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Fish The Pig Feb 2014
I don't like you,
I swear I don't,
I hate your stupid face
and your funny hair
and ridiculous clothes.
I don't care how funny you are,
your stupid laugh is heinous.
I hate your swagger,
I hate the slight crack in your voice,
Truly Truly
I hate most everything about you.

You're not a good person,
in fact you're quite mean,
you treat people like objects
and your drug use is obscene.
Truly Truly
I hate most everything about you.

I hate it when you walk by
and look at her like that,
look at all of them like that.
Tall, beautiful, perfect,
your favorite kind of object.
It shouldn't effect me, but it does,
leaves me standing in front of the mirror crying
wishing I was pretty
wishing I was tall
wishing for a cute laugh
wishing to be perfect
               to be your kind of perfect

You've said it yourself,
you're broken inside,
you're the shell of a funny boy
with monsters swarming inside.
Maybe I'm crazy,
but I see something more,
I'm already taken,
but I fear that I do not love him like I should...
I fear I love you.

I don't like you,
I swear I don't,
you're not a good person,
in fact you're quite mean,
you treat people like objects
and your drug use is obscene.
Truly Truly
I love most everything about you.
393 · Apr 2014
April 16th.
Fish The Pig Apr 2014
The morning is far away
but it will be bitter sweet.
It's a week away
but the emptiness is overflowing.

Elite memories
I wish were vague
pound into my heart.

Six years.

For each of those years
this date was special,
it was eagerly awaited
and planned
and performed-
a date in which
I would spend all extra money
and countless hours
awaiting the chance to please
and dazzle.

For six years this date was special.
Now... so quickly... it's nothing.

I know what she'll be doing
I know what she'll be eating
I know what kind of cake she'll get...
what she'll think about
talk about
laugh about
joke about
be confused about
I know it all...

For six years April 16th
was the most important day of the year,
the day my best friend would age
just 19 days earlier than I.

For six years April 16th
was my devotion to her.

but now...
now it's nothing.

It's a week away but still
my body goes weak with the memories.

I look at her new best friend;
just a prettier me,
it's not like we fought
or we did anything wrong-
our world just stopped.
and split in two.

I know what she'll be doing on April 16th.
I'll be alone in my house,
facts of her penetrating my brain-
for I know all there ever is to know-
all the stories she's ever had to tell-
all her wants

Will she think of me?

For the first time in six years,
she will have a birthday
without me.
Six years without being separated..
six years.
It's like those years never existed.

I fear next week
like no other.
I'll sit in my room-
unable to even wish her a facebook happy birthday,
I can only sit and wish her happiness.
So here it goes,
to the only girl who knew everything about me,
and I her,
to the girl I'd give the world for,
to the girl who is but a ghost of my memories
and I of hers,

Happy Birthday, Tiffany Amber.
393 · May 2017
The Sinkhole
Fish The Pig May 2017
the sinkhole
in my stomach

it only wants
to be loved
391 · Oct 2015
Fish The Pig Oct 2015
I can see you
laying in the grass
listening to the waves
sun on your face

                                                   I wish I could be next to you
390 · Mar 2015
Fish The Pig Mar 2015
I take three showers a day
1 in the morning
to wash away the night terrors
1 after I get home
for me to cry
and shake
and let the boiling water scorch my body
to help distract from everything I'm scared of
which is a lot of things
and then when I'm calm
I'll work out all my regret
then take a shower to clean the extra off.
then I'll go to sleep
and wake sweaty and distressed
and repeat repeat repeat
and I can only be happy
because it used to be more showers
then it was 4
and now it is 3
and that means
I'm getting better.
390 · Mar 2015
Fish The Pig Mar 2015
Why does being told to take care of myself
make me cry so?
I always feel like crying,
I'm always on the brink
of letting waterfalls drip down
but I hold them back
which sets them on fire.
You would think with my daily tears
that I would run out,
dry up like my **** skin,
but they keep coming.
I am an everlasting well
of misery and heartache,
I know not what keeps
this well so plentiful,
but I wish it would dry up and crumble.
I'm trying so hard,
yet happiness continues to elude me.
390 · Dec 2016
Fish The Pig Dec 2016
Baby I want to live forever,
I know you do too,
Pipe dreams we can't let go of
Doesn't mean you can't give me your love

I'll do my best as long as I can
layers of my skin in the trash can
pieces of my nose
where only rats go
if this is how I keep you
I will slice right through where the doctor drew
forget about my birthday
I'll be 19 forever
Starvation is the only way
to give you immortality-however
none of it is real
and you know that deep inside
so after all I have denied
distorted and betide
lost every inch of my pride
you will cast me aside
and everything I deride
will have died
if I stay alive
again again again
I'll continue to try
and with every attempt
I'll lose all content
take one more knife
and decide
it'd be best
if I died.
I'm sorry I can't be beautiful forever, I'm sorry.
389 · Sep 2013
Fish The Pig Sep 2013
"She's dying"
please stop saying that.
Stop the tearful calls
and sad looks
just stop saying it.
"she's dying"
******* I heard it the first time,
and once is far too much,
stop saying it.
I don't want to believe it.
This doesn't happen.
This shouldn't happen.
She's so young,
she has a family,
she has a brand new
beautiful baby boy,
with the bluest of eyes
and the most innocent of smiles
please God,
don't do this.
She has to see him grow up.
She has to see him happy.
We're going to eat pizza at the same place
we always have whenever one of us graduates highschool.
She's going to see my first book published,
my first short film.
I'm going to see her books published,
I'm going to see her happy, quaint life.

She's not dying.
She's not.
stop saying that.
I'd give anything to be nothing but a child
too young and ignorant to understand what's happening.

Please God,
don't do this.
I'm crippled on the ground,
can't sleep
can't eat.
I've felt my body go completely comatose.

Please, God,
give me a miracle.
389 · Mar 2016
Fish The Pig Mar 2016
going to take
what I want
and you can't
tell me
that I don't
deserve it
388 · Mar 2014
Tiny Pulses
Fish The Pig Mar 2014
There are worms in my heart.
There are larvae in the crooks of my ribs.
My skin blows away in the cool breeze of the night.

I am crumbling.
I am decaying.
It is eating me from the inside out,
Tugging at my
taut veins.

Blood pools.
The mind so distant and broken
frantic with worry-
all thoughts
are nothing but a dizzying mumble,
confused and afraid
trying to break free-
to accept.

It eats me from the inside out.
386 · Feb 2016
Mammal 22
Fish The Pig Feb 2016
Elusive cat eye

in the corner

notebook out

voice absent from the chatter

"she must be an artist"

                   they say

"she must be an artist"
she was only lonely
386 · Jun 2014
Fish The Pig Jun 2014
People say I look down a lot,
And that when I walk my eyes are glued to my feet.
Looking at people feels awkard to me,
But more than that it hurts.
It hurts to look up and see all the beautiful people
And their beautiful clothes
and everything else in sight which only exists
to enhance their beauty.
I look down because when I look up,
I see people I once knew
Who were no better looking than I,
And have now grown up to resemble queens and goddesses.
I look down because I’m ashamed of my own appearance.
I’m ashamed that all these beautiful people
Will have to look at something so ugly.
I can’t help but wonder why all my old friends
Grew up to be beautiful, and remained together,
And left me,
All because I’m ugly.
I’m not pretty
Or funny
Or interesting
I’m just sort of here…
I was pretty and blonde and skinny as a child
And my glasses were easy to disregard
But their beauty enhanced
And I turned to muck
And stuck to the bottomn of their shoes
Hoping to be near them
But they only wiped me on the welcome matt
And slammed the door in my face.
I can’t help but wonder why
Everyone is so beautiful
Yet I remain

That is why I don’t look up.
385 · Jan 2015
Fish The Pig Jan 2015
I slam the door
lock it
barricade it
back away
hide in the closet
in the dark
and cower---

but it doesn't do any good.
It's still there.
I can't escape this curse.
what I'd give
to fall asleep
***** my finger
stay in a dream land
perhaps neverland
so that I don't have to face it
endure it
crawl through it.
What good are these?
what have they ever done for me?
nothing but pain and torment
self loathing and disgust
depression anxiety anger
what good are emotions?
what have feelings ever done for me?
They've made me a bitter villain.
385 · Jan 2015
Fish The Pig Jan 2015
Your eyes are not blue.
I can't swim deep in them
explore your lost memories
like Atlantis,
your eyes are better than blue.
They're nearly black.
Your eyes
lift me off the ground
and float me,
into space.
Your eyes are black as night
with a lighter brown rim of galaxies,
your eyes are otherworldly,
and I like them so much more
than the bluest blue.
Your girlfriend is the kind of supernatural beauty that could have crafted eyes so beautiful. Does she see stars when she looks in your eyes too?
Fish The Pig Mar 2016
You give me the courage
to love you
like you need me to
I think,
this could all work out.
383 · Jun 2014
Five years ago
Fish The Pig Jun 2014
I don't know why my heart stopped when I saw you.
I don't know why I fumbled over my words more than usual.
I asked you twice nearly thrice how you were doing
and tripped into the desk
and shuffled my piles of books onto the desk-
God I was so awkward
but you just smiled and shook your head-
like you did long ago.
You asked me what I was doing
and my brain rocketed to the ends of the earth and back
desperate to find something cute, clever, and witty to say,
I so badly wanted to be interesting-
for you to think I'm interesting-
But somehow the only thing I managed to say was
and you smiled and looked at me with those big,m familiar brown eyes
and I couldn't place how I felt.
I couldn't keep myself from remembering.
I felt so safe in your arms,
wandering the forest
and napping in that boat
at the edge of that lake
while the party raged behind us on land.
I thought it was cool that you had been to juvy
and I'm a sucker for asians
and you didn't mind that I was a loser
and the way you pulled me closer
and burried your face in my neck-
I've only ever wanted to feel safe,
and I felt safe with you.
and today as I fumbled to act normally
I saw that you still didn't care that I was a loser,
and in all your steroid-esque muscle
and thick bag that you had put yourself together
after your third round at Juvy last year.
I don't think I ever liked you,
and you never liked me,
so I don't know what it is I feel
or why I stumbled so,
but I have a small fear inside
that worries this feeling is from seeing
that you are very much different from then,
and I am very much the same.
382 · May 2015
Fish The Pig May 2015
Give me a sword
and I will cut through the tension,

give me a gun
and I will shoot the bullets
into the dirt
so they don't go elsewhere,

put me in a ring
and I'll tap out
before the bell has rung,

try as you might,
blame me
insult me
taunt me
and tease me
there is nothing you can do
to make my fists clench,
to make my brow furrow
to incite a rage within me,
for even in defense,
I am a lover,
not a fighter.
I want a world filled with peace and kind words and support and hugs and kisses and cuddles and understanding,
not screams, chaos, constant irrational blame, self hate, anger, tears and being afraid all the time...
381 · Nov 2014
Fish The Pig Nov 2014
"I like you an awful lot, kid"

He knows that when he asks me if I'm okay
tears well up in my eyes.
He knows I smile brightest when he speaks to me.
He sees
he knows
"I'm trying to figure you out"---
I didn't know he was trying.
I didn't know he cared,
but he cares about all of his students
and I'm lucky enough to be one of them.
He says that he's always there
that I can talk to him,
but sir, what would I say?
I have no right to see you as a father figure.
That is not your job.
378 · Nov 2014
Fish The Pig Nov 2014
Adopt me
and love me.

I'm free so
kick me
break me
***** me
drug me

so long as you love me.
I just want love
that's all
that's all
377 · Mar 2014
Back to Reality
Fish The Pig Mar 2014
Maybe it's time to grow up,
the fantasy world I've been hiding in
is killing me,
there's hardly anything left,
just an empty shell
for a heart
that once beat true and blue,
or did it ever?

I try to convince myself I'm special,
I can do something great
that I'll leave this **** town
and not be as poor as the ***** who raised me,
that I'll be somebody,
that I'll be loved-
I'm not looking for a fairytale
I'm just looking for a way out.

I've spent too much time
cowering in my books
and spells
and Doctors and demon hunters
and wizards
and zombie-slayers
--but it's been so long since
I've written something I could be proud of.
It's been so long since my imagination
has brought me euphoria,
since my eager anticipation
of the impossible
has granted me talent
to write a story
to bring readers to tears...

I guess I'm growing up.
Shaking solemn hands
with a childhood
thats lasted too long.
maybe now I can die.
Salute to the coward
376 · Feb 2015
Something has changed
Fish The Pig Feb 2015
I can’t act,
not at all.
I’m a disgrace to the theatre community.
Every word I write is shot
and my body feels so **** hot
and so **** cold
both at the same time
should I even bother trying to make this rhyme?
I can’t make eye contact with anyone,
I can’t speak to the ones I like,
the people I wish I could be friends with…
the closer I want to be
the farther away I sit.
Something inside me has changed
I keep crying
and I feel so scared
and so sad
When was the last time I did homework?
I don’t even have the time for netflix anymore
I need sleep like I need air
do I need air? My lungs hurt so bad
I keep having these dreams
these awful dreams
each one I die
those I love most devour me
and at the end always
I **** myself.
I feel so sad
so ******* sad
and I don’t know what to do
and I don’t know why I feel like this
I just know that through the day
my eyes sting like hell
from holding back all the tears
trembling on the brink of release.
Something has changed,
I don’t know what
or how
or why
or what I’m supposed to do about it,
I just know
That something has changed.
I've never felt this alone.
375 · Jun 2014
If I Were Dead
Fish The Pig Jun 2014
it's okay,
you don't have to cry anymore.
I can make it better.
trust me-
no no don't doubt yourself,
everything can be okay,
it will be okay.
trust me.
I can make it better.
I can end your pain."

with each passing day
the steel blade talks to me,
and with each passing day
I begin to believe it.
374 · Nov 2015
Hello, Adventurer
Fish The Pig Nov 2015
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
or to the winter wind
that blows down the valleys
and whips your hair
into a glorious tangle
as you climb forrested peaks
in hopes of catching
the blazing star
just sinking
beneath the horizon
coating your kingdom
in orange
and pinks
and purples
setting all you see
on fire
as if it burned
with each quick beat of your heart
and blow colder winds
to replenish your lungs
for a strong
and careful journey down
your many times conquered mountain
so that you may come again
and again
and again
to see the sun
and the view
and breath the winds that blow
and fall in love
this poem is about you... even though you don't have hair.
374 · Mar 2014
Fish The Pig Mar 2014
Don't speak
shut up
cover those bruises
one word and it's over
if you make too much noise
you'll get hit.

Curl your hair
and hide your ugly face
no one wants to hear you
nobody cares
sit down
shut up
keep quiet or you'll get more bruises
you're nothing
you're worthless
you don't deserve to be alive
keep crying and I'll **** you
shut up
stop lying
you know he'd never hit you
you gave those bruiess to yourself
shut up
stop lying
nobody cares
you know its your fault
stop being dramatic
stop screaming
stop crying
you're not really in pain
shut up
shut up
shut up
shut up!

I've heard it since forever.
It's all they've ever said.
So that's exactly what I'll do,
I won't cry,
pretend not to feel
I'll sit down and shut up.
it's been true all along,
nobody really cares,
you're right
it's my fault
the bruises are gone
but I still feel them.
but it doesn't matter
because I know it's my fault.

So that's what I'll do/
I'll pretend not to feel.
I'll sit down
and not speak a word
because I've been told that
since forever,
that I am nothing,
and that is all I'll ever be.

So I'll sit down,
close my eyes,
and never speak a word.
372 · Sep 2015
Fish The Pig Sep 2015
who is the girl
whose smile
reflects in your ocean eyes?
who is the girl
that prompts
that sly smile?
who is the girl
you haven't mentioned
but gives you
a reason to live?
who is the girl
who makes everything okay?
the girl
you fall asleep with
the girl whose petite frame
cuddles up next to you
whose small smooth hands
hold yours
as you walk in the dark
who is this girl
that has your heart?
I hear
her name
is Envy.
what can I do
to be more like her?
--an old poem
--not current
371 · May 2015
10 + 5
Fish The Pig May 2015
You dream about your day in the sun
A shot at the spotlight
Fifteen minutes of fame
You fantasize about chance meetings
Lucky opportunities
Late night drinkin’ at parties
You may be skinny
But you got no muscle
You may dream big
But you work small
With ease
Unaware fame is a disease
It’ll break you
‘cause you aint anybody
sick of people hearin’ your name askin’ who?
Too much makeup lookin’ gaudie
Looks is all you have
No ambition- talent to be had
Think about the result
The perks
Obssessed like the cult
Think you know how it works
Down on your knees
Flex that ***** it’s a tight squeeze
Longing to be seen
Desperate for the 15
10 + 5
and you’re in the hive
10+ 5
but it’s a straight dive
10 + 5
will make you feel alive
You think you’re one of a kind
You’ve made up your mind
you need that 10+5
but it won’t last a lifetime.
the things people do to go viral, to get famous,
it could **** you, you know.
371 · Sep 2016
Cum Stains
Fish The Pig Sep 2016
I tape the money he gave me

into the shape

of a heart

not the most

anatomically correct

but I hope

it'll work

for now
368 · May 2013
Fish The Pig May 2013
I  like the idea of hair blending in with skin,
I like the thought of being colorless,
I like the notion of being so thin,
so frail,
one touch could shatter your entirety.

A fleeting thought
Of something so sick,
So broken,
So disturbed
That it can be nothing more than
366 · Mar 2014
Last Breath
Fish The Pig Mar 2014
What would happen if I stopped?
Simply stopped.
Would it be all that bad?
no it would not.

I sit frozen in front
of the fridge the cupboards
stocked full
but nothing to eat.
So maybe I'll just stop.

I'm exhausted
but lay awake,
so maybe I'll just stop.

Would it be all that bad?
No it would not.
This life is complicatedly simple,
and very hard
and very scary
and very sad,
so maybe I'll just stop.

After all,
Living isn't for everyone.
364 · Nov 2015
Heart Worms
Fish The Pig Nov 2015
There's a sad song playing in this cafe
and I'm scrolling through our texts
knowing you mean more to me
than I do to you
   my least favorite episode on repeat, once again,
feeling like I've done an injustice to myself,
                                                           my heart,
giving it away too easily,
giving it up so quickly,
because I'm trying too hard
to fill the emptiness
but the more I pour
the wider the cracks get
but still I pour
hoping to fill it
thinking 'maybe this time it'll be different'
but it never is
       it never is
I'm so alone
looking for validation
tell me I'm pretty
make me feel wanted
362 · May 2015
Speak Up
Fish The Pig May 2015
Baby you can talk
you can talk to me
everything little thing is gonna be okay
and that's all they ever say
like it's so **** easy,
but speakin up like you ask makes me queasy.

They let me know
every other day
"I'm here for you
you can tell me true
if you're feelin blue
I'll do the best that I can do"


Once again
talking is a matter of having someone
to make the past undone
make you stop tracing
where bruises once were
because apparently it's all a simple matter of facing.


them is all I think about
it's always on the brain
clouding vision like a storm
flooding my system with rain

You say I can speak
say it'll make everything better
but I can barely write a letter
to myself
I'm sittin dusty
on my study shelf
lots of words written
but none of them read
because the world is blind
and they need to hear it
to believe it
to make it real
and I want to speak
to those who are undeniably kind,

but it's not as easy as it seems
fraying at the seams
I'd like to speak
speak up loud
evaporate the storm clouds
but given the chance to vocalize
give you an issue to focalize
in the end of it all
I'll just run away,
because I don't know where to begin
and I'll never know what to say
so afraid of my sin
in silence,
I'd still like you to stay.
I'd like to talk
I need to talk
but what would I say
and where would I begin?
when the time comes,
my problems all seem so embarrassingly trivial.
362 · Dec 2014
Dancing In The Dark
Fish The Pig Dec 2014
I've written of it before
but I gotta tell ya
nothing feels better
than dancing in the dark

Music overwhelming
body moving
unconscious about my size
my arms and stomach unbound
my face can smile
without concern
I'm unstoppable

oh nothing is better
than turning out the lights
and feeling free
from scrutiny
turn the sound up loud
and let it pulse through your veins
lose yourself in something new
because nothing is better
than dancing in the dark.
362 · Nov 2014
The Princess and The Frog
Fish The Pig Nov 2014
She kisses the frog
in knowledge that
a handsome prince would arise.
But would she still kiss the frog,
should he be anything less?
362 · Dec 2014
Love Poems
Fish The Pig Dec 2014
I wish I could write love poems
as beautiful
and enticing as all the other poets
as all the other heartbroken teenagers
and young aspiring children
and wise old fools
all happy to let themselves be whisked away
with a flurry of emotion.

I wish I could write like them.
I wish I could make my a reader smile
and sigh
and feel envious of my sweet sweet poetic love
but I can't.
I wish I could write poems like him and her
like all the others,
wish I could write a love poem,
but I don't know love.
I don't know what it is to love
or what it is to be loved
so how could I possibly write a love poem?
where would I begin?

I wish I could write a love poem,
but I don't know love,
and I'm so scared that I never will.
362 · Dec 2014
Fish The Pig Dec 2014
She offered me chocolate
she had brought home from work-
I lashed out
and shouted my decline,
slammed the door
and cried,
screaming into my pillow.

I'm still going to pretend
that this isn't taking over my life.
I just want to be skinny.
Why is it so hard?
362 · Nov 2015
oh my darling
Fish The Pig Nov 2015
my darling is like most
and does not understand.
He believes
because our trials are different
that I do not struggle the same.
He does not see
my desperate battle to crack a smile,
only another mood swing.
He does not understand
how hard it is
to throw 18 traumatized years away
and pretend it never happened.
He sees twelve hours sleep
excessive and lazy
because he cannot understand
how one can be so sad
they cannot get out of bed.
He can worry
about clean hands
and crumbs
but the millions of worries
that send me sprawling
to sharp breaths
and tears
are inconceivable.
My darling is always level headed
calm cool and collected
and is unaware of my days.
I spend all day
doing what I can
to make sure he is happy,
I avoid the mirror
for a glimpse
summons waterfalls
I take mood stabilizers
and eat well
but most days
I walk around the house like a zombie
in despair because he,
like most everyone,
will never understand how hard it is,
the weight on my chest
the constant tears
the black dog
the ball and chain
the panic
the fear
all the little things
I struggle through
the daily war I wage with myself
the never ending hell
the bravery
and strength I have
to admit I need help
and speak my troubles
to one I trust,
my hours of hard work
are not spent at a paid job
but trying to love and live and breath
and smile and be healthy
for I've got a long way to go
and it will take a long time, but,
my darling does not see this
and is now
no longer my darling.
we both knew it was coming.
362 · May 2015
Fish The Pig May 2015
I want to bathe him in sunlight
or moonlight
whichever he prefers
as long as it's light.

I want to speak words
that'll stitch up the heart
and bandage his wounds

I want to wash away
his sins
and let him start again

I want him to wake
eager to start the day

I want him to have no doubt
no fear
no worries

I want to make him happy,
more than just okay
I want every day
to be worth his while,
even if those days
do not involve me.

I wish I could say words
that would make him better,
but I don't even know how to make myself better,
I don't know what to say
I don't know what to do,
but I know I must try.
361 · May 2014
Fish The Pig May 2014
Tug at me
with your yellow teeth
stained by cigarettes and alcohol.

Assess me with dilated eyes.

Show me a gross kind of love,

the kind of love I'll understand.
360 · Dec 2016
Extra Lemon
Fish The Pig Dec 2016
I haven't seen you in so long,
how have you been?-
I don't care that you played me wrong,

to see that smile
it brings me down,
My heart I can feel it
it says "paint me now"

It remembers when you made me feel like goddess
like together we could have killed all this
It remembers every thousand poems I wrote
and how every time I waited it was always false hope
who are you now that you show your face online?
I remember when you hid like you done a crime
always a man of secrets
a man I'd never know
how dare you -don't you know
it was curiosity that made the kitty go
dyin dyin dyin dying
that made the kitty go
dyin dyin dyin dying
just to try to know
just to try to know
who you really were
and if you'd ever explain yourself
I only wanted it to be ourself
then I said goodbye
then I said goodbye
and it's been so long
since I'd seen your face
now that I see your smile
it makes me feel so out of place.
popped up on my snapchat,
I got a boo now, but I wish we could be friends.
359 · Jun 2014
Fish The Pig Jun 2014
Nothing depresses me more
than when a picture is taken.
A day of bliss
but when the camera comes out
I suddenly remember
how ugly I am.
Even on the days I feel pretty,
I smile and it flashes-
and the results bring me to tears
for even though I know I'm a heinous beast,
born with a pig's face
isntead of a human,
I still always wonder why I was cursed like this.
why I am perpetually a mutant.
I still have hope that I'll be satisfied with a picture one day,
that I won't grimace
and cry
and not feel a tremendous amount of guilt for the swans
that have to share the same photo as I,
and that maybe this nasty pink pudgy acned pig face will peel off.
I know it won't.
But I can hope.
359 · Dec 2015
Fish The Pig Dec 2015
Am I a fool?
waiting on a rainy stair step
      shivering through bitter winds
on the chance I might see
     headlights pull into the lot?
   That I could catch him smile
     as he sees me?
        Am I a fool?
two hours in
   to think still, he'll embrace me
and squeeze me so hard
     the million little paranoid parasites
     might just pop out,
             and while I bury my face in his neck,
I won't have to doubt.

        Am I a fool to think so?
you keep me waiting.
359 · May 2018
Fish The Pig May 2018
and she is undone
at the edge of shadow and sun
her will given to the wind
and her rich furs errant and skinned.
it's impossible, it cannot be the end,
yet in sight there is no future to pretend.
358 · Dec 2015
Fish The Pig Dec 2015
my hands
twirl my hair
as my being is paused
in uncertainty,
for none is your master,
not even time.
no, you refuse to consort
not for any thing
not for any one
not even time,
not even time runs your schedule,
so here I am,
my hands go clockwise
as I wonder
how long
you will keep me waiting
what's the plan, Stan?
355 · Apr 2014
Fish The Pig Apr 2014
I'll play a song for you,
you who told me I was strong
when the bruises raged on.

I'll write you a melody,
for you who was the armor against their words
and happily sat in the sinking ship alongside me.

you who turned your back on the world
because nobody understood us, like us.
You who knew every inch of me
and I of you.
You who knew when I was lying
when I hadn't eaten-
when my stitches had come undone
in the middle of the night
there you were,
needle and thread in hand,
without warning,
simply because you just, knew.

This song is for you,

For the years you kept me company,
for the looks you gave
for the undying trust
from keeping the knife from shedding my wrist
for letting me know it's okay to break the rules
to know there is no shame in who I am
for letting me know day after day
that I'm stronger than any,
and I'm kind,
and I'm worth it,
and awesome,
and... that I shouldn't care what people think because,
because I'm all I need,
you'll always be here.

But you're not here.

So, I guess despite the unsewn stitches
and long nights
and month where I convinced myself I hated you...
I guess it's true that I'm all I need.

I've left behind who I was,
our names no longer rhyme,
you found someone else to rhyme with.
But it's okay because I'm ignoring
the pit in my stomach,
the void in my heart,
the voice I once used so often,
I'm ignoring it all because-
I'm all I need.

so indeed,
this song is for you.
You who told me,
from the start,
I can do this alone.
who is more like an imgainary friend
I see ghost from place to place
every now and then...

This tune is for you.
354 · Sep 2015
Fish The Pig Sep 2015
at night
pitch black
king size sheets
her cold, clean white skin
and long apricot hair
lay sprawled against
his hot, smooth dirt skin
and military hair.
she runs her hand
up and down his arm
reflecting on their perfect day.
he hums that tune,
a hand running through her hair
and the other down her back,
she closes her eyes and hugs him tight
as she listens to his heart beat.
it will never be in sync with her
she says
"your heart always beats so fast, even when you sleep,"
"it means I'll die early"
"don't say that"
"just the facts"
she holds him
listening to the doomful du-du-du-du-du-du-du
the heart that's revving up
to burst from his chest-
he wraps his arms around her tight
and falls asleep
she wonders if
he fears death
if he wishes things had been different
she wonders about his younger years
she wonders what goes on in his head
she wonders about all the things he does and says
and wonders
if he has given up.
You did so many things Nava, I've seen the pictures I've heard the stories, they all stopped,
your life changed
and now here you are Nava,
here you are,
and what do you think about that?
353 · Oct 2018
Scratch Paper #1
Fish The Pig Oct 2018
I could write for hours

of a life that doesn't exist,

I can feel it even with open eyes,

cautiously glazing past

the rural          

jagged world

I resist

Allowing it all to feed off me

destroying my life under the guise of coping,

and only furthering the incoherent dread of which I consist
Fish The Pig Mar 2015
I think about my cousin,
the girl I never met
because she died too young.

Who were you?
what was your favorite color?
I heard your hair was curly black
and your eyes were ocean blue.

Were you in love?
what did you like to do?
what did you want to do?
Who would you become?
Who were you,
you whose name has never been said since.
They've all forgotten about you, it seems,
Yet I who've never met you
think about you too often.

I have a million questions for you,
but one reigns over them all,
black haired girl
with blue blue eyes...
I want to ask a dark, twisted question:

What were you thinking when it happened?
Did you scream?
how could you not,
must've hurt like hell,
Did you fight back?
Did you thrash and beg?
what did it feel like to have your body set aflame?
flesh melted away.
what did it feel like?
what did it feel like,
to burn alive
at the hands of your father?
They mentioned you existed,
and grimly mentioned your demise.
Fish The Pig Jun 2014
He always tries to talk about my family.

So I shut him out.

He asks if I'll spend the day with my mother

and I hardly refrain from cussing him out.

He asks me about my father,

he says just one word about it

and I scream at him

or throw something

or throw him out of the house

and slam the door in his face.

I still tell myself I'm okay though.

That it didn't damage me.

That I'm not still that child inside.

That I've gotten past all of it.

He always asks me about my family.

That's why we're not friends anymore.
Fish The Pig Feb 2016
they crowd around

         "what does it mean?"

         "what does it mean?"

a man steps forward
phone from pocket

         "it means this insta pic of my shoes
           will be more than fresh and clean"
350 · Apr 2015
Skipping Class
Fish The Pig Apr 2015
I listened to my stubby heels echoing light clicks and clacks

on the ***** pavement,

a sound far better than the the laughter and chatter of the previously escaped classroom.

I mozied along the empty campus, feeling warmed by the bits of fog that clung to the air

and moss trees towering from pine needles in a very still way

that if not for the fog's gentle swaying I would have assumed the world to have stopped.

I liked it that way best.

When things are still and quiet and full of posibility

but you choose not to reign in that possibility because you love the freshly chilled air,

air so fresh it makes you want to fill your lungs with it

and take a To-Go bag as well.

Sometimes I sit and look out,

silently hoping that if I sit there long enough I too,

will become quite still and fresh fog might cling to me

and someone else might admire me as part of a still world,

like a picture in a golden frame.
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