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Emma Feb 2014
I'm sorry
That I didn't want to talk
But I promise
I didn't want to talk to
I wanted to entangle
Myself in the sadness
Because I think it has finally won
These slits on my arm
Show that I have lost this battle
And the evil thoughts
Coursing through my terrible mind
Show that I have lost
Part of me thought that I could possibly
But that part was
Incredibly wrong
Because today has been the
And I lost the person
Who I cared for most
Because my best friend
Thinks I'm intentionally
Pushing her away
When really
It's just these bad thoughts
Telling me
That she doesn't care
But I promise
That I have been trying
My hardest
But like I've said
Over and over and over

I have never been good enough
And I never

Emma Feb 2014
I've been feeling ill
The past few weeks

Not wanting to do anything
Feeling sicker than usual

The depression was there
But it seemed like
Something else was too

Doctors maybe suspected cancer
I had most of the signs

I thought about it
But no sadness rushed over me,
it might have been gladness

Knowing that if I did
I would get out sooner
Than I thought

Hoping that God would give it to me
And take it away
From someone who deserved to live
Much more than

But sadly,
It was just a "scare"

I'm perfectly fine,

But please know,
That my mind is not "fine"
And I may find another way to

"Get out sooner."

Emma Feb 2014
I'm on the edge

Wishing that you'd come along
With a strong rope
That could help me up

I promised myself
I would never ask for help

But I'm too far gone,
Too weak
To not ask

I'm scared,
Sitting here
Wishing that I could find the gun
And pull the trigger
With one motion
Of my shaking finger

Because if someone,
Doesn't come
And save me

I don't think
I'll be here

To see the lovely sunrise
Tomorrow morning
Emma Feb 2014
I crave the feeling
Of being numb

So I wouldn't have to sit here
At 8:52 at night
Wishing I were gone

Wishing I could go away
Or go home

Because I can't handle
This sadness
That never,
And I mean never,
Goes away

I promise you
I'm trying to battle through it

But when I can't
Think of a reason
Why I should stay

I think of all the reasons why I

Emma Feb 2014
One, two, three

I count the tally marks
Lining my arm

Four, five, six

They're swollen,
Matching my eyelids

Seven, eight, nine

I'm losing sleep
And I'm losing places
To make my mark

Ten, eleven, twelve

I'm getting worse,
Much worse

Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen

I could go on
Until maybe

But I wouldn't want to
Bore you

With the scars lining
My battlefield
As I fight this
Never ending

Emma Feb 2014
These plain white
Hospital walls
Linger through my mind
As the IV in my arm
Pumps me full of sleepy

Your voice lingers in my

Telling me your disappointed
Telling me I should have told

But who would listen?

I'm in this state
Of never ending

You tell me
"I'll get over it"
That it's
"Just a phase"

Then this must be
The longest phase
In existence

You tell them I don't need help
I don't need medication

But I crave it
Because maybe
It could finally give me a

But I leave this place
With nothing more
Then when I came

And leaving with nothing solved
Coming home with just
Your disappointment

Emma Feb 2014
I told myself
I need to stop
Letting you break me

It's unintentional on your part
But it keeps happening

I keep loving you
With everything I have

But yet you won't even
Give me the time of day

You say you're confused
About your feelings
That you don't know
If you love me
Or someone new

I'm the happiest
When I see you
Or receive a single text from you
Or even talk to you

Because somehow
I can see your face light up with joy
When I see you

As I begin to break once again.
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