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 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
Are untamed
Reckless blood and wit intertwined
A twisted, brazen

Your mind
Is so clearly different
It leaps and soars, so acrobatic
And your thoughts appear to me so hazy and enigmatic
Your mind is simply not pragmatic
Yet your perception knows no bounds.
You have thoughts that come close to insanity
That sometimes flow in the form of profanity.
Your spirit
Is either very high or very low
Up and down, to and fro
There is no in between for you
Some say you are stupidly crazy
The dull ones say that, the ones too lazy
To see beyond the rugged surface.
The subdued and vapid ones
Will never understand the magnetism
Of your sweet, exquisite devilry.

On your face you often wear
A fierce and restless stare
A wan, discontented expression
As though you're always awaiting
Something bigger,
Something better.

Are fluid, swaying fire
And I will never tire
Of watching you burn
I can see you brain boil and churn
As it reels into into areas of
 madness and chaos.

Your psyche
Is an endless field of dark reverie,
Of fear and vagary.

I know your night terrors
Your savage dreams of death
Screams and bated breath
Unutterable visions
The grotesque world of horror thats spins itself out
And dribbles into your drawings
All those creatures, skeletons gnashing and clawing...

Are gentle and thoughtful
Yet you are terrified
Of this dark thing that sleeps within you.

Your eyes - they’re stunning
They’re tempestuous,
Wild, like some fierce animal peering out of a rusted cage
Oh, your eyes
They are something beautiful, but annihilating
Like Autumn crocus flowers, innocently poisonous
Lids splaying delicately like its violet leaves.

You are tall and strong
And uncontrollable,
And your smile
Is the biggest paradox I've ever encountered
And fatal.

You are not
A creature of the commonplace
You are not a slave of the ordinary
You are not a mindless drudge of the mundane
You are free.
Or bewitched, what's the difference
The night slightly hushed by the nocturnal lullaby
The ground wet from the remains of rain
The slanted hills that roll along the land
I sleep there with eyes wide open
I weep to the flowers that drop their heads in pity
I weep to the grass that ebbs in the breeze
A death of someone close, so close to me
That death was me
I died
And now I've lost my way home
Stuck between the world I knew and the one I learn
The girl I used to be
A phantom in a frosted mirror
Asleep inside this imposter
Chained inside a disguise
A nightmare all to real
The trees bow before my tears
The songs grow louder
Until I lay still
...We chose to live
in a dark world
under the blood
so we could burn the gods
and spit on their ashes
The devil soars
to cloud the path and we
are lost in a man made
So much has been
sacrificed in the name of what we
have thought to be
the truth
And we justify the
acts of malice to deny
what the elders have once taught
We are defiant as ever
and we rot in this hell called our
...This love
sails upon days of
fractured fairy tales...


...Lost like a blind fool
in the solitude of
a shattered better hope
Reliving old days
gone past
the threshold of sorrow
A wasted time and
fragments of scattered


...Trying to break free
from the screams of silence and
to cherish nothing
but the salvation of
She said once
at the edge of a cry of a once
beautiful morning
"Come with me
when you're done living with the
The warring battle of not good or evil.
Not right or wrong.
But at the moments notice what should be done.
Should I go out to struggle against the war of thought,
or meagerly accept that the battle has been lost;
Why not slide back into bed, a seemingly forever.
Because sometimes what is right is not always right.
And what is wrong is not always wrong.
Maybe defeat is the reality of what I need.
Would that not be so much easier.
Sorry to say, but that's what I'm leaning to.
Just cancel everything for the future, it's only war.
Request this slumber to peacefully accept that I am not meant to win.
This bed does not hold dreams.
The pillows do not rest my head.
"Comforter" oh please. It suffocates me.
These sheets were meant to bring the calm.
But they are my memories.
Reminders of why I can't leave,
and the very essence of why I should.
Quick. Easy. No good.
Consuming fire
Blazing so intense it cannot be quenched with water alone
The flames awaken passions of youth
The choice is yours –
Fuel or sand
If you turn your head will all the animals suffer?
If you face the flames will the pyre consume you?
Stand there with your pail and wonder
In which direction do I head
What are you thinking.
are you so unaware of what is here.
what the **** are you thinking.
It's crazy to think what you think.
I've told you it all already,
how can you say you don't see;
dense maybe.
that's too kind, I mean obtuse or impaired maybe mentally *******.
something must be wrong with you.
I'm happy that it's over.
just ****** for how spineless you are and only thinking of yourself.
grow up and use your words.
Don't spew out ******* I want the truth.
Don't spare feelings just speak the despair.
Don't waste more of my time saying you're crying,
because I've wasted too much time caring.
I'll find someone to care just like I do.
where you can find someone to hide with knifes just like you do.
Watch me as I walk away.
Because at least when I do you will get to see it.
Really quick poem, the poems of resent about a girl well it's all done with.  Now I am a little ******, but not sad.  Spineless ****.
eyes so brown
she came to me
and the wind howled.

it chilled my bones,
tickled the marrow,
and salted my eyes.

i could understand her,
i did,
with her eyes so brown,
so pleading, so full
and round.

a syllable did not
slip through her lips,
though she spoke
through weak and wavering hips.

frantic, distraught,
and my heart pleaded,
though she knew naught.

i'm sorry,
i told her,
she hung her head low,
turned her back to me,
gave to the ground.

i'm sorry.
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