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 Nov 2014 farahD
there is something magnetic about you
something i wish wasn't there
because i know that it's going to get me in trouble
 Nov 2014 farahD
i want to take you under my wing,
keep you safe

i want to un-teach all of the horrible things
you were taught growing up

i want to give you the love you needed
when you were a little boy
without a home to keep you safe
or parents to hold you close

i want to do all these things for you
but i know it's too late

i know that you're too far gone
 Nov 2014 farahD
You blame religion for war,
fights and all evils.
You blame it for acts
criminal, killings brutal.
You talk about morals,
you talk about ethics.
But I've got question for you
, faultfinders, cynics.
Why do charity? To hungry
why you want to give food?
Give scientific reasons for
morality, reasons to do good?
Don't you think humans are
born with sense of right and wrong?
Doesn't it point towards someone
merciful, mighty and strong?
 Nov 2014 farahD
You mock and laugh at believers
, men rational and wise.
How foolish is believer's beliefs
you inform and apprise.
Each and every rites and
practices of beleivers you condemn.
Reject divine creation of
heavens n earth, things tween them.
But believe me Atheists also
have beliefs, faith and stance.
Your belief is everything came
into existence just by chance.
Earth started rotating and revolving
with precision on its own.
So that If it deviates a bit no
life will exists not a single one.
By accident were created all
plants and creatures in pairs.
Haply it was decided how they
will produce offsprings n heirs.
Hilarious, laughable are your
beliefs, O wise Non-believer!
Believe me your beliefs can put
to shame beliefs of a believer.
 Nov 2014 farahD
[Quran-17: 42, Quran-21: 22]

On television ancient
mythological serial I saw.
Many powerful Gods
brought a feeling of awe.

Each plotting and planning
against one another.
Intention to become supreme
and dethrone other.

Their fights brought disorder
on earth and heaven.
Anywhere and everywhere
chaos and confusion.

Their ungodly behavior
was maddening, insane.
Couldn't control my wild
heart, oppressed brain.

Closed television to get
rid of their conduct lowly.
Started searching truth
and peace in verses holy.

Spotted few verses which
brought smile and relief.
In verses* I found truth
and it increased my belief.

*Quran-17: 42
Say: If there had been (other) gods with Him, as they say, - behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne!

*Quran-21: 22
If there were, in the heavens and the earth, other gods besides Allah, there would have been confusion in both! but glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne: (High is He) above what they attribute to Him!
 Nov 2014 farahD
Joseph Schneider
"Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything."

Quote by Plato. One of my favorite quotes. Truth in its most righteous form.
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