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The cards have been played jokers once wild were part of a strangers fate.
The sudden ends promise seemed a fitting end to a sad play.
As in love were pawns to a changing emotion as restless as
the wind that blows off the sea.

Monster's my dear exist even within me.
Addiction has taken passion I can no longer love as in the page.
Suicide take's the person as in thoughts i'll blur the image.

I'll write the end only to erase my past.
Will they understand?
My solution was a bitter end and a finale  and retreat.

Anger doesnt understand the endless rage.
Empty thoughts from the shallow page.
Ive seen it clear apon a night cast with my demons fog.

The edge is past reallity will splatter me in a lifeless pile.
Madness greet's the creative mind.
As sanity clings like a mother to
her son waitting for the war.

Ive long over stayed my welcome now I embrace
the finale chapter.
The candle's flame was ment only to consume.
The moths will second to it's nature.

A burst of flame then a slow fade into the ash apon the floor.
Empty eyes of a child hearts never  stay broken.
We understood the play as traggic befor the closing act.

laughter my card a gift ive left in your heart.
Erased from sight I question the desire.
The edge wasnt there untill it was past.
Seems some were never ment to last.
Sometimes we cant
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
They say it scars you for life!

They say it consumes your soul!

They say you never get over it!

They say a lot of things …

Am I so


Or maybe?




Who knows?

I don’t know

I really don’t know

I often peek inside the rusty old bucket of dead babies that I keep in the loft


I feel nothing

Not a **** thing




Swirling around and around and around

and around and around

and around

Why is it that I have no pain?

Why do I not crave my dead babies?

I couldn’t even tell you when they fell out

When they made a run for it

When they thought “**** this …. I’m out of this *****”

Does that make me a bad person?

Would it be more acceptable if I was distraught and inconsolable?

Then you could all pat me on the back and collect my tears

Well ….

Heres the news …

“There’s NO ******* tears here, baby!”

So you all can take your sanctimonious ******* and shove it straight up your sympathetic compassionate arses

In fact

I’ll even lay a wager that if this was



would run


Imaginary birthdays

Imaginary names



"Sshhhh ….. Don’t mention babies in front of her"

She is so fragile

Full of so much love

A tiny delicate little flower

Full of so much love

MILK IT *****

anyone who wants to can escape
every one who has tried is gone
all the pain we bred for fun
or from boredom
anyone who dares can love

images of sadness and fake forgiveness
for images made
merely narcissistic
people who we never treat
as real
how we cry though
we never "feel!"

anyone who wants to goes free
anyone who wants to

can know me
walks on water
(who cares?)

the blue sea trembles
(the sun)

anyone who wants to
can love
(nobody does)


in her torn dress
she is
just another
in her torn dress
she does
what needs be done


walks on water
(over there)

we are always
somewheres else

soul  torn to pieces
(who cares?)

we are always
somewheres else
all of our vanity!

our vast delusional dream
that showers pure ignorance down

until the  world turns to hate


in our pubescent unworthiness

claiming to be lovers!

the thousand people die

the thousand children



i walk around
i try to say
but no-one's there
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
I know not of any love songs
and no poems of romantic entangle
I have no passion in me
because love has always failed
what is to come
of a heart that feels such loneliness
who gives to many people
and receives nothing in return
I have compassion for the human race
though this will bring me pain
in the end there's nothing won
and nothing to be gained
people take advantage
of kindness when they can
but never do they give
nor do they understand
I imagine I will grow old
with no one by my side
loneliness I will feel
and the pain I will hide
I will continue to watch
young couples in love
embrace each other and kiss
holding hands as they walk
talking over lunch and dinner
laughing and being happy
children being born
and children growing up
I will know that this happiness
will always be seen

but never felt
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