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Nov 2015 · 153
Not A Poem
Nov 2015 · 184
I am thankful for you, fear not my friend.
For I understand your trials and your plans.
For you have an important purpose to fulfill.
You are needed, you are truly Loved too.
Please realize this important thing that I let you know.
For everyone has made mistakes , and hurt others.
You are still Loved and needed as well my Friend.
There is still Hope for us all in the Lord our God.
So fear not just let him know that you Love him.
That you need him so bad and know that he is your Savior.
Fear not my Friend, the Lord is always Good.
Trust in him whom spoke the universe into being.
For only he knows all of your mistakes and pain.
Yet he still Love you enough to Save your Soul.
He whom Spoke the earth into being here in the universe.
Loves you enough to keep you dry and warm at night.
For everything that happens comes from him alone.
So please do not kid yourself, for he is the Creator.
For he spoke your situation and everything else into existence.
Nov 2015 · 333
Christ Is Reveal Within You
When life seems to be trying to drag you down with it.
When you have Jesus near you, life has more Hope in it.
I know that you are truly Special, and very well Loved.
For you walk with confidence, for Gods grace is upon you.
God Flavor surrounds you as well, his love overwhelm you.
For you have more going on for you then you can know.
You grace the place with the strength of the Holy Spirit.
People see that you are Protected , by the Supernatural God.
Jesus reveal himself within you as well with many Miracles.
For death has nothing on you till Christ allows it to my Friend.
Nov 2015 · 413
Thank You All
I appreciate you for inspiring me.
For showing me what friendship means.
For showing what conditional Love can do.
If you allow it to work within your heart.
I am so very Grateful for each of my Friends.
I may never be married again my Friends.
But I have something more value then that.
I have so many Awesome Friends here.
On HP as well as Facebook thank you all.
For being so very inspiring as well as encouraging.
Nov 2015 · 746
Friends Like You
We may not see each other every day here.
But we can message each other from a far.
You have no idea , how Blessed that I been.
By having each of you in my life through the net.
For Friends like you are by far the most precious gift of all.
To have such Precious Friends like you all here.
Are what makes one so rich, far more precious then diamonds.
As far more Precious to me then Gold could ever be.
For Friends like you are what make me feel rich.
Oct 2015 · 182
May The Good Lord
May the Good Lord , Angels surround you at all times here.
May the Good Lord, covenant with you never become broken.
May he raise you up, to have blessings that you could never buy.
May he make you a head over those whom despise you here.
Thus causing them to rethink and find God through your acts.
May you be blessed with cars and homes that you can not afford.
May he build up within you Love that overwhelms others here.
May this Love become even more supernatural and heal others.
May your home be a safe haven always to you and your family.
Oct 2015 · 185
Sometimes, you might end up all alone here .
Sometimes, what you see is not always the truth.
Sometimes, you might mess up in life big time.
Sometimes , you can be your own worst enemy.
Sometimes, life is not fair so you need to live with it.
But at least you still have Christ your God by you.
This is why you must not always jump to conclusions.
So you need to ask for forgiveness and then move on.
So you need to take everything to God in prayer here.
Like I said you need to learn to deal with it everyday.
Oct 2015 · 342
My Desire
My desire, is to walk in the Light of my Savior Jesus.
To follow your truths, to be obedient to my Lord God.
To love like my Savior Love, to be obedient to him always.
Not to lose my temper every day but love like Christ does.
For Agape Love reveals Christ within us when we show it.
All I want to do is allow the Holy Spirit to be reveal within me.
For then others may repent and run to him in prayer of theirs.
Thus wanting him in their life as well, crying out to him.
Alas I still fail through losing my temper here on the earth.
But Someday I pray that I shall quit losing my temper here.
I am not losing my temper very often anymore here on the earth.
Oct 2015 · 138
Think positive then speak out your thoughts.
Listen fully to others before you speak back.
Thus revealing to them that they are special.
When you pray, first pray for them before thyself.
Never allow anger to keep you from loving others.
Always listen to others, and love them unconditional.
With Agape love reveal to them just how special they are.
Always be Grateful to Christ as well as to others.
Always have positive thoughts for everyone you see.
Oct 2015 · 185
Never give up, you are by far more valuable then Gold.
Never let go of the Love that you have in your heart.
Except to make others feel better or to show others.
How you feel about them , but never let it go here.
For money, cause that's not what Love is for my friend.
Cherish the moments that you share with those close to you.
Treat others with Love, Respect, and never lose your temper.
Never let them leave without letting them know that you love them.
For you never know when you shall lose them from your life.
Oct 2015 · 280
Never Allow
Never allow anyone to call you stupid or Lazy.
Never allow anyone to speak to you negative.
For God does not make junk, he makes Masterpieces.
For put downs does not come from God but the devil.
Do not allow anyone steal your Joy here my Friend.
For you are Special, you are Worthy to be Loved too.
For you were Loved by God, before man was made.
He though of you back then and created you recently.
So never allow anyone to try and push your buttons.
Oct 2015 · 221
Peace To You
Peace to you my Friend with Agape Love, I give to you.
For each of you are in my prayers to Christ my Savior King.
For each of you are truly inspiring to me, you are special.
For each of you in your own way are an encouragement to me.
For each and everyone of you have touch a place deep in my heart.
There shall be etched in my heart you whom I shall keep praying..
That you shall find in this life all of your dreams fulfilled here.
Thus seeing the True Savior of the World Lord Jesus here my Friend.
Oct 2015 · 353
True Hope
I just want each of you to know the truth.
There really is real Hope in this dead world.
It's not the person sitting next to you either.
But it's the one that spoke you into existence.
The demons do not want you to know the truth.
But Christ can speak anything into existence.
The struggles that you are going through here.
With that broken heart of yours , he wants to heal it.
So just pray to him to reveal himself to you today.
He wants to save you, more then you shall ever know.
Oct 2015 · 154
Listen to the world and you shall fail here, every time.
But listen to Christ and you shall overcome , every time.
For the world shall say that it can not be done and they believe it.
But the Lord says trust me and you shall overcome every time.
For how many times I have struggle with quitting cigarettes.
But once I listen , trust God and did what he told me to do.
Then I just never smoke a cigarette after I listen to him ever again.
For it is this simple if we trust the world , then we shall always fail.
But if we truly trust the only true God, then we shall see many miracles.
For he whom lives within us is Greater then he in the world.
Oct 2015 · 602
I Miss My Chance Back Then
Sometimes my heart aches, thinking about those that I got close to.
But they went away, without me reaching out to them about God.
I fail to minster to them , and now I feel ashamed that I fail them.
When I think about all those people whom made a difference in my life.
But I fail to make a difference in their lives while they were here.
So many people that needed Jesus but I fail back then to minster.
So now here I am missing being able to have been their true friend.
For now I try to Love with Agape Love, but I fail back then to.
I just am feeling so blue because I miss being able to minster to them.
The way that I should had, so tonight I pray one more time for others.
Oct 2015 · 226
Life A Oppurtunity
So much that we need to be thankful for here on the earth.
For as long as we are in the Land of the Living here.
We have a chance to make a difference in someone life.
Or a chance to have your Life chance by someone else.
Either way Life is truly an gift given to us by our God.
For we were place here to enjoy and learn from each other.
Also you never know who you might meet here that will bless you.
For our Life is an Journey and an opportunity to grow here.
So enjoy and thank the Good Lord for this learning experience.
Oct 2015 · 218
Sometimes Life seems so unfair and anger pours out of us.
Like the Lava pours erupts out of the volcano at times .
But when this happens we need to hang onto our Savior.
So he can keep us from hurting others due to the rage within us.
So spending time with the Savior whom saves can help us.
Through spending time in the Word of God as well as praying.
Asking him to heal the Rage that hides within us due to issues.
For the hurt and pain that we receive from others can fuel it.
But God wants to heal you , and get hid of all anger within.
Oct 2015 · 192
With one eye I see, the other fully blind, but pity me not
For the Good Lord leads me. down the straight and narrow.
Being lead by him is the very best thing that could happen to me.
For I not only rely on his Sight, but his strength as well.
To get me through each day, to keep from sinning as well.
For he is my Supplier, and my Portion here as well my friends.
He shall guide me through the storms in this very life.
So I shall sing , Worship, Praise him, and rejoice in him.
For what I lack, I gain much more from my Savior and God.
For the things that I lack, I do not need them to be Saved,
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
But We Will Overcome
This race that we the disciple of Christ are in here.
Gets harsh, the pain is overwhelming at times too.
The people that we meet some hates us without reason.
Sometimes our brokenness is reveal within us as well.
But we have a Savior that lives with us here on the earth.
He strengthen us, sometimes moment by moment.
But one thing that I know for sure that we shall overcome.
Because we have a Savior that strengthen us here on the earth.
So whatever you go through or see remember we shall overcome.
Because it shall be the Christ that lives within us that shall overcome
Oct 2015 · 291
I Pray
I pray that each of you shall feel Peace not mans peaces but God's peace,
That you shall have Wisdom and be filled with Unconditional love for others.
That you shall be filled with Joy and all anger shall cease in your heart.
that your day will begin and end with Great joy, love, and peace.
Tha you shall be blessed with going in and coming out too.
That you shall become filled with great understanding and wisdom.
I pray that everyone shall see a new and loving person within you.
That they see and want what they see that you have in your new self.
Oct 2015 · 179
What We Go Through
The things that we went through were destine to build us up.
To draw others to us so that we can lead them out of the darkness.
Allowing the Holy Spirit to draw them unto him to save them.
To allow him through his Hope to reveal himself to the hopeless.
To allow him to reveal himself through us to those that are hurting.
To reach out to those that are lost so that they may find the Christ.
To reach out to those whom hunger, reveal himself through his word.
So that there shall be many more sharing his kingdom with us.
So that there shall be much bigger celebration to enjoy together.
Oct 2015 · 270
In The Presence Of God
We live in the presence of God, through our obedience.
We live in the presence of God, when love others daily.
We live in the presence of God, when put others first.
We live in the presence of God, when we walk in faith.
We thrive in the presence of God , because he loved us first.
We live in the presence of God, when we die to self.
We live in the presence of God through the Holy Spirit.
We live in the presence of God, because we trust him.
We whom love him lives in his presence always.
Oct 2015 · 826
I Am Thankful
I am thankful for a God that saves.
One that loves me without ceasing.
One whom knows me, yet loves me anyway.
One that give.

. Margaux   1 minute ago
I am thankful for this life as His gift-
The life that gives me chances and choices
The life that trains and teaches me how to stand
The life that I should live to its fullest
s without expecting my freedom.
I started this here poem and its not finish if you like it add to it Love you all with Agape love.
Oct 2015 · 421
Why Am I Still Alive
Why, did Christ protect me when in fact I should be dead.
Why did he surround me with so many different Angels.
I know that death try to grasp me, but Christ said no.
For he is my defender, my Savior, and my Loving God.
So many questions left unsaid ,that I had ask him.
Why was I so precious to him that he saved me so many times.
Why did I go through the things that I did in this here life.
Many questions that I need to ask him when we meet.
For there has been better people more suitable for this purpose.
So why was I so blessed by him to be protected so very much.
Oct 2015 · 342
The More
The more we allow Christ to use us here my Friend.
The more that he shall use us to reveal himself here.
The more radiant that our Light shall become here.
The more that he shall bless us as well here on the earth.
The more that we shall see his Miracles and Wonders.
The more Gifts that he shall give us to use here too.
The more Healing, and more stronger we shall become.
For Christ loves to use us to reach out to the lost here.
To draw them unto him so he may save and heal them.
It feels good waking up early morning.
To Bless the Lord, the Lover of my soul.
For there was a time when God deliver me.
From cigarettes , my life was in total chaos.
Back then the evil demons kept attacking me.
Trying to drive me back to smoking again.
So much was coming against me back then.
But one thing I realize is that we rely on God.
Not on us when we become attack non stop.
For only his strength can get us through it.
But he was strengthening me into a overcomer.
I am proud to be a child of Christ, whom died and rose for me.
For without his sacrifice, all of my poems would be worthless.
About only dying here without any hope or joy or love in them.
But he did save me and others as well, so I do have true Hope.
So yes I am proud humbly proud of having been rescue by him.
For I am not saying this with pride but he has humble me with his love.
So yes I am by far so grateful to be a child of the True Living God.
I have seen so many wonderfully made and Awesome family.
That are my family through Christ my Wonderful Savior.
Oct 2015 · 264
Muscatine Class Of Eighty
Muscatine High school had some Extremely  wonderful people,
The colors were purple and Gold, I was bless by many there.
I am proud of being an Iowan as well as an American then and now.
There was and is so many wonderful people that I went to school with.
I been being taught so much by Christ as of lately and we all are place.
Near people or as now with the internet we can do so much more.
God place so many Awesome people in my life then and now too.
I been blessed and my school had some caring teachers there too.
We learn so much more in school as well as subjects from the people that surround us as well.
Oct 2015 · 380
When We First Focus
When we first focus on spending time with the True Healer.
Then the rest of our day runs so very much smoother and calmer.
For we are giving the best part of the day to him to show him.
That we love him the very most, so then he blesses us as well.
For starting the focus of the day on him first , and he provides for us.
Because he knows our heart and that we love him the very most.
So when you begin the day with all of the Focus on him and him alone.
Then realize this he takes the little and bless it ten fold or even more.
Transforming our Focus on him building it up to even much more.
Oct 2015 · 656
Silence Of Early Morning
In the silence of the early morning with crisp fresh air.
I wait on him whom spoke this here day into existence.
To reveal to me the events that he has spoken into reality.
Prayer, bible reading starts in the wee hours of the morning.
Waiting for him to speak to me, on his plans for my day here.
For the words to the poems, he brings into my mind to write.
A gift from him to me to everyone whom reads these poems.
For he shall bless whom he bless and he Loves everyone.
For he lives to Love us and to bless us , for he is the God of Love.
Oct 2015 · 209
Whatever we go through can make us stronger here.
I believe that we all have our own pain to deal with.
Some more painful then others none the less we all hurt.
For this is a fallen mess up world only getting worst.
So there is only Hope in the world to come after death.
To see whom you going to rely on, God or self here.
This life is a test to see if you choose God or self here.
You all have your sorrow but my prayers is for commitment.
For you to become commented to our Holy God here.
I am and shall keep you all in prayer my friends.
Oct 2015 · 575
Within You
You're the Healer of my aching Soul.
For you cleanse and purified me daily.
For in you, I shall always take refuge.
Within you, I shall have true Life here.
Outside of you, I shall wither and die.
For you are my Refuge and strength.
So I shall always abide in you alone.
For all of my strength , lives within you.
For I am nothing, without you O God.
Oct 2015 · 846
Only You
You are the supplier of the Air that keeps me Living.
You are the supplier of the water that I drink to keep Living.
You are the Supplier of Life, so that I may keep Living.
You are the Supplier of Food that keeps feeding me here.
For you are the one , that has spoke me into being here.
For you are the one, that keeps me Living my Life here.
For you are the one, that breathes new life into me here.
For you are the one, that keeps leading me through this road.
For there is none, yes none like you here on the earth.
For there is none, that lifts me up like you do here.
Only you can save me, yes only you  are worthy My God.
Oct 2015 · 214
Live In Love
Whatever you do here on earth Live for others in Love.
Live Life for others, Live life loving those in your life.
Because everyone that is in your life means something.
To Christ as well as yourself, for God put them there.
For you and them both to learn something from each other.
So Love them unconditional like there is no tomorrow.
For you and them both are very important to God.
For you never know just how Christ shall use you here.
So never give up on others just let them know that God loves them.
Oct 2015 · 341
He Knows Everything
Never give up, for the Miracles might be around the corner.
The Great wonders that you see are God's way of revealing himself.
For he know exactly what it shall take to get your attention here.
For he knows everything about you, the food that you shall east.
He knows when you shall go to sleep and when you shall wake up.
He knows whom you shall marry and if you shall get a divorce as well.
He knows your heart, the people that you shall love in your life.
He knows if you shall fall in love with him or if you do not love him.
For he was the one whom spoke you into existence here on the earth.
Oct 2015 · 445
O remember the Great things that the Good Lord has done.
For even though you are struggling now, the Lord got your back.
For even though you are hurting now things could be worst.
Be ye positive and know that you shall still see more Miracles.
Never give up, just trust in him whom calmed the storms here.
For this is why you were born here, to see what you put your trust in.
To see if you put your Trust in God or if you put it in yourself.
Thus this shall reveal your destiny, here on this fallen world.
For if you put it in the Creator then you shall see Great Wonders.
But if you put it in yourself, then youv shall lose seeing these wonders.
Oct 2015 · 693
I Am Far From Perfect
I have made mistakes, every single day and I have fail every day.
Here on the earth, I fail Christ every day I make mistakes as well.
For to follow Christ does not make you Perfect, not in a longshot.
But it does make you persevere till the end while we live here.
We all sin, but what matters the very most is here on the earth.
Not how we are sinless, but how many times we get back up.
After we have fail a thousand times we get back up 1001 times.
For until we make it to the heavens above, there we become sinless.
For this is our training fields, to let Christ Light glow within us.
Oct 2015 · 397
You Really Do Matter
I just want each and every one of you to know.
That your Life does matter to me, for you all are Special.
You bleed , you all breathe, you all are Special.
For each of you were created, by our Savior God.
I know that by being human , we all have decisions to make.
Some being good when we allow God to reign within us.
When we are deciding though pain or struggles here.
Our decisions are poorly made because we make them without God.
For when he is out of the picture, we lose focus on our own desires.
But with his Wisdom we can make them all good decisions.
Oct 2015 · 240
Within Me
I am not the Light shining within
The strength deep within my shell.
Is not my strength which I hold.
The Spirit within me is not mine.
But it is entwine with my Spirit.
For all of this does not come from me.
But from the Holy Spirit belonging to God.
Still I am blessed by God making his home within me.
Sharing his plan for my life with me everyday.
Oct 2015 · 204
Your Thoughts Matter
Whatever you do, please do not allow others to tell you different.
For your thoughts do matter, you have a right to speak as well.
For I know that sometimes you do hurt, but we all do at times.
You're important to the world even if others says differently.
For you truly are a special person as well we all are in different ways.
For Christ has created you, and he does not create junk , your thoughts matter.
So do not allow others to call you stupid or worthless because you're not.
Do not  believe others when you tell you that your thoughts are junk.
Because you are special an diamond in the rough being smooth here.
Oct 2015 · 317
Who Needs To
Who needs to be Perfect, when you have the Holy Spirit within you.
Guiding you through life, strengthening you every single that you live.
Who needs to be Brave, when you have Faith that comes from Jesus.
He whom walked on water, guides you throughout this here life.
Revealing himself to you, revealing his Love as well as his Protection.
So who needs evidence of God existence, when he is using you daily.
Showing you Miracles, and showing you his Protection over you.
So who needs to ask him, for he freely reveals himself to us every day.
Though Nature, Miracles, his Protection among other things because he loves us.
But if you are a beginner , in coming to him ask him to reveal himself.
Because some times he does wait till you are ready to reveal himself to you.
Oct 2015 · 253
No Matter What
What no matter that you are going through.
Or no matter what you have gone through.
Or no matter what you have done in your life.
There is a Savior ready to hold you in your pain.
He is ready to lead you down the right road now.
For he does understand you and Loves you much.
For he created you and he wants to be your Father.
So please do not be afraid, accept him here today.
Things may not get easier, but he shall help you.
Oct 2015 · 163
I Am Fine
I am fine, even though I have my struggles here every day.
For it's reveal Christ that lives within me then and now.
I am Fine, even though I hurt every single day, I live.
But it reveal the Christ within me whom strengthen me.
For he is the one whom give me the strength to keep going.
For the Battle is in the Mind, it is how the evil one attacks us.
By attacking our Life , thus causing us to take our mind.
Off of the only that can save us from eternal death and hades.
For there are many different types of pain that we have here.
The physical, mental, and the spiritual pain as well here .
Oct 2015 · 201
Whatever you do today give thanks to the Lord.
For showing Gratitude open up doors to healing.
God uses this to Bless you with Great Joy indeed.
For showing Gratitude to your Wonderful Creator.
Reveals an Grateful heart within you my Friend.
For the Awesome Lord , loves an thankful heart.
He shall bless you with great Spiritual wealth.
Because he Loves to see us thankful for his Goodness.
So always be thankful for everything that you receive.
Oct 2015 · 159
Even Though
Even though you may not realize it, you have the strength.
To not only Overcome but to keep pushing through Life.
For Christ has place the Holy Spirit within you my Friend.
Even though you may not realize it, you have been Healed.
Even though you may not realize it you do have Hope too.
For Christ loves you and shall never give you more then you can handle.
For he gives you everything that you need , for each moment.
Even though you may not realize it at this here very moment.
You have been by far more Blessed then you have realize it.
Oct 2015 · 299
Saving Grace
I once was hurt with inner suffering, feeling unloved.
I once allow my flesh to guide me in this Journey of mine.
But now I see the Great Miracles happening in my life.
Some how the Holy Spirit heal me quite fast of the colds.
One minute I start to cough , my nose starts to be running .
A few minutes later the cold that I had for 5 minutes is gone.
Making me realize the power that I have through the Holy Spirit.
But its up to me asking the Good Lord to heal the cold.
The more that I spend in his Powerful Word the better that I start to feel.
I am becoming stronger through reading my Savior Word.
Oct 2015 · 236
Whom Do You Choose
So many different memories pouring out of me here.
So much Mercy that has poured into my life everyday.
So much sin, so much Healing in ones own life here.
Revealing just how much that Christ loves each of us.
For only he gives us the Mercies that reveal him to us.
For his Perfect plan is to reveal himself to each of us.
Thus then it is up to each of us to choose our own destiny.
Through whom we choose to follow after he reveals himself.
Whether we choose him or choose to follow the evil one.
Oct 2015 · 486
Standing Firm
I know that this depression is a thorn in my side.
That it keeps swinging back and forth each day.
That this depression is a struggle that I go through.
With one day the Joy from the Lord winning the battle.
While the very next day struggling with great depression.
For Life here is still a Spiritual battlefield of our minds.
For this here battle is actually being fought in the mind.
Not a physical battle of fist clashing the evil ones.
For we can not fight the evil spirits that are not seen.
We can only win using the Word of God to defeat them.
Oct 2015 · 236
Rejoice, when you see that Christ is God alone.
Repent , and you shall have riches in Heaven.
Refuse , to do anymore evil only goodness .
Relie, on allowing Christ to carry you through.
Rise, up and answer the Christ call to be used .
Follow him on the narrow road lying before you.
It may be a tough one but it leads to Heaven.
Which there you shall have no more pain or tears.
Just Joyfully worshipping the Good Lord God.
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