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 May 2016 Em Glass
The insomniac had a dream
The butcher fell in love with a goat
And the pauper begged for riches to leave for he had a mango dried voice and a sunflower for shade
The bartender was as sober as a priest
But his cup was filled to the brim not to be seen empty

The doctor had a dream
Pain had mercy
And God had time
Bandages wrapped souls tightly
To the bed, to the table, to the handle on the door
To the hand clamped to theirs
Anywhere to keep them here
 May 2016 Em Glass
I remember how you claimed to read me like a book
And then left me on the shelf
Forgotten by the person
I could never forget
Slowly quietly
Hiding behind closed doors
I remember
The time I loved you
Quickly frantically burying my tears
In the cloth of my sleeves
I remember
The time I loved you
 Apr 2016 Em Glass
I waited for tingles down my spine
Colours to shine
Breath to seize
But all I got was a brain freeze

I waited for your voice to sound like angels
All the so called changes
A smile that would melt glaciers
But all I had was the remainders

Of a life tainted
Once knighted and sainted
By butterflies and stolen kisses
Then slayed and exchanged

She ate him up and went away
So I'll take the betrayed glares
And nightmares
Mistrust and unjust

And hope that one day
Your heart knows the tune
To the melody mine plays
That you're nobody's fool
 Feb 2016 Em Glass
the way the sun glides through the sky
with no visas
you go through my mind
with no permission
 Jan 2016 Em Glass
I don't want you to miss me
Like an arm or a lung.
I would miss you like that
If you hated me, if you were gone,
And maybe you'd feel
The same.
But away as you are
In love and in faith,
I hope you miss me smaller,
I want missing me to go with you wherever you are
Not like a raincloud or a looming shadow
But like
Like a small love note
A little slip of paper, almost inconsequential,
Something you see and smile and think,
"I'll keep this."
Something you fold up small and slide into the bottom of your coat pocket
And fiddle with whenever you're bored or lonely
And maybe sometimes you forget it, maybe it doesn't always catch your notice
But then the wind blows and in the cold you push your hands
Deep into those pockets
And your fingers brush the thought of me and how I love you
And a smile spreads across your face.
Maybe you take it out and look it over,
And then decide to put it back so that can happen
All over again.
I want you to miss me like that.
I want it to be something sweet and small, something that can travel with you
And never weigh you down.
It's true that I think of you whenever I am sat in silence for more than a moment
And I do the same sort of thing
Maybe too often, maybe too fondly.
Maybe my little love note would be creased and worn
And rubbed a little blurry from the pads of my fingers tracing your words.
But nonetheless
You are so easy to take along with me
The thought of you so warm and comforting and
But strong.
I want that for you.
I want to be easy to hold
So that maybe you will never
Let me go.
 Nov 2015 Em Glass
The sun plays hide and seek in the clouds
As the tide kissed then retreated from the dancing sand
The waves gloomily sang
And it felt like everything I've never had
Beckoning me
My God
What a cruel game destiny plays
In the distance
Above the weeping willow
The moon mischievously winks
Hiding secrets
 Oct 2015 Em Glass
Joshua Haines
The sky, black as the eyes that stare at it.
Star-studded and as seamless as new programming.
I look down, the streets molested by fluorescent splotches --
red ribbons of memory evaporate from the lights of motorcycles,
gurgling by.

A homeless, pregnant woman, in a bar, once told me,
"Forgiveness is letting a prisoner free, then finding out that you were the prisoner."

The sunset looks like an explosion of emotions
no one understands, yet.

The smudges on her lips
look like the bruises of an orphan apple.
Ashland, Wisconsin
 Sep 2015 Em Glass
Joshua Haines
We melt like aborted McDonald's ice,
on top of a blistering, gum-stamped lot,
under the sour heat of the Sun.

I'm boy wonder and you're, 'Boy, how is he alone?'

Olive-skinned cardigan, pearl pores.
Hair like ink and a jaw-line sharp enough to cut an umbilical cord.

Vintage Nikes come to a point,
the swoosh as red as the cherry at the end of your cigarette.

I watch you smoke and choke,
before calling phantoms over.
It begins like October:
The leaves fall, like your friends steps,
the bronze sweeps the air,
like the curls of their smiles,
the air is silent,
like your words as they condense and drop into the mouth of a tanned canyon.

What could they ever do to conquer you,
my dear, fantastic frenzy?
Ashland, Wisconsin

Also, special thanks to my girlfriend, for her blessing.
 Sep 2015 Em Glass
Jack B
Clay Feet
 Sep 2015 Em Glass
Jack B
I waited and heard clay feet go
And in my mouth fear and trust
Is that man proud to lie?
My wonderful thoughts
if I would speak them, they are desire.
burnt and required.
I come written.
Delight within my heart.
My lips have hid.
Within my heart, I have concealed truth.
Tender truth
preserve me.
head. heart. soul. Seek
love (art).
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