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 Feb 17 Sammy
You come to me
so sweetly now

only the past
knows our distance

without dreams
we would have nothing.
 Feb 10 Sammy
I’m hit with forever,
a love that never ends,
no escape,
no release,
just endless,
 Feb 10 Sammy
Some infinities are bigger than others,
mine was the biggest,
stretching beyond what I could ever hold.
Yours wasn’t infinity.
it was just a moment,
a fleeting blink,
and I was left with
an infinity of regress.
 Feb 10 Sammy
 Feb 10 Sammy
I’m tired of feeling everything all at once
They fight, I take the wounds.
I smile
A mask to hide my tears
While my heart rots with the tortured corpses

They’ll never know I’m dying
Or understand
Or care
And yet I’m scared to close the doors
For what is one moment of respite if I lose the key again?
Emotional exhaustion due to being over sensitive. It’s like I feel too much and it gets overwhelming.
 Feb 10 Sammy
Mitch Prax
 Feb 10 Sammy
Mitch Prax
You are only
torturing yourself
when trying to guess
what would have happened.
The past has happened,
and no amount of
thought will
change that.
 Feb 9 Sammy
Mica Wood
 Feb 9 Sammy
Mica Wood
The fire burning in my heart
set the forest of possibilities ablaze—
And no love sprouts from a forest fire...
No matter it’s intentions.
Passion does not always produce love.
 Feb 8 Sammy
Yonah Jeong
cold makes us
walk apart

cold brings us
closer together.
 Feb 8 Sammy
Justine Meade
They all say
We fall in
In and out
Of love.
We're young
Should want to
(Need to)
Live life.
Love doesn't
It does
Even if
It's forbidden
As mine.
 Feb 8 Sammy
Sia Harms
Lord, sift your comb
Through my thoughts;
Untangle them like
Unruly locks of hair.
Trace gentle circles
Along my back; sooth
All the worries that are
Groundless in Your love.
 Feb 8 Sammy
 Feb 8 Sammy
I don’t need your time.
I have you in my head, heart, and soul.
But if you have nothing better to do,
I would never mind your time.
“If only… in some other universe, we had every waking minute for one another.”
When you don’t want to disturb your busy loved-ones.

— The End —