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7.5k · Nov 2012
The Postman
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
You used to be a postman.
I saw one today
about your age
and remembered you.

You used to carry letters.
I asked you to write
Because I am not fond
of this digital world.

You know how to write.
I hope that you do
Only speak to me
with the words on the paper.

In the days you were e a Postman,
from a country across the ocean,
I wrote to you.
You never wrote to me.
I will probably write a revised version of this eventually so this is technically a rough piece. I wrote it now because it was today that I saw a it is still fresh in my mind.
3.7k · Sep 2013
For the Sparrows Sep 2013
Heart's alive.

Help me please.
This is a disaster, you see.
It's not suppose to be like this,
You and me.
It doesn't exists.
And I'm trying to resist
I cannot believe this.
I think I am crazy.
But honestly,
what can I do?

Do you think this way too?
But God only knows.
And God won't tell me.
I won't ask.
But I do miss you.

Maybe tonight I'll get high.
I'll escape to the sky.
Far away from earth,
far away from these thoughts.

This time,
I won't get shot down.
The arrows are aiming.
but I have a shield.

You and me.
It doesn't exist.

Heart's alive.

Arrow pierced me.
I wasn't looking.
Now I'm falling.

Tell me this isn't happening.

Heart's alive.
Help me please.

I'm falling.
This is a disaster you see.

It's not my fault...
3.4k · Jan 2013
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
Whoever said "Don't talk to strangers."
Must have been a lonely person.
What is life,
if life is lived so secure?

Slowly but surely
my spirit is growing

Slowly but surely
my spirit gains courage.

For today I prayed
that I would be brave
I thank God for the strangers
He brought to me today

For they became friends
And I hope to see them again.

Slowly but surely
my spirit is nourished.

Little green stalk
in a glass of clear stones,
It is my reminder of today,
of the strangers, now friends
that allowed this restless spirit to grow.
For Gino & Louis. Thank you for bringing me out of my shell & for your words of wisdom.  

(I named my bamboo Gino. I want to get another stalk and name it Louis ^_^)
3.1k · Jan 2013
Sparrow - Simon & Garfunkel
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
Who will love a little Sparrow?
Who's traveled far and cries for rest?
"Not I," said the Oak Tree,
"I won't share my branches with
no sparrow's nest,
And my blanket of leaves won't warm
her cold breast."

Who will love a little Sparrow
And who will speak a kindly word?
"Not I," said the Swan,
"The entire idea is utterly absurd,
I'd be laughed at and scorned if the
other Swans heard."

Who will take pity in his heart,
And who will feed a starving sparrow?
"Not I," said the Golden Wheat,
"I would if I could but I cannot I know,
I need all my grain to prosper and grow."

Who will love a little Sparrow?
Will no one write her eulogy?
"I will," said the Earth,
"For all I've created returns unto me,
From dust were ye made and dust ye shall be."
These are lyrics to the song "Sparrow" by Simon & Garfunkel. I had the urge to share this beautiful wonderful piece. Defiantly recommend checking out this song.
3.0k · Feb 2013
The Anvil
For the Sparrows Feb 2013
It is not the city air that ignites the forge
It is the wind the that weaves through the souls of its people
It is the spark that lives in the artists heart.
And the Blacksmith, mighty Blacksmith.
Sets all into motion.
So I place my dreams upon the anvil.
Apprentice & Master ****** hammers as fire forges the heart.
Blacksmith, He who breathes the wind that flows through all righteous ambition.
The desire to create.
The desire to change.
City. It is good to be back.
The coals are burning.
comments and suggestions welcome :) result of returning to my home in the city.
2.5k · Jan 2013
Violin Man
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
Your thin curly moustache,
makes me smile.

You must make a lot of people smile.
with the music you create
on the side walk
outside the art gallery.

You sway with passion in every note.
despite the biting wind,
you are joyful
thrice you winked at me.

Please come back
violin man.
We never spoke with words,
we could be friends.

I wish I knew your name.
Dedicated to the gentleman who puts his heart and soul into his violin busking.
You have great style man... I salute you!
2.1k · Oct 2013
Sparrow's Heart
For the Sparrows Oct 2013
What her heart wants
she cannot have.

What her heart needs
she does not understand.

Why her heart beats
for one who never speaks,
but only in her dreams
she cannot say.
1.9k · Mar 2013
Like a Fetus
For the Sparrows Mar 2013
I feel like a fetus,

unborn and cradled inside

the only world I know,

unaware that soon

I will have to leave

this form of innocence.

the purest moments

of a human life,

to be exposed

to everything

that will try to rob me

of my purity,

Do I have to leave,

1.8k · Nov 2013
For the Sparrows Nov 2013
She still wants to be skinny.
She still cannot love.
She still cannot see.
She still is her own bully.

She still cries.

Even after all this time.
"You cannot love me if you do not love yourself."
1.6k · Nov 2012
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
You are everywhere, Eros
Everywhere but here
holding my hand,
looking deeply into my eyes
and beating within.
You can't hide from me, Eros,
I see you on her lips.
I see you in his gaze.

Eros, I dream of you
I cry for you
I wish for you
and I pray for you.
Eros, grasping you
is like trying to catch smoke
within my hands.
Eros, you like are smoke.
because you cause me to suffocate.  

Eros, you are hiding in his heart.
A heart that is not in range
to hear my rhythm.
Look for me. Listen to my song.
I'm the dreamer, dreaming out loud
sleeping under the tree.
Wake me up, Eros,
so together we may climb.

I miss you.
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
I'd rather be in this world
where we share our hearts and stories
Instead I am prisoner to an essay
that is due tomorrow morning

Art history is interesting
It intrigues my hungry mind
But I keep tumbling into blankness
The anxiety is leaving me blind

Please pray that I finish it
and that I get a reasonable grade
If you can give words of encouragement
you will have my night made

you will have my thanks!

I hope I'm not up too late
I hope I have some time for sleep
Good -bye for now hello poetry
I think its time for tea.

Miah~ the weary procrastinator
I think I'll make some chai... it has caffeine.
PS. You are all beautiful.
1.5k · Feb 2013
Enlighten Me.
For the Sparrows Feb 2013
Enlighten me.

How does your smile,
your subtle, adorable,
irresistible grin,
still manage to break the lock
of the room in deep within
a love long dead,
and glow ever so slightly...

Enlighten me.

I only hope my smile kills you the same.
1.4k · Mar 2013
Mind Games
For the Sparrows Mar 2013
Cupid teases me in the night
like a ghost,
invading my dreams.
He meddles with my ever-altering
unconscious mind,
a world I wish I could remember
before it gets swept away.
Please cupid, stop playing games.
He doesn't miss me.
Upon any unlikely encounter,
the last thing I would see is a delighted smile
let alone his warm embrace.

They say when you dream about someone,
that person is missing you.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
There is no prize in the bottom of your bottle
I wish you would put it down
Brother, because I love you.
I cannot stop you
But I won't stop loving you
and neither will He.
Brother, do you know He died for you?
You left home too soon
We didn't become friends, like I always wanted.
Brother, do you know I wish you were here?
You look for lovers
who leave you empty inside
She is waiting, and she has a beautiful heart
I can't wait to meet her.
Brother, I hope you understand what love should be
I wear a picture of us around my neck
next to the cross He carried
Hoping that your heart will change
Hoping that we will be closer someday
Brother, do you know I love you?
I think of you every single day.
And so does He.
For Nicholas
1.3k · Jan 2013
Cumulonimbus Kingdoms
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
Always altering.
always breathing.

You are the sky.
and with this heart of a bird,
I long to fly
above Cumulonimbus Kingdoms

A world my eyes have once seen
and could not stray away
Land became the ocean
Sky became the mountains and fields

Morning's glory
paints your never-ending canvas
Cirrus dances in your light
sister to Alto-cumulus  
She swims.
She delights.

If ever I should chose my fate,
I would freely fall
from this decaying atmosphere
to see all the world at once
to see Cumulonimbus Kingdoms
to say my final goodbye,
to my love,
the never-ending sky
before my body eternally sleeps.
Inspired by my first flight overseas, and my constant occurring love for the sky :)
Also want to thank Timothy, your comment in my haiku earlier, it brought me here! ^_^
For the Sparrows Dec 2012
I have many faces
I am the Happy Mask Salesman,
travelling from far away places*

We met in purgatory
I became lost on a familiar street
city lights flickering
Where could I be?
And I heard his eerie chuckle
echo in the night
I became full of fright.
Was the voice far away
or was it near?
Then he spoke...

Lost are we my dear?

Appearing from the dim yellow glow
a man dressed in violet
greeted me with his grin
and a hello.

I have many faces
I am the Happy Mask Salesman,
travelling from far away places

There a mountain of a bag
on his frail skinny back
Indeed it contained faces
Indeed he was a seller of masks
Why do you sell these sir?
I had to ask
to push away fear
with my curiosity

He laughed lightly,
perfect teeth reflecting.

Oh my dear,
it's quite fascinating you see!
Wear a mask,
and you can be who you want to be!

Now I wanted to know more
The devil has intrigued me.

If I don't like what I see,
I don't have to be me?

*That's right.
My exploration of the representations of this significant character from Majora's Mask. I have been conjuring this idea for quite some time.
1.2k · Jan 2013
Frozen Little Bird
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
though wide awake,
& eyes wide open.
A song  plays in my head
and never ceases.
A beautiful medley
of the mysteries
of  imagination.
How fitting
that it is called Time
because I am frozen,
though still alive.
Wasting it all away
while it could be spent
with good intentions.
Is it a curse?
Can it be broken?
Is there a cure
for one who is frozen?
Has my heart
lost its fire?
Have my dreams
lost their desires?
Afraid to sleep,
I am fighting my dream infection
Awake and frozen,
I lack the desire for creation.
I have wings
but I cannot fly
very high.
I'm just a sparrow.
A selfish little sparrow.
1.2k · Nov 2012
Glataður á sjó
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
loyal vessel keeps sailing
through the storms and through the blue
no land is ever sighted
but You promise me
the compass is true.
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
I have many faces
I am the Happy Mask Salesman,
travelling from far away places*

I don't have to be me...
If I don't like what I see.

Unaware, I fell for the demon's scheme.

I know what you wish to hide
my sweet dear
It is something my masks
can easily provide.

You see, not only do I sell,
I collect and exchange
through past and present
of your time.
You have worn masks before
I know,
and now they are mine.

I was afraid to begin with
but now my fear threatened
to consume me
Who was this man,
and what did he mean?

Masks are for children,
I suddenly say.
Maybe you do have masks of mine
They were only for play.
In my time of youth,
we played pretend.
Making masks of paper mache
of our animal friends.

Yes, yes indeed.
The wonderful complex human mind
gives the mask the power.
It brings the mask to life.
Become an animal of any kind.

Innocent youth...yes
but my dear, even though we grow
the games of pretend
still can be played.
They never really end,
do they?

He laughed again,
his icy chuckle.
though my fear subsided
and curiosity aroused instead.
There was a storm of questions
swirling in my head.

Where is he going with this?
Am I dreaming?
The second part of a series in which has no structure whatsover... First part can be found on my profile under poems.
1.2k · Jan 2013
Jumping Rooftops
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
Jumping rooftops & breaking down old doors
I am not a slave to time, what is it for?

With my brothers & sisters of the night
We live everywhere, together we fight.

They try to take us, away from our secret place
They can try, and they will fail the chase.

Join us if you are lost and alone
So you too can find this family home.
Randomly got inspired by "The Thief Lord" by Cornelia Funke. Amazing read.
1.2k · Nov 2012
Mind vs Body (Haiku Series)
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
Discomfort lingers
flaws cause agony
& insecurity

I want to like me
My eyes disagree
The mirror is misleading

Beauty lives in the heart
Would I be
happier if I were her?

It is relentless
I cannot help myself

Freedom is alive
My wings are broken
Healing takes time
1.1k · Nov 2013
Teardrop Tea
For the Sparrows Nov 2013
Let them drop
like a drop of honey.

Salty instead of sweet.

Maybe if I drink these tears
I can understand.
If I can taste these tears,
will they give me a reason?
1.1k · Mar 2013
A Demon's Recipe Book
For the Sparrows Mar 2013
To create darkness
take away the light
replace peace with quarrels
add a dash of spite

To create hatred
take away the love
fill it with lustful temptation
feed the snake, **** the dove

To create  sorrow
take away the happy
mix it with a little piece of hell
and some dignity to beat
Wrote this long ago.
1.0k · Nov 2012
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
Hello October
Can we be friends?
I felt alone in the summer,
it was all pretend.
Now I miss the stars
and I miss the trees
I miss the feeling love gave me.
It's not hopeless, no.
A hero is coming,
please don't let this be
just another fantasy.
Hello October,
I'm glad we're friends.
I love seeing Autumn life again.
1.0k · Dec 2012
The Dream Infection
For the Sparrows Dec 2012
Sleep is my escape.
My sweet temporary,
lost in  the imaginary,
ignoring the contemporary,


A love that I hate.
Because of this disease,
the twisted reality tease,
lost in the seven seas,

help me I pray,

This is what I see
shades of the sky
sweet vista I crave,
but it fades
as I wake
Reality infects imagination,
soon it dies.

This is no place for a dreamer.

Seek your allies.
Many fight your battle, my dear.
They are not all far away, they are near.
This is war.
Because you listened to the mirror.

*But how do I find them?
I realize that my compositions lack structure....I'd like to improve that, but perhaps it reflects the nature of me.
1.0k · Nov 2012
La Douleur Exquise
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
This heart has memories
This heart had once beat along the melody of love
Somehow sorrow's web is still alive
The spiders met the butterflies
It was long ago, but the memory of this heart
won't let it go

How this heart wishes to be free
how this heart waits for a hero
how this heart longs for peace

Peace, all this heart wants now
Peace is what this heart needs to be free
There are no letters on the bed
No letters like the ones in the dream,
From the one who saved this heart

How it ails this heart
that the hero became villain

Did this heart create this villain?

Peace calls this heart to love the enemy
This heart longs for peace.
This heart longs for love.

But this heart is still lost.
Written over a year ago. I still write about the same one who influenced this. Inspiration is bitter-sweet I suppose.
1.0k · Dec 2012
For the Sparrows Dec 2012
Legs of skin so smooth
thin, and small *****
Thighs of muscles firm
sleek cheeks the perfect size
not fat and not white
speckled with hair.
hips of balance
never protruding
ideal for the lovers hands
belly firm and skin free of  
more dreaded speckled hair
steady hourglass torso
******* that perk
shoulders and bisceps
that cannot be pinched
arms soft and frail
for gentle strokes.
A smile of teeth, not gum
A face small and round.
Lips that know how
to kiss.

Like her.
or her.
or even her.
991 · Feb 2013
The Slam
For the Sparrows Feb 2013
Their words like fire.
So powerful and setting my heart up in flames
Passion burned in their voices
They knew what they wanted to say
Or rather they did more than say those words
Those talking rock-stars preached, they inflicted,
they roared like the ocean winds on waves,
they seduced, they aroused.
The moment I walked out those doors
I knew I would return.
I found a love there. An underground love.
Now every word I read has fire.
Now every word I write will make a sound.
Perhaps only in my head
the private recording studio,
and maybe someday on the platform of heroes
where your heart must be the one
to set your words on fire.
975 · Feb 2013
For the Sparrows Feb 2013
Ask me what kind of flowers He gave
And I will tell you He gave me the very best,
A kind only my true love can give,
He gave me flowers that will never wilt, that will never decay
My everlasting bouquet,
is waiting to be claimed, in the place where I can meet His eyes for the first time
I am His,
He is mine,
I accepted the flowers He gave.
My dear sweet Valentine,
One day to come into my life on earth
through the heart of His chosen one.
I hope to improve & extend this eventually. In the meantime, enjoy & I welcome you to share your thoughts :)
972 · Nov 2012
Heavy Feathers
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
I am flying
far away from the surface
where the monster can grab me
I am walking on water
I am just like Peter.
I fell.

But I did trust you.
What did I  do to lose control?
To crash?
I broke my wing.
The monsters  won.
Again I wait to be rescued.

But I don't know
Who I'm waiting for,
or why,
or if I should.
954 · Nov 2012
Not Today Death, Not Today.
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
This is the end

On the ground and in the mud
Body trembling and body curling
As if I were returning to the womb

This is the end

It came from the sky
and death rolled to me
in the shape of an egg
I was ready to die

This is the end

Eyes closed
waiting for the end,
but the end never came
it was a dead grenade

Not today death, not today.
A heart pounding dream I had last night. I was in the middle of what appeared to be a war. People, strangers and familiar, were dying. Bombs exploding everywhere. I fell down, hoping I would be hidden among the dead when a grenade was thrown at me. I saw it roll right next to me, but it never exploded. WHAT A RELIEF! But still, I wonder if these dreams have a parallel  connection to reality.
952 · Mar 2013
In My Time of Need
For the Sparrows Mar 2013
Allow me to linger here in my time of sorrow
Where the birds songs are sweet and endless
Where I can sing back to them until we sing a new song
Where the yellow light warms my spirit
and restores my strength to walk again into your broken kingdom
Where I can lay in the leaves, the clean grass and speak with you
as I my eyes admire the late afternoon sky in the gaps of the treetops
The deer and stag will not flee, rather they will lead me
It is really you, my Saviour leading me, asking me to leave my place of comfort
of meditation, of zen, of peace,
so that I can return to the battle refreshed.
The songs of the birds carry me on
They sing for me as I leave the haven
A song of strength, a song of endurance.
In my time of need, I am welcome to return to my special place
The forest where I can cry. The forest where I can praise.
Created and reserved for me and my Father.
928 · Jun 2014
For the Sparrows Jun 2014
Whatever we are doing

We are doing alright

That doesn't mean it's easy

It just means we are fighters
918 · Aug 2013
For the Sparrows Aug 2013
I thought my heart was dead.
maybe it was his electric blue eyes
that brought it back to life.

He was a beautiful stranger.
A boy named Jean.

We met in the city,
A brand new chapter
We were both about to open

We were the new artists in town.

But why should he choose me?
I hated my heart for beating too loudly
Muffling my common sense
that a boy like Jean
wouldn't love a girl like me.

Small talk and short glances,
I was afraid to look into his eyes
They might've drowned me.

Stupid heart.
You wouldn't stand a chance.

And I was right.
One autumn afternoon
we studied history as friends
and he saw the most breakable part of me

Only to find a few days later
He had already chosen someone else.

My heart began to crack again.

Will I always be vulnerable
to beautiful strangers,
Even if they become friends?
Last summer.
882 · Sep 2013
No Immunity
For the Sparrows Sep 2013
Maybe there is no escaping this infection.
Maybe there is no cure.
The moment he touched my heart
I fell from the sky.

I've been trying to get off this land
for far too long.
I belong in the sky.

I cannot believe it.
You took me down again.

*I cannot forgive myself for this.
For the Sparrows Mar 2013
May we meet again,
Hoping my heart is immune
to falling in love with you,
all over again.
I have sealed the past with peace.
861 · Sep 2013
A Curiosity
For the Sparrows Sep 2013
A new face.
Curiosity surfaces.
Wonder and wait.
Will we go places?
852 · Jan 2014
I Dream of Lakes
For the Sparrows Jan 2014
I dream of lakes that are mirrors
I dream a thousand miles away
where the pine trees whisper
and the birds sing a symphony
where the stag walks next to me
and the fox follows close behind
I dream of the mountains in the refection
I dream so far away from here.
813 · Sep 2013
Time Machine
For the Sparrows Sep 2013
You said you had a time machine,
You said that you would wait for me.
I know it's just a game
It's all just pretend
In truth I would go back
before I knew you
So we can start all over again.

Let's go to the 1920's
and never return again.
Leave this crazy age behind
Let's live in the simpler days.
And fall in love.

Yes, we can finally fall in love.

Please tell me this is not a dream.
Please don't tell me it's all pretend.
810 · Feb 2014
Side Effects
For the Sparrows Feb 2014
Side effects may include:

I've had it with this.

I just want to be me.

No prescriptions.
No drug addictions.

I am not my own,
but can I at least have some control?
809 · Jan 2013
On Kensington Ave.
For the Sparrows Jan 2013
Familiar strangers are everywhere.
Some look like you,
remind me of you.
On Kensington Avenue
there is a man
I have talked to.
Perhaps because I thought
he looked a bit like you.
Though he was much older.
He could almost be a much older you...
He could almost be your dad..
He is a shopkeeper
In the market
of finely hand-crafted bags.
The market...
One of my favourite places to be.
So many interesting people
So many curious places.
You would love it here.
The man was so friendly.
His deep brown eyes
just like yours.
He gave me perfume.
Remember I told you
about the perfume I was wearing?
It was years ago...
but I remember.
He was a man on Kensington Ave.
A familiar stranger.
Friendly to me.
Perhaps I was too friendly to him.
He reminded me of you.
And sent me into
this nostalgic wander.
Your eyes.
I miss your eyes.
I miss your messy hair.
I miss your voice.
I'm crazy.
I miss you.

****** I'm crazy.

I wish this bitter-sweet nostalgia
would end.
Because it's not like
I am ever to see or hear
from you...
ever again.

All because I walked down Kensington Ave.
And met that friendly man.
******...I told myself I wouldn't write about him.
786 · Dec 2012
Black Bile
For the Sparrows Dec 2012
Under the gloomy fall sky they say
cold and dry, a world of decay
Too much earth is a body of black bile
The road of melancholy stretches for miles

Black bile, black bile, you curse me!
Begone, Begone I wish to breathe
the air of Spring.

''Like a glass of wine'', the wise one proclaims
flowing like fish through your veins
Dark bitter-sweet liquid fermenting
You cause this heart lamenting

Black bile, black bile, you curse me!
Begone, Begone I wish to feel
the fire of Summer.

Humour me this, the four of you
We seek balance, we seek truth
Perhaps the artist cannot be cured
We are born to fly like the broken bird

Black bile, black bile, you curse me!
Begone, Begone I wish to drink
the water of Winter.
For Josh, my ally,  and my beloved friend.
783 · Nov 2012
Dear Veteran
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
You were in a place
We cannot fathom or compare
As if etched in stone
It never leaves your memory
That is why we silence our lips
Though our hearts are never silent
because you will never be forgotten
This is a small piece I have written to accompany a mural I created back in November 2010. I didn't realize how powerful words can really be until I heard that some of the veterans shed tears when they read this. This is for them. May our hearts always remember you.
For the Sparrows Aug 2013
Of little paws,
innocent, precious ones
their spirit snatched. Gone.
Sold to the Chinese factories
The irony of the elephant.

They hunger for hides
for skins and bones, for coats.
Ignoring the blood
they burn plastic by the ocean -
will justice be so long to come?

A life in a cage
not a choice, taken by force
helpless and broken
how does it feel to melt
when polar ice caps are home?

In the beginning,
authority was given,
with responsibility
for ours is a gift, but why
do we throw Consciousness away?
written by tsac & sparrow mother. proud of our poem. :) Wrote a few months ago. ive been away for a while.
For the Sparrows Feb 2013
My favourite moment with you,
the ones I will always remember
is when we were dying,
fighting so hard to stay alive, to stay together.
I was crying. Not for my life. For yours.
Your eyes were closing.
"Keep them open, " I recall pleading
You were smiling. Your mouth was bleeding.
"Lets make this one count." You replied.
And I tasted the blood on your lips,
the same blood that flowed from your heart.

You may ask why this is my favourite moment of us.
Simply because I knew in that fragment of time
Your wish came true. As did mine.

They say connections prosper
when death leers into your eyes
There is nothing can tear us apart,
bleed us, defeat us
Together our spirits can never truly die,
Mine will soon be at your side.

I will never forget the day we died.
It was the day I saw your real smile
and the day of my very first kiss.
We did not leave our bodies in vain.
We left them fulfilled with hope & bliss
God promised our vessels will never rot.
As we rose forever to the sky,
witnessed the Heavens crying rain.
For us. Joyful tears.

The vessels we left became seeds
to one day birth a magnificent tree.

Remember when we were dying?
It was my favourite moment on earth.
779 · Dec 2012
For the Sparrows Dec 2012
You spoke no words
only with your wonderful eyes
sadly, the memory of the colour has faded
soon everything will
because I awoke
You truly wanted me
and I gave myself to you
lips sealing,
hearts beating,
adrenaline heating.
Perhaps I underestimate
my abilities with my kiss
It seems easier
when I know he wants it
It was easy.
The hardest part
was accepting the dream.
and knowing I will
never be able to return
to him.
A familiar face
with golden hair
and delighted smile
when he met mine.
No words.
Only the kiss.
and the touch
of our hands uniting.
He loved me
for who I was,
what he saw,
I cannot make sense
of this dream.
759 · Nov 2012
Of Strangers & Dreams
For the Sparrows Nov 2012
Alone with you in a small dark space
I don't know who you were,
I only knew you were shaking with fear,
hiding from everyone
because you thought you were a monster

I wrapped my arms around your torso
I wrapped my arms around a  stranger
Feeling your rapid heart beat against my chest
Sending the rhythm throughout my body
We stood there, unmoving
Just holding each other, so close.
It was beautiful.

Your rhythm began to calm
as my hands gently stroked your back
as my voice whispered a hush
and I sang to you ever so softly
with a voice only angels have
I tamed your heart.

I only wish to feel that again
with my head against your chest
I never saw you before in my life
You only exist in that dream
and you were beautiful.

Who were you,
Why did I see you,
I don't even know your name
and the memory of your face is fading
Your heart felt so real
Do you exist in my world?
Or will I onlyremember
those moments together,
I was alone with you
in a cold dark space.
And it was beautiful.
A dream I had last night. I often have dreams like this, meeting a beautiful stranger, a face I have no recall seeing in the real world. I wonder what it means, or if it means anything at all! It is a bitter-sweet feeling in the morning.
750 · Sep 2013
Of Coffee Beans & Misery
For the Sparrows Sep 2013
French press.
Coffee beans.
I just can't get it.
The right balance.
All I want is to do
is to make the perfect brew.
The perfect cup.
Barista style.
If I can't even do that,
If I can't even make
a single decent cup,
what am I doing here...

I just end up with stained porcelain.
I often wonder what the hell am I doing at an art school. It's hard to tell if I actually am enjoying it...

PS. Anyone want to give me some barista tips? -___-
719 · Apr 2013
New Eyes
For the Sparrows Apr 2013
It's hard to say
if there's ever been a day
without the lies
getting into my head
choking, teasing, pinching
as my eyes devour the image I see
and make me feel this way.
This is what I pray,
to have new eyes
to wash them clean
take away their swords
with a flower in place
Help my spirit survive
in this temporary temple
to love my body.
to love my face.

There will be a day,
I've put up quite the fight
for these new eyes
for a different form of light.

May I be victorious tonight.
682 · Sep 2013
For the Sparrows Sep 2013
Out of sight and out of mind
like the sunlight in my room
I'm underground
So are you.
Far away.

And maybe this is where I need to stay
To escape this mess
and all this stress.

You need to leave me alone now,
But too many strangers
remind me of you.
Maybe you're not meant to be forgotten here.
Is this madness?
I truly can't help this.

Secretly waiting for you to call,
to appear.
It will never happen...

Secretly wishing I am wrong.
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