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 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
Larry B
She tries to remember
His voice as she cries
Reflections of him
Can be seen in her eyes

Her memories betray her
With each passing day
Her smile, now broken
Has faded away

Her reason for living
Escapes her mind
She looks for a future
But none will she find

Her heart rendered worthless
It's shattered in two
One beat lay silent
The other askew

Her lover now sleeps
In a field of stone
As she's cursed to walk
This world all alone
Dear Angry,

I know you're not happy,
but there's nothing I can do,
I can't help it you're upset,
how you feel is up to you

I know that hurting others,
is something you do for fun,
but right at this moment, Angry,
I've got to get this ironing done.

With you it's, let's take someones,
sunshine, and turn it into rain.
Let's take away lifes joyfulness,
and replace it with some pain.

You turn up at accidents,
just to add a bit of rage,
Look here, Angry, why don't you,
just go off and find another stage.

(c) 4th November 2010
This is not poetry, this is pathetic.
This is not heroic, this is cowardice.
This is not real, this is fake.
This is not me, this is you.
This is not a dream, this is reality.
This is not life, this is death.
This is not anger, this is hatred.
This is not love, this is a lie.
This is not great, this is satisfactory.
This is not me, this is a ghost.

Remember the time when I was alive, not broken and bleeding,
Left in the streets to be eaten by vultures
Remember when I was not a ghost,
Drifting around hoping to be found, transparent as usual,
Remember when I made the right decision to walk home that night,
And not get in the car with the drunk driver,
Only to get hit by the same person I was avoiding.
Remember when you could say how joyfully I lived, and how you can no longer.
I find life is not fair, you make the right decision only to get burned in the long run.
It makes me wonder are there really such things as a good decision,
Or are we ultimately just passing time until the creator gets bored and kills us of.
I do not find this fair, I wish for answers.
So I will remain in between, watching, waiting for my moment.
I will get my revenge, I will get my honor, my dignity, everything you have taken from me

I am Ghost

This is not over, this is just beginning
This is not the first, this is the last
This is not fair, this is compensation
This is not glory, this is vengeance
This is not me, this is who I used to be
This is not life, this is death

I am a ghost remember me, like I will remember you.
please give feedback for improvement
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
There we are, our depiction is a funhouse mirror reflection
you are the baby plant that is watered and fed daily
you are cared for and cherished, as your buds begin to grow
you are put in sunlight for your stem to grow,
your leaves to flourish and your buds to blossom
you are replanted in a special place for all to see
you are given room for your branches to stretch out and up
you were lovingly pruned and preened, held in highest esteem
you are protected from the wind and rain, from the frosty pain

And there I was at times in your shadow, where I fought for the light
I was fed and nourished just like you,
I was cared for and cherished just like you
but somehow things changed, and I became easily forgotten
no regular feeding, no sunlight to grow, no buds to blossom
one by one my leaves withered and died,and fell silently to the floor
starved of love, starved of affection, such a pathetic reflection
but the miracle of life touched me one day
and the spark of nature encouraged the green from the grey
I have grown strong and mighty, for many to lean on
I protect and encourage, and love with joyful abandon
Today the reflection in the mirror has changed
But the memories are still deeply engraved in the bark
bird song sweet
cool winds blow

upon corpses' cheeks


(of spacious skies)

filled with chem-trails

she "makes love" copiously
with anyone



in another lifetime
pure water

stuff of dreams


god is
"shedding his grace on america"


You take my heart, the one in your hands
The one you promised to hold and protect
And throw it on the ground.

Why is that one promise so easy for you to break?
So easy for you to unmake?
So easy to unbound?

You know it is as fragile as fine china
Because just like china once shattered
The strength once had is no longer found.

With an unkind word or just a glance
You shatter my calm so easy.
Makes me wish you weren’t around.

I’ll gather up the broken pieces and try to put it back together
Make it whole, make it sound.

Place it back into your hands
For you to love and protect
Until the next go round.

But one of these days
I’m not gonna find all the pieces.
Will that be the day my promise to you is unwound?
11/5/2010   Dark Paradox
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
Larry B
Hibernating trees
Sleeping through Winter's stronghold
Dreaming of the spring
It is a gorgeous night as we are walking the peer
The sound of waves crashing now catches our ear
As the crash of the waves keeps misting all the air
Warm winds keep on blowing caressing your hair

The moon meets the waves as they lead the night
Then we share this moment of astounding delight
The waves make a melody of passion and romance
I hear these sweet tunes, I then ask you to dance

Dancing and smiling we both submit to this rapture
Great passion and pleasure that both of us capture
This warm summer night just as we had discussed
Begins with our passion but will end with sweet lust

After dancing a while we both then lay on the sand
I lay right by your side while I hold your right hand
Kissing it very softly, I then grab your hand gently
You then whisper sweet nothings as I listen intently

All of your playful whispers then start to turn me on
We then start to make out and the kindness is gone
Caressing your soft neck using each of my fingertips
Leaves me gazing at you softly as I then bite your lips

The deepest of our passions now is wound endlessly
We undress each other setting all our passions free
Kissing more and more we get now fully undressed
Lost in our pure bliss I then caress both your *******

A sly grin and great laugh can't help but slip through
As huge waves keep crashing coming from the blue
I caress with my tongue each spot on your soft body
You then tease me slowly and start getting naughty

Then you go on to please me in the greatest of ways
Feeling the sweetest exaltation leaves me in a daze
You have sent me to heaven, and brought me down
Our passions are in rapture as they then soar around

While taking our time kissing I have put you at ease
I submit to all of your pleasure making sure I please
After confessing to you that you are my every desire
I submit to the core of your soul bolting you higher

A feeling so immense we both then go on to explode
The most lustful of times just finished being showed
There is still much passion and lust that shall come
Since this night of true passions has just barely begun
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
As I wait for something to sparkle in my eyes
I think to myself where am I
How did I get here?
I’m in a smoky room
Also scared within my heart and soul
I wish for my forgiveness as i lay in a Smokey dungeon
As I wish that I
Am going to be ok
People gather around me
Help me I say!
Help me!
They have knives and guns
I hope they don’t **** me
As have unfinished business
To deal with
why only me
Why not my mum, dad and three brothers
But then I realise I'm dead
I'm in hell
I have made lots of bad decisions in my life  
Why hell? Not heaven?
This is written by my nine year old daughter who is off school ill today , she wanted me to add it on here , please if u leave a comment be kind thankyou x
A true friend is one who is always on your side
    One in whom you can confide
    One who will never you betray
    One who is still with you at the end of the day...

A true friend helps you in your hour of need
    A true friend is of a special breed
    A true friend does not, upon your sorrow, feed...

Such a person is, in our world, rare
    A person with whom you can lay your feelings bare
    A person who, of you, always speaks well
    A person who would never your honor, sell
    A person, to whom you're high on the list
    A person who, upon your welfare, does insist
    A person who, never doth you smite
    A person who is loyal both day and night...

A true friend is a priceless asset.
Copyright 2010, David Sjolander
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