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FLESH Sep 2020
You hold me and it’s not that
Fair of you to do
So you do it anyways
FLESH Sep 2020
Evil orange sun
In no way either inherently, underneath it all
all the smog, smoggy smoke and upheaved
Dusty dirt is a life giver a killer a creator a cop
A desire manifest
Evil today, been evil still will be evil
As long as its clouded this way
And if its clouded this way for much longer
I will seal its evil between my greenish eyes and the orange paste
Reflection where the two colors have no
Harmony only some kind of indifference which neither
transcends or pierces the other and there’s no
Way to tell if one knows the other exists
The light hits all corners of my home and I cannot
Escape this evil orange and when I close my eyes
They only adjust to black according to the former
Still evil and apocalyptic I am close
To doing nothing anymore
Till suddenly even nothing creeps back and presents
Its evil and purposeless self right
Before my illusory green and dumb eyes
I am profound
So profoundly struck by evil
That my fear bubble has burst and
Scattered its microscopic babies in every
Direction to outlive its competition my wit
And reality, non paranoic paranoid nerve endings and synapses and
Neurons I am scattered now completely overpowered by tiny
Evils I’ve created that this orange has put inside of me
That I have grown and birthed I
Am now going to sit and go about my evil day
Eating my evil sandwich evil Thai food and
Washing my evil hair as long as the orange sun shines on me
Gods child
FLESH Sep 2020
How long will your mouth move like that saying s o r r y in one long word like it’s a sentence in itself you’re sorry you’re sorry we’re all sorry to be alive isn’t that enough of an apology maybe you’re not sorry enough but you’re sorry enough to do it again and again and again like it’s a sad sad excuse an excuse that you’re sorry enough to say how many times can we say sorry in this long long life I’m ready to throw you over my shoulder I’m sorry I’m sorry I couldn’t throw you far enough west across this ocean I’m sorry for where all my empty bottles end up after I’m a long time drunk and all your pill bottles go there too after a long long binge you’re sorry do you live there do you go here weird question I’m sorry have a nice long sorry night
FLESH Jun 2020
I call and call for some reason and that reason is a voicemail not set up so if the horrible truth is true tonight ill never hear that voice again
2:20 am
FLESH Jun 2020
My mom sends me a picture of herself
Talking about how there’s guardian angels
On the subways in New York
when men hold me, I feel so alone
Is it my turn to tuck you in like your
Mother never did?
10:15 pm, 777777777777777777
FLESH May 2020
Lines of yellow between the breaks of my fingers
In front of my throbbing head
Face, brain
I’m glad.
And I’m glad that I am
maybe I shouldn’t have told you
Like maybe you’re over it

Today is the day,
11:26 pm
FLESH May 2020
1 i
As I drift to sleep
I’ll say this now
There’s no humanity no love
And IM used

fine, FINE.
4:02. Am now 4:03
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