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Oct 2016 · 443
my world..gone
faith elizabeth Oct 2016
why is it every time
something goes right
life has to go and make it bad
...he was my entire world
no matter how bad the relationship was
i loved him and i was forced to end it
if only she knew how i really felt..if only she cared
now hes just gone ..cant talk to him, cant see him
my world is gone life might as well be over
cause its useless without him
just makes me want to cry..
Oct 2016 · 283
faith elizabeth Oct 2016
lost my dog
lost my guinea pig
lost my boyfriend
then lost my cat ...
why cant anything go right
in my life ... my pets died
and my ex probably hates me ..
even tho he was my entire world ..
im so lost without them in my life
idk what to do .. i need help ...
Nov 2015 · 465
just a dream
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
Here we go again
its like i'm going in circles
don't know which way to turn
cant anyone hear my screams
cant anyone hear me begging for help
The next thing I know it was all just a dream
someone tell me it'll be okay
lost and so confused,
don't know who to trust
don't know who is real anymore
someone please just help me
Nov 2015 · 299
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
what would i do without you
yeah you drive me crazy, yeah
you hurt me sometimes, but thats part
of what makes us so special. I love you
to death theres nothing that i would change about you
you make me happy. i love that u make me feel wanted
i love u so much
Nov 2015 · 403
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
we are only human
we are loud and obnoxious,
weird and crazy,
but that's just who we are
we are only human
humans that aren't perfect
who make mistakes
do stupid things
break things, get into fights
fall in love. we cant fight it
we are all different and that's
just how it is there is nothing we
can truly do about it , but change
the things we do in our day
Nov 2015 · 372
my baby girl
faith elizabeth Nov 2015
So beautiful, so smart
She smiles so bright
The way she talks
the way she looks at you
she is the best thing in our lives
everyday we wake up to her smiling
like crazy but thats the best part of our day
shes our baby girl, nothing is better than that
we are so lucky to have her in our lives
Sep 2015 · 280
faith elizabeth Sep 2015
We have all
These emotions
Like anger, happiness,
Depression, and fear
But what do they do for us?
When we're angry we
Tend to hurt others
When we're happy we
Sometimes annoy them
We get put on pills for being
Depressed. So in reality what
Good are emotions if
They do no good for us
Sep 2015 · 312
faith elizabeth Sep 2015
Love? What is love?
Love is just a word
That humans use
To show affection.
Affection? I know
Not of the meaning
Why do we love and
Show affection when
All we do is hurt one another
I don't see the point in
Showing these emotions
Aug 2015 · 333
true friends
faith elizabeth Aug 2015
Once and for all
We can finally see
Who our true friends
Are, most of them are
On the internet
Others are just waiting
To be found
Aug 2015 · 2.2k
my dear little sister
faith elizabeth Aug 2015
she smiles so big
when she's happy
she's so beautiful
I love her so much
my little girl
my little sister
my dear Isabella
so strong, so radiant,
dream big little one
dream big. don't let
anyone steal your dreams
and hopes. I know
you will do great things
in the future
May 2015 · 440
"As I Get Older"
faith elizabeth May 2015

    "As I Get Older I Must Open My Eyes, Visualize Just Realize That At The End Of Everyday I Gotta Retrieve Life's Prize, As I Get Older I Can't Worry About The Small Stuff, Gotta Be Like A Ford Built Tough, Doing This Poetry Thing Is My Enough, As I Get Older I Have To Stay Strong, Keep This Poetry In My Blood For Very Long, Having The Birds Singing A New Song, With Life Becomes Colder, Just Remember Great Things As You Get Older."
-Simeon LeDay Follow Me On Instagram @kingpoeticfanatic
May 2015 · 385
true love
faith elizabeth May 2015
true love isnt easy
but it must be fought for
because once u find it
it can NEVER be replaced
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
one last breath
faith elizabeth Apr 2015
im holding on with one last breath
trying to stay strong for her
my sweet little Isabella
my adorable little sister
every time i cry she always asks if im OK
and that makes me want to cry more
cause i know that im not OK
i continue to lie to her and tell her
that im fine when im really not
i just want to take one last breath and end it all
Apr 2015 · 325
whats left for me
faith elizabeth Apr 2015
i think im going crazy
trying to hold on to the truth
the truth when its  being forced into
hiding because of all the lies. im trying
so hard not to cry, because he broke
me again, again for the millionth time
i dont know how to take it . should i cry?
should i get mad? its so hard to make a decision
when ive been here before what is there left for me
i cant keep doing this, i know im supposed to stay strong
but how can i?
Apr 2015 · 355
left for death
faith elizabeth Apr 2015
roses are red
violets are blue
sugar is sweet
and so are you

those roses are dead
and the violets too
the sugar is gone
and so are you

you left me here with blood down my arms
wondering what i should do next
they tell me i need help they give me sympathy
but all i do is hide behind the walls
Apr 2015 · 297
faith elizabeth Apr 2015
there was a flower
and its beautiful
self,it had such a
radiant color , a perfect pink
it smelt so sweet with the little dew drops
oh how that flower was beautiful
then one day the sun went away and the flower
withered the color faded to grey and it died
the sun has yet to come out
and make the flower bloom once again
Apr 2015 · 522
a girl
faith elizabeth Apr 2015
a girl, a single girl
she has some problems
shes scared and afraid
her family pays no attention
to whats going on with her
a girl, a sad sad girl
she goes to school and gets bullied
everyone turns against her
her best friend is mad at her
and its all cause of
the lies people start
she cries herself to sleep every night
she fears that someone is going
to hurt her she puts her wall up again
she wants to be alone
she cuts her wrists deep
she drinks her worries away
she hides the sadness with a fake smile
she continues to tell everyone that she is okay
a girl, a sad girl .. a girl who is scared to show
the real her all the scars shes been hiding
all the times she has smiled when all she wanted to
do was cry .. a sad and lonely girl
this is not just some story. its a true story of a girls life
Apr 2015 · 781
big world
faith elizabeth Apr 2015
all alone in a big world
so scared so lost
dont know who to trust
dont know who is there to help
she could be like a butterfly
and let the wind carry you to
where it wants, or she could
be like a bird and sore high in the sky
Feb 2015 · 979
biggest fear
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
my biggest fear isn't
little things like heights
or spiders or clowns,
my biggest fear is loosing
the ones I love the most.
Feb 2015 · 481
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
do I cry randomly? yes
do I get ******?yes
do I cry myself to sleep? yes
do I miss every second you're gone? yes
do I feel lonely at times? Yes
do I need you?yes
do I need a daily hug from you? yes
do I love you?yes
do I have feelings? yes
do I fight with you?yes
am I emotional? yes
would I risk my life and everything I live for, for you? hell yes
Feb 2015 · 404
i dont understand
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
I don't understand
how you can smile
all day long but cry yourself
to sleep at night.
how pictures never change,
but the people in them do.
I don't understand how your best friend
can become your worst enemy.
how forever turns into
a few short months that
you'd do anything to get back
I don't understand how you can let go of
something you once said you couldn't live
without how even though you know something's
for the best, it still hurts just the same
how people who used to spend every second
of their life with you don't even have a second to spare
how people can just erase you from their lives
because its easier than working things out....
Feb 2015 · 388
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
nothing lasts forever
forever is a lie
all we have
is what's in between
hello and goodbye
Feb 2015 · 277
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
PLAY the laughter
PAUSE the memories
STOP the pain
REWIND the happiness
Feb 2015 · 276
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
H= hold
Feb 2015 · 829
past present future
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
heal the past
live in the present
and dream the future
Feb 2015 · 831
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
the past can hurt
but the way I see it
you can either
run from it or
learn from it
this is a quote from the lion king
Feb 2015 · 2.0k
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
my wars are laid away in books
I have one battle more
a foe whom I have never seen
but oft has scanned me over
and hesitated me between
and others at my side ,
but chose the best  neglecting me-till
all the rest have died
how sweet if I am not forgot
by chums that passed away
since playmates at threescore and ten
are such a scarcity
Emily Dickinson
Feb 2015 · 250
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
don't stress
do your best
forget the rest
Feb 2015 · 540
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
if it wasn't
for the mistakes
I've made,
I wouldn't be
where I am today
Feb 2015 · 317
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
Langston Hughes
Feb 2015 · 275
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
the melody is soothing
it relaxes me
when I am upset I just hum
a little tune
Feb 2015 · 252
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
I love you isn't
just something you say
its about how much you show
that you love the person
love is about actions,
honesty, loyalty, and trust
love doesn't mean just to buy
your girl some chocolate and flowers
on valentines day, It means to show
gratitude on how much you love him/her
Feb 2015 · 336
the wind
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
The wind
It blows softly
Through my hair
Giving me a little shiver
The wind is like a dandelion puff,
Falling on the ground waiting to be carried away
Feb 2015 · 402
a single flower
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
A sepal, petal, and a thorn
Upon a common summer's morn-
A flask of Dew-A Bee or two-
A Breeze-a caper in the trees-
And I'm a Rose!!
Feb 2015 · 401
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
they don't understand,
my tears that I shed are there
for them
Feb 2015 · 287
do they care
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
isn't it funny
how people you
thought loved you
don't care until you
are gone? doesn't it make
you wonder why you love them?
Feb 2015 · 230
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
they wonder why I cry
they wonder why I crash
its because I have been broken
to many times to where I cant be fixed
all I can do is put on a fake smile and act
like everything is fine
well it s not... im so lost and done with everything
my best friend is leaving me during the summer
my father doesn't want anything to do with me
and everyone keeps yelling at me for liking a guy that has
a girlfriend.. its not like I actually talk to him though
im just done
Feb 2015 · 271
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
all those tears I shed for you
you didn't seem to care.
you went about your day like
nothing ever happened.
you told me you loved me,
then why do you hurt me
you totally ignore me
but yet you still tell me that im yours
am I completely stupid
for not wanting to let go?
you make me feel special but then its gone
all the tears I shed are because of you
Feb 2015 · 447
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
someday youll cry for me,
like I cried for you
someday you'll miss me
like I missed you
someday you'll need me
just like I needed you,
but when that day comes
I might not be here because
I might be buried  in the ground
from all the pain that you caused me
and cause of all the tears that I shed for you
but you never really seemed to care
Feb 2015 · 238
lost love
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
have you ever
had to sit there
and watch the one
person you love the
most chase after someone
else, and you sit there crying
because you know you were never
good enough for him ...and no one took
the time to ask if you were okay.
I sit there everyday dying inside watching
the one I love so much go after another girl
its the way she makes him smile that reminds me
that I was never good enough to do that. I understand though
she is prettier and smarter but it still hurts
Feb 2015 · 226
it hurts
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
it hurts to
sit there and watch him
laugh and smile
because I know that
I could never make
that happen
Feb 2015 · 369
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
My walls are there,
Surrounding my heart.
They stand there tall,
They are my walls.
My walls are not meant to fall
They are there standing tall
Nothing in this world can break them
No one can ever take them down
Deep down inside my heart is slowly breaking
So my walls are there to keep it from shattering
Into thousands of pieces, those are my walls
Feb 2015 · 260
the pain
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
the pain is strong
the pain is long
to feel the pain burn in my heart
to watch her leave
after she promised to stay
why does the pain have to hurt?
the pain is a strong reminder
of who I once was, of who I have changed
to and of who I will never be again
Feb 2015 · 351
out of sight out of mind
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
out of your sight I shall go,
out of your mind I shall flow.
to forget the fun we had,
to forget the love we had.
you do not know how much I cried,
or how much I truly died
to see you happy inside,
to see you feel free
the sadness runs through my body
to know that I am out of sight and
out of your mind
do you know how much it hurts
to feel my heart that once held love,
start to burn then turn to ice
Feb 2015 · 465
unit,like death,for whom?
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
Unit, like Death for Whom?
True, like the Tomb,
Who tells  no secret
Told him-
The Grave is strict-
Tickets admit
Just two-the  Bearer-
And the Borne-
And seat- Just One-
The Living- tell-
The Dying- but a Syllable
The Coy Dead-None
No chatter-here- no tea
so Babbler, and Bohea- stay there
But Gravity-and Expectation-and Fear
a tremor just, that All's not sure.
this poem is by an author named Emily Dickinson, I have a poetry book from her and I found this poem and it intrigued me
Feb 2015 · 229
faith elizabeth Feb 2015
in life
there will be times
where we will make
stupid mistakes but
we must learn from those
mistakes so we can grow from them
if we never made the stupid mistakes
we made, we would never be who we are today

— The End —