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"Why are we here?" he asks me with a certain innocence resonating in his voice.
"I think we're here for something, we all have something we were meant to do," I say in a voice of certainty although the emotion doesn't reach my heart.
"What do you think you were meant to do?" he asks staring up at the pale sky with his hands shoved deep in his pockets, with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"I don't think I'm meant for anything, I was a mistake, someone must've really messed up," I say laughing dryly.
"I think you're wrong. You're a lot more special than you think. You should give yourself more credit, at least you're still here breathing."
You said you're "okay"
But I know
You're not.
I could tell by
The way you
Took a little breath before
You spoke,
Like I could hear the words.
"Should I lie to her, too?"
I'm feeling lazy today
How about you write me a poem this time
So I can rest my head and let my heart sleep in peace for just one night
They can't all be winners.  Or none of them can be losers.  Except me I can always be a loser
You don't know what you do to me.
Your crooked smile rips me apart as
the sound of my name on your lips
lites a fire in every vain under my pale skin.
Your gentle eyes hold my heart firmly
as I watch the dark blood pool
and start to drown me slowly.
What really throws me--
makes me dive off the cliff:
your eyebrows.
Quirk them and tell me you care.
Raise them and tell me you're listening.
Twitch them and tell me you're interested.
Furl them and tell me you fell for me.
You don't know what you do to me--
this pain feels so good
so long as I'm the one your eyes want.
 Sep 2013 Alex Bautista
M Clement
She spoke to him as if she spoke to a lover
But they both knew better
And with his hand on her thigh
They both knew better
But that never stops anyone, now,
Does it?
Does it?
 Sep 2013 Alex Bautista
I feel my heart jumping around
in my chest, just slightly
Begging to beat chaotically
and slam into my frame,
But I close my eyes for just a second
& swallow the urge

I haven't ran out of feelings
I've just ran out of time

I'm too busy
for a break down
But if I could
I would
taste the sweet
of a million salty tears;
One for each worry
Rolling down my cheek bones
And finding relief on my lips
Oh what I'd do

But the clock,
It ticks
And a blurry eyed fit
is last on my list
of things to do today
That morning smile
It's like the sunshine
Lights my dark days
Just the chit chat
Words each morning
Makes the day bearable
Will it be the green today?
I love green
But no another colour
The outfit is a talking point
We sit people watching
Though this is an escape
Escape of a kind, but so much more
A duality of spirit
We listen to her
Study her face
Her little ears
Her piercings
Her lips
I digress now
He's away, America  
From abroad today
She awaits his return
Hangs for words from afar
It makes her cheeks glow
I wonder does she wonder
No I guess never
But what if?
Were there now
Off she gets
I watch her walk
Study her, imagine her
Gone for another day
The morning smiled
Such pleasure fills me
Selfish and betrayal
A light in my now cold heart
A very old work about train journeys
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