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I need to be inspired.
So why don't you come over,
and make me feel desired?
Come a little closer,
I'll make you feel admired.
Make me your lover,
before what we have is expired.
words have run deep for me today
its odd how leaving can make emotions surface
some nostalgic and wistful, others better unspoken
but I guess that's just the way it goes
I believe hearts procrastinate by nature

you fall in and out of love
and shelter feelings too long,
but when the chips are down
and all bets are in
there's just no avoiding honesty
and (no hiding your hand)

that's when it all comes out
all the disappointment and hatred,
melded with love and latent sorrows

how things are destined to go from here
well, i haven't a clue,
but my path now laid
i am leaving with no less hope than you
I noticed my wing was broken
when I started spiraling out
in a frenzy I tried to mantain balance
but my imperfection weighed me down
and as I watched the ground approaching
The exceleration picking up
I wondered whatever made me think
I could fly with the rest of the them
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
I lift my chin,
jugular exposed.
There'll be no fear,
this storm becomes me.
Facing ****** memories,
your essence beads upon dead skin
& cobwebs tangle inside a broken soul;
Seeping out from buried deep within, you return,
with neediness that hunts my flesh & steals nights away.
Our dramas of yesteryears playing out to a shadowed audience.
As howls resound under a blue moon; Let the bite be quick, my death
... River, a little darkness for you ***
There are 2 full moons this month, one is blue (just saying!)
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Holding a torch to single motherhood with one hand
~ I push the pram of invisibility with the other!

Perhaps I should get a curve hugging costume,
a (wipe-clean) comic strip silhouette of a kickass mother.

**"I'll be doing it all because I can!"
Just some fun ... x
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Holly W
The scent of defeat oozes from my pores
as I lay there motionless and satisfied
My toes are tingling as your hand rests on my hip
My thoughts blank as my mind rests on your heart
What does it feel? What can't you see?

I lay my head upon your chest and assume you imagine it's not me
You see my hair as brown and my heart hopefully unscathed
Am I a filler or a plug, that doesn't let your heart wash down the drain?
Why can't you see me?

My eyes pierce your soul and you look at me like a blank slate
Not worth the time to make something of, yet too scared to throw me away.
My anxious reality won't let you go- what if tomorrow you see me?

I told myself I wouldn't surrender to your breath against the blade of my shoulder,
or the trace of your fingers just above my knee,
but I did
The scent of defeat oozes from the quaking warm shiver you sent through my body
As my eyes gently close and approach a dreamless sleep I pray.
*see me, finally see me
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