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I see and hear the dark things
and I want to hide forever.
I am kept in a stagnate limbo.
For fear keeps you paralyzed.
I fight my way out and I feel safe again.
I made it once again, Alive!
And then I see and hear
the dark unspeakable s we are  capable of...
I hide again in fear.
Unable to fathom, Why?
How can we do the monstrous things,
I hear and see?
I will never receive the answer to my question.
Yes, the horror will go on
and it's understood,
will only get worse.
I want to take my loved ones  
to my safe hiding place
and forget this world of fear
ever existed.
Oh, for a world without fear,
keep us safe.
To Death and You, the terrible two:

Can you feel your grip loosening around my neck?
Can you feel me getting lighter, smarter, farther all the time?
Can you feel my heartbeat finding its own pace,
Not matching yours, as it did before?

Can you feel me slipping into
Happiness    for a change?

We were once a Sisyphean process
Low ups and lower downs
We once were endless
Or so we thought

Can you feel my lightness overcoming your dark?
No longer in the shadows of the consuming unlit?
Do you think it’s true, what they say?
Do we not know what we have    until it’s gone?
I think so, not so much for you as for me
I didn’t know how much you held me down
Until I sailed the skies of the blissful unknown

This is one last hoorah for the lowest of lows
One last note to those I leave behind in the dark
One last toast to Death and You, my all-consuming terrible two
I'm sorry for my poetry
I'm sorry it isn't about coffee stains
On lace tablecloths

I'm sorry I don't have little anecdotes
About our shy and awkward love
Or his fearless mouth

I'm sorry the lipstick is always faded
The metaphors are sloppy, stumbling drunks
And the skies are never blue enough
I'm sorry about my poetry
I'm sorry for my poetry

I'm so, so sorry
Please just let me cry it out
I swear I'll clean it up
you knew I loved that song
because it was all about ******* up
******* up repeatedly
which was all either of us ever did
so you played that song
you played it loudly
and you taunted me

but we both ****** up
we both ****** up repeatedly

and you walked around in that black shirt
the one I bought you for your birthday
when things were good
and you still called me "sweetheart"

you wore it because you knew
just how much I loved the way it looked on you

you had more birthdays
and more gifts
and more loves
but you let that black shirt tumble dry
and you wore it all the time

and I wore my hair the way you liked it
and I wore your favourite clothes
and sang your favourite songs

and you hated me like I hated you
while that song played in the background

and you wore that black shirt, fading grey
and I grew my hair long
and you hated me like I hated you
while we picked at our scabs like school kids
Sweetly does the rain
Sing against my window,
As it stirs the lavender
That caresses my nose,
Growing beneath my window as
My mother planted it there to do.
Wary do I grow of counting the
And cracks in my ever changing ceiling.
I try making out images instead of counting, Lacking creativity all I can see is

Dusk is capturing the world now and
The rain has finished it’s melody,
The insects and frogs
Take the stage and
Somewhere in the distance
Is the cry of a lone hawk,
Maybe feeling left out of the insects and frogs Choirs as,
He cries 
His sad

Pondering as to what the
Hawk’s story is
And as I ponder
I begin to hum
A soft melody keeping time
With the frogs and insects,
Maybe I am feeling left
Out like the hawk?

A breeze joins in,
String up the glories
Smell of lavender again
And cooling my face as it
Comes through the open window
I slowly drift
Slap, slap, slap; she's always chatting,
Maybe to the gulls up above.
Winds being friendly to us both,
I toss the lines and give a shove.

Fix the sheets and adjust the tack,
She does the rest as I sit back.
Waves crashing off the bow,
I'm sailing now!
What more can be said
before a guns put to the head.
Innocent bloodshed.
Rights were there wrongs
and now the lifeless bodies of loved ones
lay face flat on the earth, DEAD!
Millions watch in horror as they bled
out like mammals with a limb cut off and see how fast
The light of life quickly shifts from green to red
and their dreams shut off!
Red light, Green light.
Lives gone in a blink of an eye
What more can be read
before one realizes
they're being watched by the feds
there was truth in these last words I said
Ashes to Ashes
Life and Death
Mankind will clash
Until no one is left.
Innocent Bloodshed.
© 2013
"It was my mind they chose,
programmed to stay close."
Writing these rhymes in my mind
I feel free. If we could climb the highest
tree and look around what would we see?
A nation of adolescents and grown ups glued
to a t.v. Watching fabricating lights and sets for
thirty minutes leaving our brain with a mystery
Tuning in next week like our favorite show making history
Only to find out the next one only adds to the mystery
I put it out its misery I don't watch t.v. and Life's no longer
a mystery I've seen real lights real sets they don't want us to see
You wont find it on your t.v. or even in those books they label history
so often the truth is belittled as a conspiracy
If we Learn from the past we can prevent future *catastrophe's *.
On the brink of a breakthrough
this world will try to
break you.
What is poetry ?
It is the hymn of liberty
The song of heart
It is the pouring of clouds on the dusty ground
It is to say what it is to be around.

What is poetry ?
Nothing but the prayers of a love
Written in a code
That is unlocked only by the true
It is the sound of a river
Heard only by those who wish to drown.

What is poetry ?
The flight of a bird
Wind beneath my wings
Words written on the heart
Of love, joy and disdain
Of the winters and the rain.

What is poetry ?
It is everything of importance
But words on paper
Yet so silent and always loud
Like a muffled drum
Only heard if heard.

What is poetry ?
But God's language
Bestowed upon Man
Like sea and land
It is beauty and joy
It is just a broken toy.

What is poetry ?
But a single flow of water
Gushing among the waters of a river
Like an arrow born to sped
Before it leaves
it shivers in the quiver
It is an ocean of thoughts
squeezed into a droplet.
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