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Sweet dreams of passion sweep through the night
Cascades of white petals swathe all of our sheets
All those pearl white roses make her smile bright
Slowly kissing soon after I can feel her heartbeats

Both of us overcome in this tempestual love storm
We are lost in the daze of what we call our dream
All the ways we make love rarely follows the norm
Which is why this is perfect; it is so **** extreme

Summer rain then pours on very intensely outside
Matching this loving encounter that we both share
To the true mercy of love we then quickly subside
While all our sparks nullify the exhaustion we bare

Each second that passes is the sweetest perfection
Within this wild dream in which we have embarked
The love that we share must be divine intervention
Since around all our bodies Heaven itself is marked

The wildest of sparks that brought us this paragon
Sent us basking in the skies of the Heaven we hail
Although all of our rapture soon will be withdrawn
Our assemblage of fantasies will timelessly prevail
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
Ahmad Cox
Dance for your Mother
Dance for your Father
Dance for the universe
Dance for the son
The universe is singing as we dance along
Our Mother is dancing, she dances in the sun
So dance when you wanna, dance when you feel
Cause the love in your heart is the only thing thats real
Everything in the universe has its own song
If we learn to listen we can sing along
The forest, the ocean, the moon, the stars,
Everything sings for the glory of god
God is the bass, God is the beat
So when you hear God's rythm tap your feet
Whirl around and tap your feet
Listen to that crazy god beat
God breathed the song into our hearts
And breathed the universe into existence
His words are in every atom, every particle that ever existed
And written in his song is his great love for all of his creation
Its written in the Mother, Its written in the Son, Its written in the Father inside everyone
The three major notes and we are the drums
We are the crazy chaos that pulls it all together
We are the x factor that ties it in place
Even as mad as things might seem
We have to keep dancing to the beat of the drum
We have to keep dancing until we are one
Our feet feel the rythm
Our souls feel the beat
Lets dance tonight, lets dance in the street
The universe is calling, it calls to everyone
It sings to our Mother who dances in the sun
If you want to dance let God show you how
Its not so hard once you get the beat
Let God take the lead
He'll take you by the hand and he will lead you to the promised land
He will take you home in his loving arms
He'll take you away where there is no harm
Dance away your tears
Dance away your sorrows
Dance away for a better tomorrow
We need the dancers to bring in the light
We need the dancers in the final night
So embrace your inner dancer and let it all out
Embrace that inner spirit let it out like a spout
Now that you've got it that is the end
Remember to always keep dancing till the end
No matter what people might say
Dance until the very last day
Ahmad ***
Men want a confession. Women want a promise.
Men play. Women study.
Men talk and think . Women listen and think.
Men run. Women walk.
Men sing. Women dance.
Men cook. Women serve.
Men count numbers. Women write poems.
Men read puns. Women read paradoxes.
Men want to go fishing. Women want to catch fish.
Men demand dedication. Women demand devotion.
Men think backward. Women think afterwards.
Men want more time. Women want to turn back time.
Men believe in God. Women are friends with God.
Men have shame. Women have pain.
Men have pride and honor. Women have glory and victory.
One by one they fall.
Looking for a hand to break the fall.
Looking for one another.
Looking for away to escape the pain.
Children cry, weep, and mourn.
As they see their love ones on the ground.

In a distance so far away.
People gather.
People unite.
People look into their hearts.
They hear the cries, and the pleads.
The pleads will be answered, and the cries will be smiles.

Medicine, food, clothes, and love.
Packed in containers.
Packed in boxes.
Packed in the hearts.
People that are rare sight to see.
They are all of us.
When you know the answer then why wait for the question?
maybe it was just to make her squirm in that last sense of right I knew all that was wrong.
She knew it would hurt and so she avoidng the words.
Hiding her own happiness  to allow me my dellusion tinged misery.

At the table the candle slowley burned casting a glow only
causing the shadows to stir.
We spoke more in silence than in words.

My male ego feuding with itself.
Yerning to cause the pain that was already
eating at me  secrets  burn a hole in the rational mind.

You ***** I imagined yelling  causing only me to appear more of a fool than  I already was.
But the silence said it all.
Sliding the  drink aside looking into the eyes  i could never truley understand.

And in my loss i saw the beauthy and saw her emptyness
with me she would only know.
the moonlight reflected apon the water is but  a reflection
of what we need only look up to see.

It takes love to say goodbye.
as outside in the nights air  we needed that last embrace to
remind us of the emptyness  that we shared.

Into her eyes  I gazed as within her soul I spoke.
No false hope tasted within  that kiss.
As paths part life does change and the chapter is closed.

The happy lie tempted my heart as she vanished into
her life.
Perfume cast her scent as the pen kissed the page.
the ghost's off memory haunt me eternal.

But never was  is my life.
As my love yerns more for what her's could be.
The darkness my home  always tempted with the
promise of light.
Closed is that fragment of heart.
As the candle's apon the table slowley kissed the darkness
as trail's of smoke  trace the scene.

I knew it was over  befor  she spoke the final words.
But no matter the experience  nothing.
Prepares you for the  hell of waiting  for goodbye.
Life has it's moments even pain.
At times for the painter holds promise.
The Earth is not all dead and cold
Wisdom is not always just found in the old
The sky turns black but it always turns blue
Each day presents itself with something else new
In the air you breathe are years of existance
Polluting it are those of nature's resistance
When you can't see the sun, look to the moon
The stars will teach you their melodic tune
The Heavens above are what we seek for down here
Yet it is what we crave that we massively fear
Why can't we wake up to a happier mind?
To retrieve all that innocence long ago left behind?
Once a man asked me if I knew all to be told
I told him "No sir, I am far too old"
Paul T. Shannon Jr
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