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I ate dinner with you this evening.
It was nice to see you, though I couldn't stop thinking.......
One day time will take you away sadly.
It will take us all.
I can't help to think maybe you would be reading this and I may be gone.
Isolated minds wander and tinker with the damndest of objects and ideas.
Holding everything that's so far away so close.
Possessing what is not mine inside my mind.
Written in December by -AJS
You are not like the sea.
It will never be deep enough,
nor calm enough,
nor lovely enough
to ever hold your substance.
You have engulfed all of it;
every salty drop now sits in lungs
that hold the air I need to survive.
And I will dive as deep as I must
to find the caverns that keep it.
Tides cascade through brimming veins
and currents surge through swelling limbs.
One deep breath is all it takes
to force the sea into your eyes.
And you will hold it there forever;
the tranquil green pools
like puddles forming from
the deepest ocean floors.
You are not like the sea.
You will never be like the sea.
The sea is like you.
Start a riot to warn the crowd,
Of the upcoming battle between
Two nations drowned in greed, power, corruption.

Start a riot to tell them all:
Now is the time to rise up.
Now is the time to stop this madness.
Now is the time to join forces together
To help make this world a better place.

We see no reason in violence,
And we don't want to end the silence,
We want to be heard; we want to be seen.
We're tired of living in between the shadows and the unseen.

After all…
What do they expect to gain besides debt and victory?

Do they get their kicks off death and misery?

It seems we're soon going to be trapped in this ****** duel.
Avoiding obstacles, hidden mines while
Protecting ourselves from hollow-point shells
Finding a way to escape this impending hell.

We don't want to face whatever may bring,
But it seems we have no choice.

While they're fighting
with their venomous words,
Spilling lies to crowd… convincing them
They're safe in their homes…

We're taking matters in our own hands.

I'll admit we have no actual desire to start a revolution,
We only want them to pull back, ceasefire.

This is why we're taking a stand.

We just want to live in peace and harmony,
Not in discord and calamity.

We all have a voice,
And we will be heard.

We are indestructible; we are incredible.

*We are invincible.
Note: This isn't based off any real war, just from a book.
the Wise Man is followed
by many, from near and from afar;
and see, the Wise Man stops now
at the dumplings store
and buys some dumplings
and waits for his change;
but the vendor simply resumes
at making more money

“So where’s my change,
my good man?”
says the Wise Man
who is followed
by many, from near and from afar

And the vendor he replies:
*“Change, O Wise Leader of Many Followers,
as you have often said,
comes from within”
...poem based on an online joke, and transformed by my wisdom?....Or perhaps by the lack of...
I placed an ad
outside my office
offering a job in my small company:
The applicant
must be computer literate
and possess secretarial skills
and must be bilingual

(and proudly, I added)

and this dog came in
and indicated with barks and snout
he wanted the job;
and proved with paws and limbs
and tongue and tail, and with various barks
he had all the skills

Astounded, I put up all sorts of barriers
but the dog could not be stopped by any one
And so I finally said:
“You have demonstrated your skills, sure;
you have barked – but you don’t seem
to know any other popular language…
I can’t offer you the job  -
I need someone bilingual!”

And the dog replied: *“Meow!”
poem based on an online joke
I see your hesitant nods
I understand your doubts
I hear your second thoughts
Believe me, they are mine too.

Not until I met you
Not until we decided the "I do's"
Not until we showed our colours true
Did there come a purpose
To take down the odds
To challenge doubtful thoughts
To take the riskier shots
To decide to be with you

But You should know, pain never comes twice
After once, it becomes experience, then habit

A person hurts someone only once
And then, becomes a sadist

A person bears the pain only once
And then, becomes Me.
Reconnecting broken ties,
mending the misleading lies I spoke.
I awoke to the harsh reality.
My reckless mentality carved out the space you use to hold.
It was my addiction to control, I wanted you.
I had you in my view, my crosshairs closed in on your heartstrings,
I could feel the rhythm of your being pressed against my isolation.
Here in desolation I dream of what we were,
a loving transfer of thought patterns and soft skin.
To begin again. Another position in time and space.
Mentally I trace the contours of your face with blinded intentions.

I'll always wait for you long after I push away.
Moonlight come bend me and twist me once more.
I miss your entirety.
You need to leave.
(Scene by the brook)*                                

He came seeking solace to Heiligenstadt
    and walked alone by its crystal stream
        welcomed by songs the nightingale taught.

Its cheerful waters made Vienna seem
    a distant, cool and forbidding stage
        where few would embrace a pastoral dream.

He dotted his sketchbooks on every page
    with earthen tones born of peasant heart -
        (though fare rich enough for any age) .                

He poured from the stream the fiddle part,
    and woodwinds sang with the birds in the dell -
        all "choired" together by his masterful art.

At Heiligenstadt Beethoven attended well
    and bequeathed us his golden 'Pastorale.'

*July, 2006
But if I speak aloud and say:
I will move on
Things seem more lifted
But if I think internally and say:
I will not forget you
Time seems to turn into my mistakes
They repeat for 24 hours
And I'm in the same spot
I started in
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