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Fallon Engelkens Dec 2015
I don't know what to say
When I see your face.
You're the first thought in the morning,
And the last thought at night.
You're my angel,
My guiding light,
And I hate it when we fight.
I really, really, really like you,
And I hope you like me, too.
I can't wait until we say " I do. "
Maybe then, we can stop and think for a few,
Because I really, really, really love you.
Fallon Engelkens Dec 2015
I'll never understand why you left and never said bye.
I'll never understand why you laughed in my face when I cried.
I'll never understand why you left and never said bye.......
Fallon Engelkens Sep 2015
Why did you have to go,
Why did you have to cause me so much sorrow?
I thought we had really gotten far,
Then you drove away with her in the car.
Why did you have to leave me all alone?
I guess I'll never know.
Fallon Engelkens Sep 2015
I see you from a distance, I love you from afar. I can't believe who you are. You're my best friend, you're also a fiend. So, I will continue to love you in my silent little way, growing closer to you everyday.
Fallon Engelkens Sep 2015
My eyes are seeing, my heart is leading, and my soul is bleeding.....

— The End —