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Three years ago four words crossed the threshold of my ear lobes and hypnotized me into a comatose state. only to be awaken by the sound of their sweet puncturing i rewinded these words with hungry haste
rewind rewind
these words swan through my canals
  relaxed as they finally found a home once more;
a home they might have already unpacked in,
                                                            p­erhaps in another life.

As they peeled their cloaks and unfolded into the folds of my lobes they sighed with content,
for my revelation was their new beginning
finally finding meaning once again in a universe where you cant live if you don’t have money,
  a sick sweet sour fabricated fact that penetrates the core of their solar plexis
                                leaving them unholy when the money structure takes over
                                holy when thought towers once again

With the ability of a person to move forward these words do no harm inflated with hope perfection honesty, embracing a utopia,
a now reality that you cant find on your starched TV.

Three years ago four words locked in a brassy compass whispered to me change the way you dream the way you perceive and what you do everyday and make sure you let your feet drag the mud behind you as you tow through the thick swamps of hate on the uprising paddleboat plays of justice.

Without her stark voice without The wandering jewess, Jesus-like Judith playing spells on my ears life would not have found a place where it holds comfort in the tempest.
These words like a shelter are my umbrella
but no ordinary umbrella covers here no,
no this umbrella knows when to open its arms to pour oms down my neck when drops are warm like skin on skin
and sunshine is bold like in black and white stills.

When wine is under trees these words will reflect in the crystalline stream I found in my inner cosmos when I was fourteen.

The people will have risen and Cain will have been banished and lovers will still lie limpid and hungry for the words of the storm eyed woman to ring like bells in towers above their heads again.

They are looking for paradise but they don’t know they are already in paradise, paradise now, paradise is now
They are searching for the words they have already heard they just don’t know what has occurred and sweat drips down their stems as they run in their minds to the revolution that has already freed us from the legacy of Cain.
Not for all,
But for us.
      A revolution of the mind.

These words will wake up sleepers and make the banks run after the money no one cares about.
These words are almost too holy for me to say out loud in only one voice they play and in one voice they say,
Those words sing like they are of the angels like they have wings
Those words take their homes not only in my folds by in the white blood cell donuts of my fingertips, defending me from the ****** that say art cannot be my food.

The wandering jewess, Jesus-like Judith carved those words out of freshwater pears for me to drape around my neck like the arms of an infant crossed over the nursing chest.
My fingers wrap around those words like they are the scripture they are the word of my god cleansed by the salt water winds of wooden ships rummaging for rapture and something more than themselves.

Sometimes, wanderers find a home when alphabet fingerprints find a match to their long lost story

And sometimes, the UV rays hit your lens just right so that you can pass through a prism and come out a rainbow

And sometimes, gumballs come out the color you want,

the one that you patiently cranked for.
Divine Minds Transcend

We must follow the trail of crumbs, the crumbs of celestial static.
Hold on to the secret truth, it's time to follow the white rabbit.
Down, down the rabbit hole where it leads few will ever know.

I am not what I was, I was what I will never be again,
I found myself on the outside of a mirror looking in.
An enemy betraying a friend, and then my mind was shattered. Worthless fears crumble to the floor, then the transformation began.

We are mindless souls bouncing off one another
until the gears fit and the machine begins to thrive.
Together the powers united can be a force greater then life,
the truth that leads us separately to a place our souls are defined.
Not by the conflicted mind but by the spirit that resides inside,
break through the dimensional barrier
as time and the universe collide.

I am not here to control you, I am not here to pass judgment.
I am not here to behold you, I am here to join you in flight.
I am not like the others, like you, I am bound by destiny,
connected sisters and brothers, the story is ours to write.

We must follow the trail of crumbs, the crumbs of celestial static.
Down, down the rabbit hole, it's time to follow the white rabbit.
© JDMaraccini 2013
August 4th, 1992
That night
My heart began beating
To the rhythm of
Two words
Samantha Shea
My baby girl
She was 9 pound 6 ounces
Of pure love and joy

Her mother’s eyes
My ears
But her smile
Was all her own
She seemed almost wise
Just staring blankly back
At me
Like she knew me
Better than I knew myself
I have never loved anyone
So much

I tried to give her all I could
Make her feel like a real princess
Make her feel safe
And loved
She grew up with things
Her mother and I
Only dreamed of as children
But she was never selfish
Never unkind

I never knew
How much she hated herself
Until I noticed that her arms
Made her look like war veteran
And her eyes
Like those of a ghost
A lost soul wandering around
Lost and Suffering

Could it be that hard
To be a teenage girl
Could it be that hard
To have everything
Handed to you
Everyone love you

That night I saw her as
Nothing but selfish and unkind
I mean how could she do this to us
To herself
I looked her in the eyes and asked
With a single tear running down her face
Resembling a winter’s first snowflake
Or a desert’s first raindrop
She let out the words
“I wasn’t meant for this world”
No you were meant for me
You are my world

I wanted to wipe her tears
And heal her scars
Her years of fear and self-loathing
Was no match for my love
My compassion
My understanding

I spent the next two weeks
Helpless, lost, and confused
By the time we had found her
The bath water was as cold as my heart
The floor stained with drops of
Complete sadness
No note
I cried until I was
Red in my face and
Blue in my heart

A parent should never
Have to bury their child
So we had her cremated
We figured that
She spent 16 years
Stuck in her own box
She shouldn’t have to be
Buried in one

I’ve never loved anyone
So much
written for a dear friend of mine
Descriptive words could not say enough,
Informing you without any expectations,
A simple need to express the damage,
Of not meeting your qualifications.

You're ignorance; both gift and curse,
False belief from your deception,
Subsequent pain leading to anger,
Infiltrated like an infection.

Valuable lessons learned from you --
Benefit of the doubt should not be given,
Further regret seeped into life,
Now that my demons have arisen.

Plunging into bitter sweet weakness,
A temptation I could not resist,
Pathetic attempt at leaving flesh,
As the blade split open the wrist.

Consumed at my loneliest moment,
Tired of giving without receiving,
Defeated by my persistent demons,
Manipulated by thoughts of relieving.

Perception changes with reality,
Enlightened by harsh, clear thoughts,
A choice to no longer be controlled,
Thus, the day that I fought.

Strong desires to be able to forget,
Lips softly speaking lies after lies,
Though admittance was not achievable,
The truth came from your eyes.

Care was not something of existence,
Simply sheets and pillows,
Know that in the end it will be you,
as sad as the leaves of a weeping willow.
Written on 2011-03-27 // Copyright ©2013 Jamie Johnson.
At the first meeting of a boy and a girl, the slumbering embers had been awoken
With words and glances, dancing light burst forth
As time passed, sparks ignited and the flickering flame grew
It fed on youth and the new
Soon sorrows and grief were thrown to the heart
But nothing could quench their hunger and thirst
It was a forceful blaze and the crowds watched in awe at the waves and the haze
Passion consumed the two beings with growing intensity
The inferno cast out a howling roar, with the duo of hearts desperate for more
Each moment they were parted, the sensations were sorely missed
In their minds eye they were still embraced in a kiss
It was the marriage of peace and the striking power of the storm
They were stirred by restlessness as their minds were bent with longing
As this love of fire matured in its age, it feasted on the beauty surrounding
The letters of the great poets,
The words of the countless tomes,
The sound of stunning chords,
The eye alluring views of artistry,
And the words from the Giver of Life
Nothing escaped consumption
But soon, they were tired of the old ways
The beauty of the world was not enough to feed the furnace
They left the face of the earth in search of new waters, and left the air far behind
The love fire danced among celestial bodies, and spaces of dreams
And so it does evermore, awaiting new creation
I'm dying.
Every minute that passes, I am closer to death.
I withdraw into myself.
Shut the world out
As I hide in my room.
The fire in my eyes has
No one see's me falling apart.
The happy girl routine is getting
To be to hard to keep up.
No one wants to deal with
The ****** up, depressed,
Broken girl I've turned into.
Tick, tock
**It ends tonight.
You built this living hell for yourself
You called me your saving grace.
We were trapped together by this life,
And suffered in incomplete happiness.
As your world burned down around us,
You left me on my own.
Wrists slit, blood surrounding you.
Now I'm here in misery.
Only finding you in bits
And pieces of music
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