armpits almost caressed my face almost went almost came released
Feb 2018 · 1.0k
Shades of Mars and Pluto
plots of land that dance in spasms
slam dancing
bed frames with slots of wood
parallel lines on the oud
should i bother
with all this fruit
i choose to rot a while
in style of course
so much nonsense
this is truly *******
a store bought chemical wedding
a slow decline into nothing
ship me your wisdom
and i’ll fly you to the moon
we’re departing sooner than you thought
you dream until noon
selves are made from solitude
i command you to commune with your soul
solid is a word
worlds are frozen in dreams
after the apocalypse
there is ice cream for supper
among the rubber and the forest
there is a carpet of grasses and herbs
left to dry in the dehydrator
upon the lowest setting i am making
the bed and taking my shirt off
stores demand consumption
yet in purchasing you are corrupted
assumptions of negligence
thread our hearts with your effulgence
i sense you are suffering
forever there is a differential
a disintegration of the essential
once upon a time i spoke in rhythm
made sense and could suspend judgement
now there are no more words
only thoughts
when the thoughts end nothing will be left
i’ll be suspended
like a balloon or a parachute
like a woman who seeks to become president
can you show me evidence that we are not asleep
the blossoming rose
has stolen my clothes and returned our damages
shelves of shadows on hungry tiptoes
i seek necessity in your eyebrows
streaks of lightning shape your features
i see incandescence throughout your water
you are a natural teacher
seeking meaning for the most high
blessings upon the eternal
in splendor the triumphant allegory
crowns thy falsehood victorious over demons
we dwell in the arbors of willows
as complacent shadows fall upon
the rubied lips of all of our relationships
Feb 2018 · 7.6k
Weaving the stars
surrender hind-legs
targets yellow spines
yellow stems
flowers blend into frogs
tree frogs tree apples
tree fruit heart numinous
nervousness next level
levitation into vibration
watermelon seeds
stars, steam, sand and shadows
i allow
keep talking spinning
weaving the stars
love is a happy motorcycle
bathtubs zoological
sisters straight eyed sailors
cumber-buns saviors
yawning in the wind
at the hint of a spark
gravity embarks on sacred journeys
desert walks soul visions
quest into westerly winds
pools of tough romance tough love
chances are that now and then
we will pretend
that we are more compassionate
then we are
Feb 2018 · 86
Reflections on elections
i believe in self reflection
yet am seeking something to keep me on target
the hours are cheap and never complete
until we have digested the depth of our sorrow
i’ll sing a song
for the children of the dawn
wearing flowers and bows
for gardens can grow in desolate spaces
and flowers can bloom despite your long faces
and i am a lion with canine precision
i am the darkness in the midst of mourning
sorrow is holy
words are worthy
under the impressive sky
i fly to the ethers
out from justice
the berries of hatred
secrete juice that is tainted
and stain our features with their unctuous secretions
did you waver
or did you savor
the fruits they forgot to give you
look for mediocrity in fields of melancholy
and grief strung on strings of bikini anarchy
a blessed nothingness
respect this drunkenness
relax and follow the sound into silence
have you once overcome violence with more anger
or is it smarter to whisper and release the need to be right
than to win a battle
that is taking over your consciousness
she jumped off a cliff at night and fell into some insight
longing for the wind to carry her towards her inner vision
her darkest demons came to display their fearsome faces
yet despite their frightening efforts they could not dissuade her
she approached her sparkling soul with many expectations
her hopes, desires and dreams she swore she would not forsake them
many tired eyes and hands reached out in vain persuasion
trying to break through the light she had rightfully cultivated
words and forms took on different bodies and danced before her
with her diamond sword she cut off their heads and tore their bodies into pieces
no more could they taunt her with their mellifluous and insidious voices
her mission was to resurrect eden from within this grave of poison
her body's wisdom told her that she was ready
to give birth to a sacred garden
that would become a sanctuary and place of peace for all of Maya’s children

never underestimate the power of the dragon’s tear
it holds the key to harnessing your fear
breathe in this fire and release the siren’s laughter
her necklace is dark and covered with the blackest diamonds
as cumbersome and wicked as her cunning daughters
drunkenly they stumble through the streets of cobblestone
only stopping to spit upon or kick the remains of fallen bones 
how does evil find its way in this world of light and shadow
how does any soul conquer thirst, hunger and desire
first they fight and then they die until all are left asunder
villages are burned and pillaged and all the treasures plundered
are you ever really who or what you think you are
for when all is said and done what is left to be discovered

looking inside I see the light that causes blindness 
in the eyes of old men and women
like fiery emeralds they flash and shine 
but can only reflect back the mind’s madness
dreaming perpetuates the illusion of permanence 
causing them to deny their decline into violence 
walk steadily with rhythmic and righteous cadence 

dance fearlessly upon the spines of enemies 
laugh for they know they cannot evade this
if you learn to jump from cliff to cliff with strength and grace
you shall escape this miserable fate and relate only to your destiny
to be captivated by the sight of the mind’s trickery 
is to sleep restlessly in an eternity of longing
but to recognize your soul and merge with it beyond control
is to paddle your ship upon the surging waves of wonder
until you eventually discover you have again crossed the whole ocean
Feb 2018 · 217
suspenseful weather
make love
for our soldiers
for our boiling oceans
for our pastors
and our servants
we were sent away again
we escaped the wasted waters
these treatment facilities best be clean
never again say what you mean
just mean what you say
kaleidoscopes stay in your mind
pineal glands shine
i weep for the blind
hunger of mankind’s dementia
in suspenseful weather
sweaters are held tight
bound to our spines
are you cold
then here is my scarf
you are old enough to know better
what is the way to keep dogs at bay
stay a slave to the starving eyes of may
to allay your fears
stay clear of nuthouses
damp and cold are the mountains
we climb to the top
spirals or not
these spires of thorns
were here before you were born
if i could climb these ropes
i'd ******* hooks and cinch the cords
that would keep us on top
let's never stop climbing
how simple it is to make a sacrifice with words
i forgot that we were once heard by the angels
now i remember yesterday's remnants
of texts that were torn and wrinkled
like severed heads from broken necks
with wrists cut and bloodied
Feb 2018 · 128
round as the sky
where do we go when we fall asleep
towards spaces that put the mind at ease
we shape-shift quicker than we think or speak
and breathe in new qualities of being
the space of medicine drifts between
our fragmented thoughts and broken dreams
i see colors and sounds turning into mandalas
appearing before the mounds of your eyes
round as the sky and concave like the ocean
a singular appearance as vast and wide as devotion
strategies fail me and similes too
now all i have left is the memory of you
swimming in quantum entanglement
my fingers got stuck in your hair
i never bothered worshiping
anything quite as fair as you
faster than an avalanche and bolder than a kite
i was just starting to get over you
the moment that you took another bite
i walked the stairs to your bedroom
and laid myself at your feet
in boots you were standing over me
and in that moment you decided
it was my heart that you might keep
Feb 2018 · 91
connection to the mystery
our hands do not make mistakes
these angles of imprisonment
reflecting fingers arguing for safety
i am shattered but not ashamed
i am captured but never maimed
heaven brought you to me
this singularity begets questioning  
and freezes our timelines
as if they were undermining diamonds
will you cry for me a thousand stories
and try me before the court of glory
houses darken when day is over
bid farewell to samsara
and express for once hello lover
why strut your stuff on the boulevards
if there's plenty of bread and water
here to nourish our hearts
your borrowed money
is returned with interest
so finish the distance
between your infant minstrels
and your microwavable dinners
we seek comfort in memories
and nonreturnable movies
it deepens our connection to the mystery
her hands are always holding me
and in their grips i am free
to be myself undeniably true
departing like a vulture
and coming back to you
rest now my love and save me a smile
you know i’ll return
after i’ve traveled for awhile
and gone towards the sky
in several days you’ll rise
breaking out of that rusty cage
noone waits for anything these days
locks break whenever
we are expecting
them to straighten out our problems
so solve your mistakes
or make cakes and bake them in shallow ovens
slap me in the face again
whenever i am chasing
hours of beauty and sunlight
when wasted we rest again
in red faith and foreign money
forsaking the reasons you never gave
you left me wondering
for a thousand more years
Feb 2018 · 84
maybe its already over
maybe it never began
maybe it’s waiting
right around the corner
but baby you may never know
maybe its moving
maybe its using
maybe its cruising through the streets
maybe you are and maybe you’re not
i guess you’ll have to wait and see
maybe there’s a reason
and maybe there’s a feeling
or maybe we’re just an example
of what eternally may be
Feb 2018 · 70
waves of time
shred those letters
lift off your sweater
and make love to me again
by darkness’ comet
i have sworn my heart to someone
and can never forget her face
in traces of music
invisible spirals
make their forms against the
waves of time
Feb 2018 · 114
complacency is evident
swirl it around in your mouth
but don't ever doubt it
for its all around you
your daughters determine
the meaning of mountains
stand upon the fountain
and surround me in your garden
i am smart and lovable
you are untouchable
remorse is a waste of time
your sweat and drainage
create stains in our village
can we make meaning together
if i am made of leather
you are like a feather
you fall to the ground
in a ripe symphony of sound
loud and clear i hear your breath
stake your claim in my namesake
this cake is compliant
with your taste buds
so strut out in public
wearing nothing but a sweater
start to stutter and feel ashamed
these **** nation states
with restaurants and gaming parlors
are basically empty canvases
painted upon by smelly relatives
our ports are biased
and these fires are selfish
her paintings are violet
and feel like velvet to your touch
you melted in my mouth
before i was redirected
you licked your fingers
immediately after they lingered
in your underwear
oh baby these eloquent consequences
are the sweetest elements
denser than your eye-shadow
hope you are ready for the end of the road
for if they form a straight line
will it be mine or another's
open hands and dynamite
reaching through your windows
in a couple of more minutes
we may be able to hear the children
who stand in vulnerable positions
deepening their ideas
for once they are able to speak clearly
weeds are picked from fragile gardens
as standard houses were built in the fifties
and then remodeled again and again
can we create a new vision
for what is abiding is no longer present
the essence is in rhythmic communication
choose intelligence over banquet halls
no more auditoriums please
where grumpy elders
turn feelings into feathers and leaky faucets
they repeat their fading retrospectives
in empty galleries
we all like labeling anomalies
so restring the lyre
for once i hear you
speak of love’s defacement
you untie the laces from your shoes
as sweet scents of unrest
fill this body to the limit
our claims to righteousness
are constantly being contested
by our shadows
Feb 2018 · 228
chocolate pudding
i like chocolate pudding
and remember dancing naked
you are quite something
hungry and also liberated
like lightning and coffee
soft as the morning
i see your allegories
yet never find you boring
courage is a weapon
stolen from the word
it becomes diamonds and obsidian
as feathers adorn your form
i fall down into holes so deep
that i can no longer speak
if you have a ladder
then throw it down to me
otherwise i’ll just lie here
broken on the ground
and count all the worms
that are shuffling around me
Feb 2018 · 63
writing is a mystery
Its becoming clear that art arises from images produced in the soul...

Does one need to live a full and integrated life to be able to transmit these images? To give them a life of their own. What power does the true artist wield if they can create a world from their soul? If those who are guided by the mind seek to instruct and guide others, an artist can only let himself be guided. An artist is receptive to such forces and its only in his creativity that he can be active and controlling. He can manipulate and make various forces work together. He can even change the immutable laws of nature at his will or upon his command.

The mind is a servant too. It serves the divine idea. Its language is concepts and formulas. Abstractions and logic. It lives in the realm of ideas. The artist visits these realms for mere seconds and is overwhelmed by the heaviness of the rules that lie in these domains. He feels them to be oppressive and wishes to break free of the restrictions imposed by the mind. He wants to roam and explore his imagination, unencumbered by figures or facts. He is a vagrant or a wayfarer.

Words are like scalpels, for they can dissect you. Words are like a prism where everything is refracted into a million different colors.
I am humbled by the variety of functions, by the versatility of phrases and questions to reveal and shade our imagination.

I am learning to use words like an artist. I am starting to see that they are capable of being arranged in ways that reveal the essence of time and space. They can describe a face or linger upon an object in a way that suggests either eternity or just a moment. With words i can trace your smile across the pages of my desire.
our gifts were frozen by the stars
as shards of ice hit our hearts
cartons of milk tossed in dumpsters
where slums of homeless men and women
seek shelter in the ghettos
schedule a day off
those stray cats are always the boss
sort of determined to get lost
you try to set a good example and fall short
feet first we landed on our paws
happy to be safe at last
we converse with your mangy dogs
lying in the center of dusty crossroads
all our travails are necessary
shall we set sail on another journey
or stay put and reflect for a minute
once the word has grabbed you
it takes hold of your mind and soul
you can no longer let it go
and now you must serve it
for it has shaken you to your bones
why do we make tones of loneliness
while slow people escape the fragile daylight
shine your flashlight on the pages
and see what emerges from the ink of the sages
Feb 2018 · 471
the cyan: ides of march
the galaxy awaits for you to return
its your true home
so come explore the edges of infinity
ride in a space ship
and birth a new horizon
you try to find your limits
but its impossible
the mind can imagine anything
even tiny little dragons
we are infinite beings
with little that we agree upon
there is a road trip happening
right now from here to mars
so will you join us
it will do you no harm
to strum the anthem once again
and relate to the unimaginable
symbols borrow meaning  
from unconscious bits and pieces
of your dreaming
swim in a sea of neptune’s water
become immortal
salt and silver sparkle in the ring of fire
combine thirst with hunger
sublime is our wonder
stutter and strum
as grumpy people mumble
muttering along
it doesn’t matter how strong you are
i wont conform or measure myself
against any perceived enemy
send me on another mission
and if i fail than with your permission
i will gladly self-destruct
Feb 2018 · 97
paper trails make haste
as dancers move in place
our love is the frame we make
of fragile shapes entitled space
Feb 2018 · 144
winter's dismissal
flight of a bird into the depth of the night
shutters part and our eyes make contact
through the partition of glass
have you kept up your appearances
if we let our eyes meet
will our inner children no longer need us
you are an example of the winter’s dismissal
i am wild and governed by time
lines on your face smile at me naively
lift up your skirt and i will make haste
fasting in the morning
our lives are intertwined
like the handle of your brush and the seat of your chair
what's awakened in your heart these days
will you show me
the light you’ve hidden
winter is coming
i am your friend
give me the reason to expect your blessings
i interpret the existence of our dreams
sediments are not what they seem
sweet dreams my love
if we are held in
forever breaking free
tender threads of comfort
will be happening
her eyes
are joined to the fireplace
strands of hair grip the night’s sky
linger for a second and are once again free
paper trails make haste as dancers move in place
our love is the frame we make
the cochlea is awakened
by the sounds of our breathing
if we suspend our hearts
will we break them
if we are undertakers
will we awaken in their arms
gardens abound of the sounds we savor
the flavors of yesterday still lingers
between us i have an armful of flowers
and the landscape is so captivating
even as our world capsizes into nothing
Feb 2018 · 112
self explanatory
People are like pimples... Irritate them and they may or may not explode.
Feb 2018 · 130
lovers forever
undercover, the giver
of pleasure awakes
Feb 2018 · 133
When everything crumbles
when everything crumbles
iʼll be there for you
sharing in this care for you
with a heart big enough for two
i love you
swimming in your bathtub
soaking in your bubbly heart
first iʼll light a candle
then iʼll write a poem
all lives are holy
and all faiths are worthy
i sense your resistance
so let me offer you a kiss
for this impermanence is magic
fractally didactic
insatiably attractive
dedicate your life to god
forever in the now
remove the appetite for ego
speak only when its necessary
exceptions are accessories
and iʼm so glad that
you're seated next to me
Feb 2018 · 82
The yum and the yuck
i want to make you
fold over yourself in ecstasy
let out your deepest belly laughter
for the sweetest taste
is usually the moment after
you surround me with your aura
i am like burnt butter
while my hunger is ecstatic
this world is still bound to your heart
i long for a good ride
but instead we just bide our time
between divided highways of the mind
the lanes split like our insides
i am shy yet brave
i am like a stone in your fireplace
and i burn in your flames
yet still i am frozen in place
by your grace alone
i am overflowing
bursting with undeniable love
that contains both
the yum and the yuck
Feb 2018 · 172
my alma mater
portable and small
lady of the island
your eyes are wild
these childish games
remain shallow
dream of truth
while compassion strangles
the way we drift from freedom
if success is defined
by what you know best
no more the blood of our fathers
oh sailor of the dark bottoms
with rusted beard and sandpaper
oh spirit guide me
and make me a being of truth
for the children of the dawn
time is knotted and webbed
in which the princess
doesn’t find her power
tossing and turning in fields of rye
all that matters is
dedication to the goal
burn your bank accounts
i dance to the music of the blind
for my father
held together despite the waves
so old and forlorn
it is his breath
that breathes
the forests back to life
gears turn
suspend judgement
and long words
throughout the day
show the world who you are
yet crying is the medicine
we need in order to become whole
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