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Nov 2015 · 289
My Road To Learning
I am on a road to learning , to be thankful for those that were in my life.
A great Joy for those that are still in my life, I do appreciate each of you.
I am laying down my will , for God knows my life much better then I.
So when he says no, I need to respect it and be grateful to him for it.
For some people were not meant ever to be in my life, never to be.
While some were meant to be in my life from an distance for a reason.
So that I shall work hard in re acquainting, some awesome Friends.
While getting to know some for the very first time in my life here.
For getting to know one through the net, give us both an stronger bond.
One that is built on Love, Trust, Hope of meeting someday as well.
Nov 2015 · 330
Thank you all I shall be back later thanks for all of your support
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Not A Poem
my mother pass away today please keep me in your prayers
Nov 2015 · 160
Not a Poem
I need to leave now stay blessed
Nov 2015 · 455
You are Loved, you are Blessed.
You are Awesome, you are Special.
You are wonderfully made by God.
There is no better person for your purpose.
I shall only speak life into each of you.
There is enough death being spoken.
Into people lives here on this dead planet.
So I shall speak life and not death into each of you.
Because you deserve only life spoken into your lives.
Nov 2015 · 228
I Am Blessed By You All
I have been so blessed to know each and every-one of you.
For each of you are truly an blessing, and inspires me greatly.
I am just an ordinary man with extraordinary people in my life.
God is using each of you to Bless me, to inspire me as well.
For each of you are truly Awesome group of Awesome people.
For I can not state this enough on how blessed I am by you all.
For Christ working inside of you giving you enough strength.
To write inspiring poems or to walk an inspiring walk here.
I am just so blessed to have each of you in my life here on the earth.
Nov 2015 · 541
I am grateful for each and everyone of you.
I thank you for inspiration that you give me.
I also thank you for all of your encouraging.
You truly make us all feel Special and important.
I see so many Awesome authors on HP, thank you.
I see so many Great people on Facebook as well.
I thank each of you for being the person that you are.
T he person that Christ created to bless us all.
So I just want to thank each and everyone of you all.
Nov 2015 · 192
You Are Loved
You are Loved, and you are important as well.
So please do not put yourself down, never put yourself down.
For you are truly Special, you are Awesome also.
For God has never created junk, just masterpieces.
For you are Loved, and you are protected as well.
So please trust me, when I say that you are Special.
For you have a purpose, and I see how important you are.
So just love others, without any conditions put on the love.
Just show others just how Special that they are to you too.
Nov 2015 · 294
Stand Strong
Stand strong, persist to live even if you rather not.
Because as long as you live, you can be the difference.
By Loving others, by Blessing them as well my friend.
For then God can use you to minster and change others.
Change their hearts toward others through your obedience.
For being obedient is more then just reading the bible.
Its more then not sinning or Praising your Great Savior.
Its allowing him to use you to minster to other people.
It's doing what he ask, even when you feel like laying down.
Nov 2015 · 354
Do Not Give Up
I  am only as strong as I allow God to strengthen me.
As a child of Christ, I am a Saint but still not perfect.
For there is and was only one whom walk was perfect.
As a sinner our walk here is a struggle , its in our mind.
As well as in our sinful nature or flesh as you might call it.
For even if we get it in the mind , there is the flesh as well.
So as addiction attacks us in the flesh , making us to want to sin.
So no we are far from perfect, but God is working to overcome within me.
So whatever you do, please do not give up, as long as you're trying.
Nov 2015 · 218
I Am So Blessed
I have my share of struggles here on the earth.
I suffer from pain as well, but I am still blessed.
For even though bad things happen to all of us.
There is a Savior that strengthen you for them.
I may not always have everything that I want.
Still I always have all of the things that I need.
I may not always feel good as well my Friend.
But I am always under Christ protection here.
For God is my Provider as well as my Protector.
Nov 2015 · 340
If Only
So much hurting, so much struggling here on the earth.
Wishing that I was like Paul or Peter healing by touch.
I know that each of Christ people have this gift of healing.
But in today's time it is not the same I mean by touch.
Yes we have the power through pray and words to heal others.
But to actually see them healed just by touching them.
As the bible spoke about the handkerchief healing many.
Now this would be a amazing gift to heal all whom touch you.
It would be a blessing to be able to heal others by touch.
Cancer would be a death trap of the past if I had this gift.
To walk into a hospital and heal all for free just need to see.
That they had the same faith as they did in the past.
Nov 2015 · 645
I think that we all suffer from  some kind of Loss here on the earth.
But what really define someone is how they get through it, after its done.
After suffering some kind of loss whether its a person or something else.
Do we move on even while our heart is breaking into many pieces here.
Or do we give up, wanting to end our life here because we hurt really bad.
Really all that we can do is to accept this loss, praying for strength here.
To overcome this hurt that is so painful deep inside each of us that's hurt.
For only Christ can rescue us , then heal us of this suffering of ours.
Thus revealing himself in each of us that obediently listen to him.
Nov 2015 · 512
The Famous One
He is greater than any rock-star or president of a country.
He gives Hope far more stronger then either of these do.
For he is the only true Hope that any of us have here.
No one is as famous as him, everyone has heard of him.
He is the one that gives Life to each and every one of us.
He is the Filler of Love and Hope in each of our hearts.
For he speaks and life spring forth into the clay become life.
For my heart sings, my heart worship him as well always.
For he is the Christ, my provider and first love praise him.
Nov 2015 · 268
The More You Suffer
The more that you have suffer, yet fights even harder to live.
Now this reveal strength within a person to be use by God.
Because through this others shall see their perseverance here.
Thus seeing God within that person daily, praise the Lord.
For to give up is a loss of a beautiful soul here on the earth.
But to keep pushing through is one going against the odds.
Whether its physical suffering, spiritual or mental suffering.
For soon the Miracle shall appear blessing the person much.
So whatever you do, please never give up my Awesome friend.
Nov 2015 · 168
Whom am I , but a revelation of what Christ can do.
For I can succeed at nothing except through God.
I have seen my failures, and I have seen my mistakes.
I have seen good times, as well as hardships here.
I have felted Loved, as well as hatred, by the same person.
So I know first hand that Christ is the one to cling to.
Because he shall always love me, even when I fail him.
So I lay my life down, use it to reach out to others.
I love everyone of you all and am Grateful for you all.
For I want to celebrate with you all in heaven above.
Nov 2015 · 307
Thank You All
Seeing you all, your gifts, your hearts as well.
Makes me to want to Worship, and Praise God.
Each of you are so very Special, Perfect Workmanship.
Through you and your Gifts , God is really reveal.
Your heart and your persistence, all reveal Christ.
Your struggles, and perseverance are reveal.
We as people want to be used as well as heard.
I see your strength, your heart, and Love too.
For each of you have a story to be heard here.
Through your story I see you are working.
On getting your dreams and something better.
Nov 2015 · 197
Your Shining Light
I want people to know that I am not trying to be rude.
That I know that each of you are very special to me.
As well as Christ, you really do mean a lot to me too.
I know that each of you have your gifts as well as Light.
That glows through you revealing God to other people.
Each person has their degree of Light , even the Lost.
Because everyone was born in the image of Christ.
Its up to each of us whether this Light shines or not.
So by loving others this Light becomes brighter.
I am sorry if you deleted me, I meant unlike me
Nov 2015 · 202
Lost in your Gaze, feeling bare to your sight.
There is nothing that I can hide from you.
For you know all of my secret desires too.
You whom form me in my mother womb.
So how could I ever hide anything from you.
I am just an man, my life is an open book.
To you whom breathe life into me in my mother's womb.
You know that I owe everything that I am to you.
For you are the source of everything that I receive.
Nov 2015 · 360
I Am Learning To
I am learning to be satisfied in each and every situation.
I am learning to being grateful for each day as it comes.
I am learning that Christ protection is an overwhelming blessing.
I am learning that even though life may be hard at many times.
Being without Christ must be a very scary place to live here.
I am learning that forgiveness, brings peace to the one forgiving.
I am learning just how powerful that Love is in this here world.
I am learning that you will have people that dislike you here.
The most important thing you can do for them is pray for them.
For prayer is the second greatest gift, while Love is the first.
Nov 2015 · 435
Wealthy In Christ
I may not always have money in my pockets.
But I always have Christ standing next to me.
Which is by far more valuable then gold or silver.
I am not wealthy by man's standard but all is good.
For I not only have the things that I need here.
But I have something a lot of people here do not.
I have the greatest protection that any one could have.
A Savior whom loves and defends me in every way.
I am not being prideful, I am just so thankful to God.
So I am thanking him by praising the wonderful things he does.
Nov 2015 · 210
Though revelation Christ reveal himself to his people.
As well as the people that he is trying to reach out to.
I see that this here world is dangerous place to live in.
People are always being protected by his Great Arm.
But at times we are blinded to the truth of the matter.
Because the attack against us was from the evil one.
Its mad because Christ has protected us from its attack.
So when its able to it blinds the person from seeing it.
Thus stealing one of the person testimony of Christ faithfulness.
Nov 2015 · 197
Who Am I
Who am I , but a man with struggles and as well as pain.
But you whom I have called , always came to my rescue.
I am a man , whom failed more then I ever succeeded.
The times that I succeeded, were the times you lead me.
So even those times it was not me but you whom succeeded.
But I would rather have it this way, and got to know you.
Because you have a way to draw us in so we shall fall in love.
With you , I feel hard, you have always been there for me..
Especially the times that I did not feel you near me O God.
Nov 2015 · 472
Faithful One
Throughout my Journey, here on this planet called earth.
I have never been put in a situation of not being saved by God,
For once I cry out he came to my rescue as well as my defense.
Even the times that I was ready let go of this here life of mine.
I might have been hurt, but never destroy unto deaths hands.
As you see I seen many fall, yet still here I sit, crying out to him.
For even though I have number of times been unfaithful to him.
Yet he has always been faithful to me, yes he has been faithful.
So I shall do my best to be faithful to you O Worthy Savior God.
Nov 2015 · 200
My Heart Love For You
I love you all with God's Agape unconditional love.
You are truly are very important to me always.
I praying that each of you shall be held by Christ.
With his Protective hands , he shall defend you .
That you shall overcome every huddle set before you.
That your Love for others shall not only increase.
But your love for yourself shall decrease here.
So that you shall go to Spiritual battles here on earth.
To defend everyone that you know through prayer.
Nov 2015 · 293
Only God's Help
Once we see just how mess up and unmanageable our live is.
Then asking for God's help in straightening it out here on the earth.
Through God Spirit that dwells within us , then only then.
Can our lives become truly manageable, because things happen.
You can be the very most gifted management genius in the world.
But things happen most of the times not even our own fault here.
Losing your job, losing money on the stock markets here too.
Death in the family that hurts you deeply as well awful things.
Only with the Help of Christ can we overcome these things.
For only Christ can keep us strengthen in his inner strength.
So that we do not give up and do something that we shall regret.
Nov 2015 · 719
O How Bless We Are
For those whom live Psalms91 Life's here on the earth everyday.
God opens your eyes to the senseless killings of the innocence.
My heart breaks for those that are killed needlessly by evil one.
For I watch true life stories of evil people whom are being lead.
By the demons themselves killing needlessly those without cause.
But Christ is leading many as well, protecting them from them.
He that dwells in the secret place of the most High, shall abide Psalms 91;1-3
Under the shadow of the most Mighty.
I shall say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress.
my God in him shall I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler
as well as the noisome pestilence
For these lines spoke my life thus far here on the planet earth.
For I have faced death many of times yet still I am here my friend.
Look back on your life and you shall probably see the very same thing.
I am Blessed because I am always protected from death thus far.
Nov 2015 · 176
Love Saves
Do not give up for this world may seem dark at times.
But there is a Light that not only shall save your life.
But your soul as well my friend, this Light saves all.
That shall cry out to the Living Savior, the Lamb of God.
For he Lives , he truly does love mankind and will save you.
For redemption for the broken sinful heart of mankind.
All that he ask is for you to allow him to change you within.
Admit you are a sinner and accept that you are a sinner.
So that he may come in and have sup  with you all the time.
For his Spirit entwine with your , so others shall see he lives.
That he love them and want to become their Savior too.
Nov 2015 · 478
Love Bypass Gold Even
It matters not how important that you become.
It matters not how wealthy that you have become.
It does not matter how smart that you are my friend.
It matters not how successful that you have become.
What matters is how much you love God and others.
For to be loved by everyone , for how you made them feel.
For Love is the Greatest Gift that we can share with others.
For it is by far greater then diamonds and Gold coins.
Love can heal the brokenness that lives within you too.
But just imagine what one whom loves with Gold and Love combine.
How much Christ uses them to love and bless others here on the earth.
Nov 2015 · 619
Allow No Fear In
Stars shine brightest when they are falling to the earth below.
While People shine their brightest after winning their battles.
Yet do not take your eyes off of the victory handed to you by God.
Thus like Elisha after he was use to reveal God in the defeat.
Of the five hundred baal profits that were put to death in Israel.
How he forgot so quickly the victory and allow fear to consume him.
We must stand firm and remember that Christ is always protecting us.
So that we allow no seed of fear to penetrate our minds after victories.
But instead continue to trust in the Creator of us and everything else.
Nov 2015 · 364
Never Give Up On Anyone
You are Special, you have been through a lot.
Yet here you still stand, suffering but determine.
To stand fast, waiting for something to happen.
Bringing renewal Joy into your hurting life.
Even while being rejected, you are still strong.
So use your  pain and suffering to reach out.
To those whom lost all of their strength here.
Become a life line to them love them into Joy.
For I understand that we need to never give up on anyone.
We need to keep on loving everyone on the earth.
Nov 2015 · 319
How does one go about changing the world.
With just one person at a time, its this simple.
You allow Christ to change your life first.
Thus allowing others to see what Christ can do.
To a heart that is open to put others before one self.
Thus showing this world that you really do love them.
For this is the most important thing to do here.
Love others without conditions put on them here.
For tis is true Love does conquer all when its genuinely reveal.
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
Only Christ
Even the most negative mind can become a shining Light.
For we all have options on what we want to fill our minds.
We rely on the Holy Spirit to work on us, changing us daily.
Remodeling us into the likeness of Christ himself daily.
The more that we seek his positive example filling us with it.
The brighter the Light within us shall shine revealing true Hope.
For only he can give to us true Hope here on the planet earth.
For he is the True Living Savior , whom speak Life into us.
Thus transforming us , into his people and use us to reveal himself to others.
Nov 2015 · 267
For Those Hurting
I am not sure about others but I know that I can not change on my own.
God has became to me the God that saves those whom can not change themselves.
So I cry out to him and then I lay down the mess that I know that I am.
For him to decide which piece of the puzzle to change first of all here.
For he is transforming this mess that I have became here on the earth.
Into the masterpiece , revealing to those whom can not change too.
To trust in him and see just exactly how beautiful their life shall become.
Because he loves working with the ones, that knows that it is him.
Doing this work , and none of them thus then he gets all of the Glory.
Nov 2015 · 1.4k
Bread Of Life
There  is no one else but Christ to run to.
Whom can breathe life into me and others.
For you are the Word of Life O Jesus.
The one to run to when we need saved.
To truly Live, is to trust and live in Jesus.
For he is the Lamb of God , the bread of Life.
The only one whom can save any of us, my friend.
For he whom believe in him the Lamb of God.
He whom trust in him the Lamb of God shall live.
Nov 2015 · 386
May He The Christ
May Christ transform your Love and Life into something beautiful.,
May Christ use your Lives to reveal His Hope to this lost world here.
May His blessings be use as a even Greater blessings to other people.
May His Light shine Glowingly through you revealing Him in you.
May the Sunrise and Sunset beauty be dull in comparison  your life.
May many come to know Him the True God and Savior Jesus Christ.
May we all whom see the truth and been blessed by Him the Christ.
Reveal our thankfulness, to Him whom spoke our lives into existence.
For without Him there would be no purpose to live because only He can save us.
Nov 2015 · 254
Live As A Example
As we all know, the sun does not evolve around any single person.
But it rather evolve around the whole earth which is us as a group.
Thus it is Christ revealing himself to everyone whom he created.
Showing us that each and every one of us are very important to him.
So never allow anyone to say that Christ does not love you my friend.
Rather instead focus on proving others wrong by focusing on following Christ.
So that you shall have a relationship with the Creator of everything good.
Love him with your complete heart and obey his Laws as well always.
Also keep everyone in your constant prayers , praying without ceasing.
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Never Give Up
When things become explosive in your life like a hurricane.
Just keep pressing on, keep on pushing through my Friend.
Never give up, for the miracle is on it way into your life.
I know that sometimes it is easier to just give up here my friend.
But just trust in him, the True Living Savior , and our God.
For he wants to use you to draw others to him, so just trust him.
For he has great things in store for you, just trust him my friend.
For you are stronger then you realize for you are using God's strength.
Believe me , it the kind of strength that is supernaturally last forever.
Nov 2015 · 1.9k
To Have A Positive Attitude
I just want people to know the Key to positive attitude.
Is first of all acceptance of others flaw, none of us are perfect.
Secondly Loving them without condition on this here Love.
It is the very same kind of Love Jesus not only show the sinners.
But the Pharisees as well as everyone else that he met here.
For every one is a work in process while you believe or not.
For even the non-believers , God is working on changing them.
So that in the future some shall accept him as their Savior.
So to gain an Godly Love with an positive attitude here.
The Love comes first then the attitude comes next.
Nov 2015 · 300
You Are Important
If someone reject you , do not allow it to consume you.
For each and every one of you are very important too.
Each of you all have Great Value and a huge Purpose.
For you are Loved, you are so very important as well.
I can not stress it enough just how important that you are.
Christ came down to the planet that he has created here.
To die and then to rise up again to take away your sins.
He did it for each and everyone of you because he loves you.
Because each and everyone of you are very important to him.
Nov 2015 · 720
Focus On Others
Life is not about us, but rather what we do with it here on earth.
Life is not about making ourselves feel good here on the earth.
But rather making others feel good through encouragement.
For it is easy to make yourself feel good here, some live for it.
But to put someone else needs above one self , that is a good thing.
For its quite easy to keep focusing on your self here on the earth,.
But to focus on others and make them feel better about themselves.
Now this is the beginning of becoming an disciple of Christ here.
Nov 2015 · 317
Not a poem
Love you all talk to you soon bye my back hurting now keep me your prayers
Nov 2015 · 370
Give Me Jesus
Give me Jesus, the Light of this world and Heaven.
You can have this darkness and hopelessness here.
Give me Jesus, for he is all of the Strength that I need.
You can have everything that here world offers to you.
You can be so rich that you own a whole country too.
But as for me, I am just a passing through here my friend.
You can have this here world just let me focus on Christ.
Whom is all that I need to overcome in this here world.
Nov 2015 · 223
I Am Desperate
I am so desperate for a Miracle, I am desperate this world to be rescued.
To see your truth, to see the Light , so that no one shall be left behind.
For I am so broken over people being deceived and not believing in God.
I just pray for the blind to have their eyes open, for them to see you.
The way that I see you, the one that rescue me from future eternal death.
I am so desperate for people to find you, for them to be saved by you Lord.
Cause like I said before I do not want to see anyone left behind, no not one.
In the next life, I want to sit and celebrate with them at the same table.
I want us to worship and celebrate your love for us with them together.
I want to sit at the very same table with them sharing our meal with you too.
Nov 2015 · 330
Battle Within
There is an raging battle within every man and woman that ever lived.
For there is both Good and Evil , in every person alive and lived.
Some have more Good within them because they feed the Good side.
Through following Christ and thriving to help others instead of self.
While there are also those that choose to feed the evil side more than Good.
They feed the make me feel good part of self, the me self thingies.
While as for me I shall seek and always follow the Lord Christ.
For I seek the do Good and listen to the Holy Spirit within me.
So please seek God , do for others as you want them to do for you.
Nov 2015 · 266
No More
No more doubting, no more pouting, no more losing.
Grasping the Powerful Word of the true Living Savior.
Just let me run to him, Let me refresh in him always.
For there is nothing else that can define me like him.
For there is no one else whom can Save me like him.
Just let me be refresh in him , the True Living God.
Grasping the Powerful Word of the true Living Savior.
For there is no other, whom can Save me like he can.
No more excuses, no more doubting, no more failure.
Just let me run to him, let me be refresh in him too.
Nov 2015 · 315
Christ Saves
He whom is Perfect, uses the imperfect revealing himself through them.
He whom is without sin, saves the sinner from the eternal final death.
He whom is eternal Savior , rescue those whom are lost in their sins.
Giving them a Purpose and giving them the Grace that they all need.
He whom is total Love, heals the sick thus saving them from death.
The death that leads to eternal life without the only Physician that can save.
For I am one of those whom Christ reveals himself to for we all need a physician.
Whom can rescue us from our sins and Christ is the only one who can save us.
Nov 2015 · 179
Here I am , falling into your Arms once again.
Here I am , running back to the one that save me.
Yet through all of the failures, yet you never gave up on me.
For you seen something in me that I am yet to see myself
Though the world seen me as a failure, yet you seen something else.
Even though even I , myself has given up on myself but not you.
For you have protected me , from death even though I deserve it.
For you always look past the person that I have become you look deeper.
You look at the Heart, you see the strength from within me.
You see that the outside is not whom I really am in the inside.
This is for all of those whom struggle to overcome addictions
Nov 2015 · 265
I Am Thankful
I am Thankful, for the other people that was in my Class.
I am Thankful, for the Teachers, that I had in school too.
I am thankful, for the classes that I went to in school.
I am Thankful, for the Awesome football team of my class.
I am thankful, to have spent four years with them in school.
I am thankful, for the drama class that I took part in too.
The plays were awesome, I am so very thankful indeed.
Even a couple of my classmates became famous after school.
They were/are Amazing people that I got to know, thank-you all.
Nov 2015 · 258
Help Me
Help me to reveal you in every situation.
Help me to love all people that comes near me.
Help the Love that you have place within my heart.
To always overwhelms those before me O God.
Help me to help others no matter who they are.
Because you did not come to the earth to help...
Those whom wanted your  help but to help.
Open the eyes of even those that despise you.
For everyone has a choice to call upon you like Paul.
The apostle that you had use mightily here on the earth.
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