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 Sep 2021 Eve
Vanessa Gatley
E mad
Over that
I onlook
 Sep 2021 Eve
Vanessa Gatley
I put in my brain like cross
That's turquoise
And back my head is like cross too
Sow a seed , plant  a tree
Take good care
Watch the plant every day
See  it grows
Wait with anticipation
for the next chapter
Blooming time is here
Very exciting experience
Repeating over and over again
See the beautiful flowers that emerge
Bringing life into your garden
Bees, butterflies and birds appear
Suddenly it’s a busy life
outside your window
Sit and take it in
Imagine when all of us
Would plant some flowers
How satisfying it would be
When each of us
would plant one tree
How green the world would be
A gain for all of us
and Mother Earth
So let’s make this life and earth
Happy , healthy and whole
While there is still time .

Green lives matter
Looking through my window
Can’t help myself but smile
The view is so romantic
Makes me daydream all day long
Peddling over still waters
In our wooden canoe to a destiny under the sun.

Shell ✨🐚
 Sep 2021 Eve
Vanessa Gatley
U rent
All nights
 Sep 2021 Eve
Imran Islam
Oh, martyrs of my clime, please, forgive me!
I couldn't grab your sacrifice in my chest
I don't know how much you curse me,
I apologize to you, please, take my request!

This heart did not feel the liveliness
even didn't get any respect;
That is my irresponsibility.
This is not my credit but an insult!

I don't draw that dream as you did
I don't know why there's no brotherhood!
My green homeland is in the hands of robbers.
And there're no conflicts with the enemies!

After everything, we hug the killers
Society is depressed about nakedness.
We turn the bullets to our brothers
whereas the leader is selfish and ruthless!

To tell your story isn't just my responsibility;
I will make your dreams come true for sure.
If my restless soul can represent yours
then the blood of Bengali will succeed with this nationality!
 Sep 2021 Eve
Imran Islam
I find you in the moon night
while you smile with the stars
I see you in the sunrise
whereas you bloom with the flowers.

I draw you in my eager eyes
on the ocean beach
and I get the surprise
when you look at me more than twice!

I follow your shadow
when you go for a morning walk
I gaze up to your window
whenever you remove the balk.

One day you will hear my heart
and let me know your answer
I am waiting for the happy day
when you'll take my request as a lover!
 Sep 2021 Eve
Imran Islam
I would like to sing
in the morning
like a wild bird
You can take my song
as your rousing
or leave me a gird!

I sing not to make you jocular
I sing not to make you bother
I sing, 'cause it's my nature!

I would like to fly
in the vast sky
on my own wings
You can be jealous
but I am endless
with all my feelings.

I sing for the green nature
I sing for the flowing river
I can sing, it's my pleasure!

I like to be free from
one tree to another tree,
where I find happiness.
You can be like me
if you want to be.
The space is boundless!
Have you seen shell  friend of mine,
How the world has changed?
How they treat  the seas right now.
Nothing beautiful remains.
How all the oceans are full with dirt.

So many plastic things thrown in.
I’m very sad dear friend of mine
What they do is a sin.
All the fish are dying now .
Even turtles are suffocating too.

You’ll see where we’ll end soon.
They are so clever now.
With only brains and no feelings more
Their cleverness reach full circle now
I guess they are dumb again.

When ocean life will be no more.
They all will die slowly too.
Everything on earth will die
It will be the end of planet earth too.
Just hold my hand friend shell of mine we will die together too.

If we don’t change our ways soon it will be the end of planet earth
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