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Emma Apr 2014
I'm so scared
That you won't
Think about me
As you lie awake
5 years from now
Because I tried
To give you everything
But you
Denied me
And I became
A mere
To you

And I say
I'm over you,
I'm over this
But the truth is
You meant
A lot
To me
So I can't
Get over you
As quickly
As I want
As quickly
As my heart

Emma Apr 2014
I'm so used to
Being 2nd choice
To you,
To him,
To her,
To Everyone
It's just an
Ongoing event
Where I don't matter
Nearly as much
As the next

Emma Apr 2014
I wish you would just
Like I wish
I could

Because your face
Isn't nice
To see
When I'm trying
My hardest
To get over you
Because I know
You don't like me
And I know
I never meant
To you

But how do you
Get over someone
Who was never

Emma Apr 2014
I've pushed
      Everyone away
               So they can't
                         Get close
                              To the hatred
                                       And horrors
                                              That fill my
                                                    Dying mind.
Emma Apr 2014
You've replaced me,
Yet you tell me
I'm your
Best friend
But I know
I'm not
Because you talk
So highly
Of those
Other girls
And say that
You think they're
And say that
They're your
Best friend
When talking to them

And you don't
How much
That hurts
Because I am
3 hours away
From you,
But I still
Try my hardest
To keep being
Your best friend
Because you're the
Only one
That understands
Even a sliver
Of me
And I'm the
Only one
Who understands
Even a sliver
Of you

And I can't
Take it
If you leave

Emma Apr 2014
You give me
Such terrible,
Bone crippling
And it feels like
My heart
Is ready
To leap out of
My chest
Whenever you're

Emma Apr 2014
"Well I could be
But you're
Not worth the

I adore this lyric
Because it shows
That when you're
At someone
You need to let it
Because it's
Not worth
Your happiness

So don't be
Smile at people
Who hurt you
Because it'll
Hurt them
In the long run.

Well, it's a little positive, right?
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