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 Sep 2013 erin
 Sep 2013 erin
He took all my razors

and buried them in the loaf of raisin bread

that sat in the very back of the freezer,

because he knew I hated raisins.

Once we even

watered our lawn with coffee instead.

If it makes you feel better, he says, then do it.

Tonight, when I turn out the lights,

I kiss him like a talisman.

Instead of pulling my shirt over my head

like he normally does, he hands me

a flower. He makes me tear off each petal,

one by one, but instead of repeating

He loves me, he loves me not, he makes me say

I will not **** myself, I will not **** myself

over and over again for every petal,

until all that's left

is a stem as thin as the lifelines on my hips.
 Sep 2013 erin
Emily Tyler
First Day
 Sep 2013 erin
Emily Tyler
It was supposed to be fun.

New school, new supplies,
Thin, neon highlighters glowing inside
Vera Bradley backpacks.

Skinny folders assigned to
Pointless subjects,
Which would be fattened
With pointless homework
By the end of the day.

It was supposed to be fun,
And for a little while, I forgot.

I forgot until History.

The new teacher hadn't lived here
Longer than a week,
Which was why he was
About teaching.

He had on a brand new tie
From Banana Republic
Which was obviously tied
By his wide eyed fiance.

His classroom was bare, as he explained,
"Don't worry,
I ordered posters yesterday."

The teacher wasn't the problem.

The problem was,
Between Richardson
And Roberts,
He still existed.

At least in the school system he did.

"Ashley Paulette?"
"Abby Richardson?"
"Bennett Rill?"

And my life shattered all over again.

The silence felt

Remembering how he wouldn't be there.
Not ever.

"Bennett Rill?"

The teacher was confused, looking around the room
For someone
Who was buried six feet under.
Someone who the teacher might've thought
Was sick, or vacationing.

It was supposed to be fun.
But then I remembered
One of my really good friends, Bennett, died on the last day of school last year. There are more poems about him on my page.

— The End —