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Dorian Zorne
I've got stories no one wants to hear
I try to convey feelings through poetry so that others can feel the words, not simply read them. I'm trying to put my poems out …
Nolan Higgins
Trying to cut it, trying to breathe easy, trying to make living easy and fun for those I love.
Coop Lee
usa    esto perpetua 👽 @cooplee420
Pilipinas    wondering where you are
Mr Silence
122/M/Here    ...
Well, okay...
Johanna Magdalena
23/F/Norway    I´m a journalist, and a poet in my free time. From Norway. Other pages:
Asim Javid
Willow Hadleigh
Land of Nightmares    I write to cope with memories of a childhood filled with abuse. Even after 30 years a sound or smell can make me become a …
Emily Von Shultz
Sierra Nevada Mountains    Here is where I will post some poetry or random thoughts in the form of short writings. A lot of these are from high school. …
Davin Jane Andrews
Seattle, Washington    i'm the girl that the one guy raped and told all his friends about. i'm here to destroy that one guy and all of his …
Danny Mak
Irate Watcher
30/F/Denver    Maw, I wanna make pictures with words.
Richard K
California    Never chill
Ellen Stewert
I just needed another outlet of expression. :)
James S Taurus
Riley Key Cleary
Nevada City    I am who I am and that is a person who is constantly changing. I could say my poetry is a mirror of myself but …
Luminosity Cat
United States    ♥ "T h e s w e e t e s t s m i l e s h o l d t h e …
Cain Arkay Lazarus
29/Genderqueer/California    Generally autobiographical, usually negative. Profile picture is from Picrew consider contributing to my gofundme:
rained-on parade
Sheffield, England    Sylvie. You don't know me yet.
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