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Emma Apr 2014
I had been clean
From the red lines
That cover my arms
That appear
Each time the voices
In my head
Get louder
And meaner

I had been clean
For 2 weeks
An all time
For me

But I broke

I broke because
The voices filled my mind
With evil and
And I just couldn't
Handle it

And somewhere
Deep in my dying heart
I deserve it.

Emma Jan 2015
We fought
and fought
thinking it was just
petty little fights
But you were different
than when we first met

Saying things like
"I would die if you ever left me"
"We're soulmates and we'll never
break up"

And hey,
months ago I was naive
and stupid
and thought maybe that was true

But you said
the nastiest things to me
Making me feel worse than I did
without you

Telling me
No one else would ever "stick around"
Telling me
I need help

I ended it
because I waited for an
that never came

And maybe it's for the

Because I was never one for
And you were never good with

Emma Feb 2014
I'm free
As I sit here
In this long hallway
And not a single inch of me
Has the urge
To text you

Because part of me
Thought I was
In love with you

But when I realized
That it was one-sided
And you never talked to me
If I wasn't the one starting
The conversation

I knew
I was better off
Finding someone
Who actually wanted
To talk to me
And wanted
To see me
And wanted


Emma Apr 2014
I say I'm sorry
Like it's going out of

Because I know
I've been a **** person,
Maybe even the ******* person
In the world

And I can't say just how
I am

Because you'll never

Emma Jul 2017
it’s been over a year since I felt the love leave
well I could feel it from time to time
but not like it was at the start

and I’m not saying we just got out of our ‘honeymoon’ phase
I’m telling you everything good was just gone

it was as if someone came in the night
and stole the love from our hearts
and the light in my eyes
when I look at you

now I can only look at you with sadness
and a shattered heart
wishing you’d come back and pick up the pieces
and sow them back together
Emma Oct 2015
"Things change,
people change"
I've heard this over and over
but god,
I really didn't want this
or you
to change

Emma Mar 2014
Tonight I
Wrote those notes
That family and friends
Always find
Once their loved one
Has been long
Gone from this
I wrote it
With such ease
And it seemed to come
As I started out with
A simple
"Dear Dad"
"Dear brother"
"Dear best friend"
And the words
Seemed to slip out
Like I had
Been keeping it hidden
Under my tongue
All this

Emma Feb 2014
My daddy warned me about addictions
Not being able to stop on a whim

But I never thought that an addiction
Would come with a sweet smile,
Messy hair,
Blue eyes

And would be as sweet as this.

Emma Mar 2014
You make me feel
Like there is
Something wrong
With me

Because you
Told me
You liked me
And that you would
Do all of these things
With me
And told me
I was the most
Beautiful girl
You have ever seen

You made me feel
For once
In my life
That I actually
Mattered to
That someone actually
Cared enough
To text me back
Or worry
How I was doing

But I realized
It was all
Just another game;
I turned into
Putty in your hands
And I let you
Play and tear
At the strings
Of my heart
And at the strings
Of what was
Keeping me

So, guess what?


Emma Mar 2014
I have this
Reaccuring dream
That you won't
Make it
To my wedding
Or even
My graduation
And it
Haunts me
Because I honestly
Don't think
I can make it
Without you

Because you're my
Favorite person
To talk to
And you're the man
That raised me

But with
All your
Coursing through
Your heavy heart

And how you
Louder than
A cow
When you sleep.
And when
I was younger
I thought it was
Annoying and
Sleep depriving for me
But you told me,
Like it was
No big deal,
That one day
You may never
Wake up
Because the
Snoring means
That you can't breathe
When you sleep

And the
Doctors say
And you predict
You may not
Make it
Too much

Emma Jun 2015
I can feel you losing interest
I can feel you leaving
or, at least,
wanting to

I know I'm hard to deal with
I know I get so sad that everything hurts
I know I get so sad that I hurt everyone
but I swear I love you

But I understand if you need to go
because there's someone out there
who's going to treat you exactly how you should be
someone who doesn't get sad
and push you away
someone who can handle the world
and doesn't think about leaving constantly

I understand if you don't love me anymore
I don't either

Emma Mar 2014
You remembered.

Somehow with keeping up
With all of your
You remembered
That my sister
Wasn't doing too well
And that
Wasn't doing too well

But I knew
By your voice
And movement
That you
Honestly didn't care
That you just
Wanted to seem

And all these
Small acts of
Are the things
That keep making fall
When I've almost
Gotten over

Emma Oct 2014
I talk on the phone with you
Every night

And I promise
There's not a day that goes by
That I don't miss you

Emma Nov 2015
I've been ****** up
and ****** over
for as long as I can remember

you took this little girl
who had hope in everything
and turned her into a resentful, anxious, depressed girl
who lost hope in everything

including herself

Emma Feb 2014
I told myself
I need to stop
Letting you break me

It's unintentional on your part
But it keeps happening

I keep loving you
With everything I have

But yet you won't even
Give me the time of day

You say you're confused
About your feelings
That you don't know
If you love me
Or someone new

I'm the happiest
When I see you
Or receive a single text from you
Or even talk to you

Because somehow
I can see your face light up with joy
When I see you

As I begin to break once again.
Emma May 2014
It tears me apart
When I want so badly
To pursue the one thing
In this world
That makes me truly happy

But it's so hard
When there are so many people
Who are so much
Than me
And I know
I'll never
Make it out
On top

Emma Apr 2014
I know I shouldn't miss you
I know it
With every fiber
In my dying body
Because I know
When you lie awake at night
In the middle of class
Even when everything else
Has crossed your mind,
And there's nothing more to think about
I know I will never cross your mind

And I know,
As sure as the blood
Runs through these veins,
You will never
Miss me

Because I was nothing
To you

Emma Mar 2014
I lied
Telling you
That we're not friends
And that
Your friend
Is "hotter" than you
Because somehow
I wanted to make you
Feel how I do

And when you joked
Saying that
I was your girlfriend
Because you got
When your friend said it
I smiled
So wide
But I then was hit
With the realization
That you
Already have a
And that I am
Just another girl
That will never
Mean anything more
To you
Then just as a

Whatever the hell
This is
Between us.

Emma Oct 2015
I keep crying
and I can't seem to stop

I thought I was doing better
I thought I was okay
I thought I had dug myself out of the never ending hole
but I got ****** back in

and this time you're not even trying to help

Emma Apr 2014
For the first time in awhile
I took a bath
And I went outside
And just sat there
For the first time
In a long time
And thought about
For the longest time

And it was the best feeling
In the whole world

Because I finally got to relax
And that makes me even
The tiniest bit
Emma Apr 2015
I never meant
To fall in love

But when you smiled
And called me babe
And told me
I was always on your mind

How could I not?

Emma Feb 2014
Life is hell
Love is poison

But sometimes you find that person
You'd follow though hell
And get sick for

Emma Jul 2014
I'm trying
to get better,
to not be sad,
to be okay

I promise.

Emma Feb 2014
I'm losing sleep
And my body aches
From all the weight it carries

I'm losing time
That I could spend
Being happy, or at least
Happier than this

I'm losing love
As I push people away
Saying that I'm poison
That I don't want them to stay

I'm losing my mind
As I wrack my brain
Trying to figure out
Why I'm even still alive

I'm losing myself
With each passing day
Telling everyone that I'm fine
That the sadness will just go away

But I'm never okay
And I'm starting to think
That maybe I never will be.

Emma May 2014
I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry
That I can't write
Happy poems

Because I try to write them
To maybe
Cheer me up

But nothing comes out,
But ****** mistakes
And broken pieces

I'm sorry,
I'm so sorry
That I'm just not

Because I try to
Look on the bright side
And think about
The future

But I can't
When everything is
Falling apart
And I'm left here

But I promise that
I wish I could be happy
But I just

And trust me,
I've tried

Emma May 2014
I've come to the
that I will never be
strong enough
to end my life

And that makes me
want to end it
even more

Emma Feb 2014
I opened up to you
Told you about the sadness
That sweeps over me

You told me you have it too
That you feel like no one cares

I care.

I tried to be there for you,
wanting you to be there for me

But all I got
Was ignored texts
And helpless nights
Without you there

I hurt
But all I got was ignored

I'm sorry
I really thought you were different

But you don't care
Just like everyone else.

Emma Mar 2014

Emma Feb 2014
I'm sorry
That I didn't want to talk
But I promise
I didn't want to talk to
I wanted to entangle
Myself in the sadness
Because I think it has finally won
These slits on my arm
Show that I have lost this battle
And the evil thoughts
Coursing through my terrible mind
Show that I have lost
Part of me thought that I could possibly
But that part was
Incredibly wrong
Because today has been the
And I lost the person
Who I cared for most
Because my best friend
Thinks I'm intentionally
Pushing her away
When really
It's just these bad thoughts
Telling me
That she doesn't care
But I promise
That I have been trying
My hardest
But like I've said
Over and over and over

I have never been good enough
And I never

Emma Feb 2014
Your words crawl
Deep into my veins,
Coursing to my heart

I try to stop it,
By cutting the slits
So the blood that you've infected
Will all drain out

You've infected me
With your compliments,
Your niceness

I try to stop it
Because I knew you'd lead me on like this

Because happy endings
Are truly never true

Except in fairy tales.

Emma Oct 2015
You used to look at me like I was
everything to you

now do you ever even look at me
at all?

Emma Mar 2014
It seems like
Everyone I know
Is finally
Getting the help
And love
They deserve
Because they've finally
Grabbed the rope
To get out of
This pit
And to finally
Be happy

And I don't know
What I'm doing

Or why
I can't seem to
Grab onto
The rope
Dangling right infront
Of my

Emma Mar 2016
my head is killing me
from slamming it against the wall
over and over
trying to stop the voices
trying to just stop thinking

but I think the voices are louder now
and my thoughts are eating me alive

Emma Feb 2014
I try to write poems
Filled with love and daffodils
And pretty ****

But all that comes out
Are the lies that I'm hiding
And the things
Behind the mask

I try to write poems
About how I once loved a boy
Who loved me back
And we were beautiful

But that would be a lie
Because I have always been the one
Who loved
And got nothing in return

I try to write poems about happiness
About how I love life
Grateful for every breath

But that would be a lie
Because at night
When there's no one there to help
The depression creeps up
Like an old friend that I've tried to ignore

Oh, I swear
I've tried to ignore.

Emma Mar 2015
Falling for people I can't have
has kinda become a hobby of mine

either in the sense where
they'll never like me in that way
or where they're thousands of miles away

it's almost like my heart yearns
for the chance to be broken
or be ripped to shreds
by the inevitable that's yet to come

because I can't touch them,
or hold them,
or kiss them,
or mark them with a simple thing like
holding hands, saying
"this is mine
and I love it so"

Maybe I'm doomed forever
to want everything I can't have
or be stuck with all this love to give

but no one to give it to.

Emma Mar 2015
You had me
wrapped around your finger
but as you cracked your knuckles
ready to hit me one more time
with the anger filling your eyes
as mine filled with tears
I still held tighter
than I ever have before.

A friend of my sister's was killed by her abusive husband almost a week ago. I wanted to write this to bring to light how horrible and just disgusted I am that this happens, not always to this extreme, but it happens daily with many people. If you or someone you love are in an abusive relationship, please do all you can to stop it. It's not worth it.
Emma Aug 2014
I always seem
To describe you
As nicotine

Because even if I'm
From the way
You make me feel

There's still that lingering
Flowing through my veins.

Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I guess I've just had a writer's block for awhile.
Emma Feb 2014
They say cigarettes shorten your life
Like it's a bad thing

To put that nicotine
Between your lips
As the smoke slowly slips away

But they say it's a bad thing,
That we'll lose 10, 12, 15 years

So I would smoke more
20, 30, 40 packs a day

Anything to lose those years

Because what if I'm done with all of this?
The party has gone on too long

And I want to go home.

Emma Mar 2015
I don't really seem to be appealing to guys my age
and I don't know why

but maybe it's because they realize
that I'm not just another girl that's easy to ****
or maybe that I don't give a ****
if you can bench 285

don't expect me to fall at your feet
or rip my clothes off
as soon as you rip out your big macho muscles
or tell me how many girls you've ******
and that sooner or later
they all come running back

and you think I should just be like the rest of them,
feeling so honored that I'm graced by your presence
and knowing that I'm so lucky
that someone like you "likes" me
and just want to be with you
the second we meet

Well, sorry to break it to you
that's not how the world works

I'm more concerned with how
you didn't open the door for me
or even pay for my movie ticket on our

or how you call me a ***** on the daily
and say I'm just a "stupid blonde"
and are astonished that I'm still a ******

and you go around acting like a saint
but sleeps with anything that has a ******
and admires your muscles

you act tough
but you get on the verge of tears
when someone jokes about you being gay
or tell you you're going to hell

you're just a cocky, self-obsessed,
unworthy, mean, *******

and I hope you have fun in hell.

Emma Apr 2014
I liked you
       But I know
           You don't like me too,
                                 But it's okay
                                    No one seems to

Emma Apr 2014
I've been called
A "self-loathing *****"
Too many times
To count on
Two hands
Just in the past

But I'm sorry
That I hate
Every inch
Of this body that I'm
Trapped in

And I'm sorry
That every word
That slips from my lips,
I look at
As a huge mistake

And I'm sorry
That you think
I'm just doing it
All for "show"

When in reality
There's something
Deep in my chest
That makes me
So depressed
And it

Emma Apr 2015
I was 6
when my best friend  
left me sitting on the trampoline
as he ran to play with someone else
and I cried and
I was shattered

I was 10
when my parents told me
their marriage had run it's course
but things would
"stay the same"
but I quietly cried and
I was shattered

I was 13
when I first left a scar
on my own body,
hating who I had become
and as the blood dripped
I didn't cry but
I was shattered

I was 14
when my own mother
acted like our relationship had run it's course
and she kicked me out
and she never said sorry
and I tried not to cry but
I was shattered

I was 15
when I realized I was a different
because I liked the girl in my math class
who looked like she could make flowers grow
with her smile
and people told me it wasn't right
and "why me?" ran through my head
and I was scared
and I cried quietly and
I was shattered

Now I'm 16
and I've never had my first kiss
and all my friends run around kissing boys
like we're all gonna die tomorrow
and date guys for fun
just for something to do
and I wonder what's wrong with me
and I cry and
I'm shattered

I'm 16
and school doesn't come easy
like it used to
I was honor roll
and I skipped a grade
and I was a "star student"
because I knew how to make essays flow
and solve that simple math equation
or know the president's order
but my brain's fried
and all the motivation I had has disappeared without a trace
and my dad yells at me for my falling grades
and I don't cry but
I'm shattered

I'm 16
and I smile to avoid the constant
"are you okay?" and "what's wrong?"
because my head is such a mess
I don't even know what's wrong
as I dig a little deeper
and watch my skin drip red
and wonder where I went wrong
and I hold back tears and
I'm shattered

I'm 16
and I'm trying to be happy
I'm trying to be happy
I'm trying to be happy
and I can't cry and
I'm putting myself back together.

Emma Apr 2015
I felt comfort when
you said I was
always on your mind,
always on the tip of your tongue
always the one you wanted
in your arms

and I hope
it stays that way

Emma Mar 2014
I know
I keep saying it
Over and over
That this
Is it
Is the night
And then
I find out
I'm not strong enough.

But hopefully
Tonight will be
The night
And I won't
Have to see
Your face tomorrow
Ever again

And I won't
Have to fake
That terrible smile
That fades
Into tears

Because I can't
Take any of this

I've lost myself
I'm a mess
And I will never
Be able
To untangle
The poisonous weeds
Wrapped around my
And my weak

Emma Jul 2015
I'm not a jealous person
but when it comes to you
I see everyone as a threat

because I know in the blink of an eye
you could leave me
for someone who's so much better
and prettier
and nicer
and stronger

for someone's who's
everything I'm not

Emma Feb 2014
I hit,

At all the imperfections that line my body.

There is a monster
Swimming around
Bumping into my organs
Scratching up my insides

It gets stronger every day
Wanting to get out

It points out the flaws
Makes me weak
Shreds up my hope

I'm weak.

I lay in bed at night
Pondering the thought of sleep
Deep, deep sleep

Thinking if I had the courage to,
I would be long gone by now

But something makes me hold on
I don't know what it is;

But some days,
I wish it would just let go.

Emma May 2014
You said
Tomorrow is a new day
That we can leave
All our baggage
Behind us
And start over

And that hit me
Because those are the words
I've been dying
To hear

And of course
It came from the man
Who had been singing on stage
And keeping me alive
And letting me know

I am never

I went to the band Twenty One Pilot's concert last night and it was the best night of my life. I am so grateful for them and what they do. They have helped me stay alive.
Emma Mar 2014
I often think
About how much strength
It would take
To leave this world
With that tan rope
Lying in my

Or maybe
That black
Hidden not so carefully
In the basement

Or maybe
It's just as easy
To open up
Those brown
Cabinet doors
And reach my hand in
To grab
The big bottle
Of beautiful

But most days
I am far too
To do any
Of these options

But some days
I have all the
In the world
And could easily
Just get up and

Emma Jul 2015
I can feel myself change
when the depression leeches onto my heart
and my head

it ***** the life out of me
and leaves me with nothing left
except this hollow heart
and useless corpse
that I constantly want to destroy

Emma Oct 2015
I thought I finally found someone
who fit me perfectly
and who would honestly be there
no matter what
but now I'm sitting here on my bathroom floor
for the 7th time this week
crying my eyes out
wanting it all to go away
wanting it all to end
because you told me you'd listen
you told me you'd love me
you told me you'd never leave

if all that's true,
where are you?

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