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Our time shared at dinner was such a delight
That I keep on obsessing on holding you tight
When dinner is over I then put out the candles
And take you upstairs taking off your sandals

As I gaze at your eyes I see a look so hypnotic
That just riles me all up in this moment exotic
We arrive at our room and slowly commence
This story of Love that will be wildly intense

Laying you slowly in bed we both start to kiss
This moment enraptured with passionate bliss
Caressing you lightly I hold all your fingertips
Yet we carry forth while we keep locking lips

You smile deeply from the gems you call eyes
Then I kiss your tummy and hold your thighs
Teasefully slowly then we loosen our cuddle
I kiss you, tease you and then hold you subtle

I bite your lips playful as you slowly undress
All your body now bare as your soul I caress
You tease me slowly and take of my clothes
I nibble on your neck and you curl your toes

Clutching each other now charged with desire
The cores of our souls take us rapidly higher
Now lying on my back you then straddle me
We kiss with much passion now lost endlessly

****** and slowly we then begin making love
Sounds are now heard from below and above
Many whispers, gasps, and even slight moans
Are each done by you in the most cutest tones

Lustfully spicy now true Love’s being made
Purely ****** of moments now being displayed
The wildest of lust, you have now made me sin
Yet forever I am yours from outside to within

From the day that we met I waited for this day
Our night is now done as it’s gone its own way
This night of great pleasure for us now to keep
Exhausted and tired then you drift off to sleep

I hold you now closely and whisper in your ear
It has been only one night but it feels like a year
You slowly wake up smiling and look up at me
And I then whisper in your ear “I love you baby”
When the dark shadows fall
No one heeds when you call

I am there

When your heart seems broken
No one hears the words spoken

I am there

When you have tears to dry
No one listens to you cry
I am there

When you are hurt and feel alone
No voices on the other end of a phone
I am there

I am there to hold you to me
I am there for you to see
I am there to touch your heart
I am there from the very start
copyright Chris Smith 2010
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
Pain is
When you feel like
Stopping the sunrise

Words were timed perfectly
I was in pain
Primed to bleed

Your parting words are like meditation
I keep chanting them
To numb my pain

Sunset is clouded by pain
Hides behind
Lost happiness

The loneliness of beauty
Lies in the pain
It gives her love

Those fleeting nights
Swiftly passing days
Now stand still in my tearing pain

Our difference in feelings
So different
Pain and Happiness looks same
@Shashi 25th Oct - 31st Oct 2010
Om Namah Shivaya
Twitter: @VerseEveryDay
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
Life in little steps of love
Falling, leaving, goodbyes and then denial
Happiness bleeds in little steps

You really know what love is
When you loose her
In few words

She was half playing
The game of love
But I lost completely

Too intense
Too insufficient
Loving has been painful to me

Her voice over phone
Simple, sweet and friendly
Isolates my love

The thin line of longing
That ties us
Cut me apart

Some words are so effective
Before you realise
They **** the happiness out of life

Your burden of being the only thing
That makes me happy
Is killing me softly

Broken heart beats silently
Fears to wake up mind
See, I told you so!

Can not say, what is harder
Breaking Heart or
Heart Break
25th Oct - 31st Oct 2010
Om Namah Shivaya
Twitter: @VerseEveryDay
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
As I sit here in my kitchen
I watch my lover work

(Trying to fix the boiler!)

It is


He will very shortly

Adorn the kitchen floor
But …
I have mischief on my mind
That will soon
Come to the fore

I sassy over slowly
Ask is he wants some tea?
We often play this silly game
Pretending …
That he has never before met


He is just a workman
He is purely trade
I am just a housewife
Desperate to get laid

I set his tea beside him
Run my fingers through his hair
Caress his manly muscles
I really do not care!
I do not care for etiquette
I do not care for rules
I only care to **** him
Amongst his ***** tools
I know the game is on
Resolve walk out the door
I now possess the power
To drink from his liquid store
He is but a willing victim
So I start to make a show
It’s hell for leather
My gifts on him
I do bestow

I love this man with all my heart
I loved this man right from the start
My love for him is off the chart
I love my man
Work of Art

When the job is over
When the tools are all packed up
When the job is over
He stops
Drinking from the cup

That’s the time he invoices
A bill needs to be rendered
I always pay up willingly
For my soul has long surrendered

I thank my ***** workman
This man
That sets my heart ablaze
My ***** workman thanks me
For my wanton ways

I escort him of the premises
My love for him adorning
He smiles at me lovingly

That’s why

I’m easy

I’m easy like Sunday morning

... ~ ...
Just a silly little bit of daytime fun!
 Nov 2010 Flower Scent
eleven friends and family
gone so early in my life
death has taken it toll
on me I'm afraid
the one's who haven't died
said they would always be there
those were promises lost
I was stabbed in the back
sold out for something less
And now I have no one
but a bottle of pills
I still think about death
about starting over
in the afterlife
away from the pain
away from them
I'm so tired of this life
tired of the hurt
tired of being betrayed
tired of being alone
why should I care about others?
when nobody cares about me?
It is a constant thought
I will admit that
but am I desperate enough?
to end this life
I think perhaps I may enjoy it
the pain that is
the sadness
the torture
yes, I think I enjoy being miserable
I am a scorpio after all
scorpio's can blend in
disappear in a crowded room
their quiet and laid back
and yet they can take only so much
before they attack in self defense
when will I attack?
who will I hurt?
how badly will I hurt them?
perhaps I should end it now
before I do something I regret
perhaps I will enjoy regret
add it to the torture I already feel
continue being miserable
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