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May 2020 · 156
Ife May 2020
What are we,
But fragments of moments in a vast universes.
Cursed by our own creation and ideation of survival
We are the architect of our own destruction

Are u even you?
Your a blink of an eye,
Inter woven with million of years of memories
Impossible to grasp

Yet we torture ourselves with this ideation of perfection
Reaching out to nothing but a void

Take a step back
Breathe in.
And visualise how truly small your are
Like a needle in a haystack,
A temporary ripple in the sea of eternity.
Just remember ur passing by so breathe
May 2020 · 109
Untitled sequel
Ife May 2020
I'm tired
Tired of the way you make me feel
Feelings sealed

Speak up you said
Talk to me instead

I did and u listened
Happy you was and glistened

But it was all a hoax
part of ur plan to keep me hushed

You made me this way you know
Planted your words into me as i grow

And your surprised by the fruit educe
it a little abstruse

Do i not matter
i should be smarter

Detach from your web, I might fly
I might fall

I'm just tired
Tired of the way you make me feel
Feelings sealed
May 2017 · 245
Ife May 2017
Which is worse
He asked me
To be broken
Or to break someone else's heart?
I will love to know which situation would u rather be in.
May 2017 · 479
Ife May 2017
Look for me in the rapid pulse of the vapid force.
Latching onto a mask of morse grasping for a flesh of hope.

Body is temporary, but the soul survives.
I'm nothing  more than a made up of atoms

I strain to escape this world
Drowning in shame
Out of my mind going insane

I never learn to accept my darkness
All I did was deny it.
Feeding it.

Do u remember showing me your bruises?
I, tying to soothe you
But I was just as broken as you were.
Damnnn my heart cries out to an eternal skies.
I know what it's like when your pain consumes you and steals your happiness.

Mind clocked in amnesia
Lost between dimensions.

The past is reduced to nothing but whispers of shattered images.
May 2017 · 742
Ife May 2017
I remember the way you made me feel when our eyes collided like a supernova
heart beating aginst my ribcage  
I swear in that moment the world stopped for us.

I remember when I was craving for your love just to be close to you will satisfy my need.

But you see you broke my heart you ****.
Face down in the night
my soul aches.
My mind disconnected.

I remember the way you looked at me when a girl twerked on your lap.
You are a stormy ocean,
crashed into me like a tide against it shore
almost drowning me.

I know you broke me purposely and I hate you for that.
But I hate myself more for still loving you.

The nights thought me the hidden language of the earth.
gnawing of unsaid words loud enough to be heard,
the day thought me that light doesn't heal
and the pain is too real.

The reality is crystal clear, it pierces through my heart
so I drink heavily
until my problem fades into oblivion.

Eyes drenched in tears
nights slept in fears
you left me here
now I'm wrecked and teared

It has been a year and I still remember the way you made me feel when our eyes met, how could I forget?
they say time heals but my feelings are as strong as the first day I met you.

After all of this, I'm still in love with you.
May 2017 · 906
Milk and honey- Breaking
Ife May 2017
I don't know what living a balanced life feels like
When I am said
I don't cry I pour
When I am happy
I don't smile I glow
When I am angry
I don't yell I burn

The good thing about feeling in extreme is
When I live I give them wings
But perhaps that isn't such a good thing cause they always tend to leave
And you should see me when my heart is broken
I don't grieve
I shatter.
-by rupi kaur
Ife May 2017
I'm lost in the nebulous dimension of my thoughts.
walking the tightrope of fantasy and reality
Unable to distinguish which is which.  

I'm Lost inside the verses of the song searching for an unknown miracle perhaps.
I never quite figure it out.

I watched as the blood of my ancestry oozed out my wrist
Unrecognisable by my own reflection.
'A disappoinment'
I whisper
May 2017 · 920
Ife May 2017
The world is quiet
I'm trying to forget.
my heart aches,
like I was stabbed
perhaps betrayed.

I'm broken
and never healing right

Dark and frozen
and rarely feeling bright.

— The End —