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A kid I was when on way to school I caught her pretty face
Fell for her can’t call it love the sweet girl in school dress
She stood on her door a beauty of yore waiting for the bus
My limbs went limp grew butterfly wings she was my childhood crush.

I thought she knew felt it was my due flew me a bewitching smile
Waved her hands and knowing my mind she looked at me awhile
Each day on that way as I passed by her I caught in her eyes a gleam
Read in her waves a bridging of hearts in her smile an unfathomable dream.

No ordinary path it was a dream walk for nothing I could miss out the chance
To have a glimpse of her catch those moments forever get lost in strange romance
The ******* the door she made my spirit soar she was close yet a distant star
Took me on fancy flight her smiles glowing bright the child could never touch her.

I set myself a rule not to take break from school but to pass everyday by her
It’s no wonder some things last forever some memories with time never blur
She my whim’s fair red ribbon in her hair stood there in her white skirt
A petite white dove radiating precious love she enamored the little boy’s heart.

In the lost years’ light burns a patch bright where shines her unearthly face
A girl in her teen not aging always green occupying a permanent space
I don’t have of her anything more to remember what remains is so divine
The girl in her teen could be thirteen or fourteen and I was a boy of nine.
A rose is a rose.
So they say, as it goes.
It dances around
as the artists compose.

In the garden in rows.
Quite at home, I suppose.
Why do we dream of a rose?
No one really knows.

It moves and it flows.
It changes and grows.
As our secrets expose
the soft scent of the rose.
They’ll tell you nothing tastes sweeter than life
When all they’ve tasted is defeat
What made
us so beautiful
Is that we
were never
likely to happen,
And here we are;
to be oblivious
To the obvious
love waves
Bouncing back
and forth
our hearts
This thing
Is a never
ending start...
Where the moments
we are meant to share,
Are carelessly
forced apart.
 Nov 2019 meshelle ma belle
There is still time
To have breakfast in bed
after we woke up
There is time to talk
Picking words which don’t hurt
We can still hold hands
Gaze into each other’s eyes
Be kind
Be nice
We still have time to laugh
Watch each other smiles
And be amazed

It is not too late
a single leaf skipped by
on a gust of wind
i heard it sadly sigh
for what it once had been
at first light did it let go
while others stayed behind
it wandered wistful down below
alone and cruelly blind
i held it up at its behest
deep green its color took
in my heart it's now pressed
a leaf within a book
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