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 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
on my own
at the start til
you came along &
wide-bust my heart
& made me believe love
means two parts of US pair.
"You'd always love me &
always be there."
 reality shone brightly
worship you
not. no longer. no more.
when you're sorry & you're left all alone,
as lights in that tunnel guide you down home.
For the journey, I wish you good luck and good health  
for without you, i would've been stuck on my shelf
revised as I hated the last line .. but it still makes me smile ...
*As I give thanks for lessons you've taught me ~ the new & the blue~ ne'erbefore seen from my shelf!*
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Beautiful mists', colour us,
falling; Silently,
wrapped beneath
dusk covers.
The ice queen's been sent packing... for now!
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
During these twilight hours
come and walk with me
down by the bustling river
Let's lose ourselves
amongst the days shadows
Watching sparkling reflections
dance upon the surface
underneath entwined illuminations
Press your cold hands into this warm heart
as we pause
to kiss
the jewels on chains
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
By paper-lantern light

flames colour a snow crystals dance, beautifully enchanting, to

the distant sound of singing; Joyous songs of celebration, lulling all in revelry. Each note heard

in silent reverence, beneath the skeletal canopy of majestic oak spread. Where from amongst the

damp branches, wise old saucer eyes calls "Ubi? Ubi?", heralding a cacophony of wide-eyed whispers

This afternoon, sweet twilight guides our paths as we search on ever onward journeys unknown; Our

arms collecting firewood, to fill the empty hearths of others. Unaware of the cold hands, we are, when

there's such warmth in our hearts. We toil within the stillness, snow falling softly, and covering the
crisp ground. From deep beneath the dazzling pure white, tiny hibernating animists
blink wide from the                               warmth of hidden
woodland beds.                        Gently,         
   sweep the                   12 droplets
                             of ice from                 all our eyes, Sol,                   
                             as we cough        darkness                                
                     from our      lungs,                       
                       watching the sparkles     of no                                              
                      matter,  floating                  
in the  paper-
            lantern light            
       to scatter across    
this   Solstice   sky,
illuminating our fates,
as cold  snowflake hearts
twinkle like falling stars, unseen,
turning, embracing the return of the Light
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
of smiles,
c r a c k ling
word sparks,
ignite the

This is my second attempt, my first is here...
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Holly W
I break through
the bars that do
not hold me captive
There were never
chains or bolts
My body free to
fly yet so heavy
to soar
The weighted calmness
of being still has
robbed the independence
in my veins
But with one breath
I take back what was
mine and walk through
the gate that was never
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Holly W
a battle well fought
is a battle worth losing
for what we once thrived for
is what makes life worth living
you live for a person then what is your life?
a shadow of nothing or a roll of a dice?
a battle well fought
is a battle worth losing
for if you are my all
and my all has been given
I've lived for a person and tried as i might
love is a war, a struggle a fight
If a war has been summoned and we are now soldiers
my daffodil traded for diamonds and roses
innocence garbaged for vanity and sin
then here is my promise my aching surrender
I will walk to you adorned in white
only to hand you my flag, laceless and bright
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Holly W
On the edge of the sea
so deep and blue
Like everything and nothing
like your words and how I read them
Like your wandering eyes,
away from me that is,
until I'm adorned
Adorned in extravagance
then I'm "beautiful"
I found you in the darkness
and that's where we stayed
Stuck in the shadows of after midnight,
tangled up in each other not wanting to let go
Or so it felt
The soft light of morning touched my skin
and now I'm toxic
So until the sun sets again...
 Dec 2012 Edward Searson
Holly W
Like the sky,
or my bed
Space between
you and me
Sometimes so close
and touching
Sometimes I
do not know
where you are
Press yourself against me
and stay,
finally stay.
his blood runs cold
over my rough hands
the knife falls to the ground
what have I done
why do I feel so amazing
standing here looking at him
he is beautiful , a latino beauty
his chest hard and strong
one clean line down the middle
exposing his organs drenched
in the most glorious crimson
his blood, delicious and warm
down my throat
what have I done
his lower half sits parallel to him
his knee caps missng
femeral artery in shreds
his olive skin going pale
but that face, stained my memory
his thick lustful lips trapped in a scream
I walk away, into new life
all thanks to my latino beauty
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