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236 · Mar 2020
Ellen Derbyshire Mar 2020
I think I am in love with apathy and sighs.
I don't feel well when I look into
my own eyes.

What comes next?
After all this scripted non-sense.
The art is gone...

I'll sit on the ******* fence.

And when they come for me,
demanding things I cannot see.
I'll feel the shame I lack,
and keep looking

for the track

  that I can't
207 · Aug 2018
Ellen Derbyshire Aug 2018
Life is not daunting, callous or done
Not something to be overcome

Life is to be had...
Dangerous, Comfortable, Happy or Sad.
He knew that.

A rare kind of person.

He tore through life
Every inch, every opportunity taken.

Life was wonderful,
sometimes woeful ,
But it was all Had!

He filled those around him
with the urge

He left a mark and a gap
many fail to leave
despite more years had.

He knew that.

— The End —