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  Nov 2018 october rose
Sarah Zahidi
There's no one in the whole world;
Who's scared of me more than myself.

There's no one in the whole world;
Who's ashamed of me more than myself.

There's no one in the whole world;
Who hates me more than myself.


There's no one in the whole world;
Who understands me more than myself,

There's no one in the whole world;
Who's proud of me more than myself.

There's no one in the whole world;
Who loves me more than myself.

With a million reason to hate yourself;
There’s another million reason to love yourself.
Love-hate relationship with myself
  Nov 2018 october rose
Aisha Ella
His "I love you" came swiftly.
Like the monsoon pouring down on a leaky roof
Those three words broke through my defences.
At first they were an ambrosia;
They sustained my life and our relationship.
At least for a short time.

Then "I love you" became an excuse;
For absences, and purpose-filled accidents.
And I ignored the warning signs, the flashing lights.
I pretended like "I love you" was enough...

...But it wasn't.
His "I love you"s were like band-aids on bullet wounds;
Like using play dough to fix cracks in concrete walls.
But I rationed our good memories,
I held on as tight as I could to our love
And watched as it slipped through my fingers.

His "I love you"s became poison,
That seeped deep into my bones,
And turned blue skies grey,
And turned light into darkness,
And slowly killed whatever semblance of love
I fooled myself into thinking we had left.
  Nov 2018 october rose
I wonder if you think of me
As I do of you,
I wonder if you miss me
I'm such a fool,
I wonder if you'd ever tell me
What I've put you through,

Soon I will be just a memory
Of someone you once knew,
As I fade away know that,
Once upon a time
I loved you ...
Did you ever love me too?
october rose Mar 2018
The trees high above whispered down below, “if you stop now, you wont know how far you are capable to grow”
october rose Feb 2018
Perfect hair falling beside perfect cheeks
Being skinny with the perfect physique       
Starving yourself till the hunger is seen in your eyes                                                             ­                 
But all of it is one messed up lie
We tear ourselves apart for this impossible thing only made in imagination                                              
Trying to become a copy of a bland production of insane addiction

— The End —