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  Jul 2015 dr Jade
David Hall
we are only given one lifetime on this earth
and no one hands out instructions at birth
we just go forward everyday hoping
we figure it out before the figures run out
I didn’t realize that my real eyes
didn’t reside at the top of my skull
when you start to see the world at chest height
then you start to set your view right
we are only given one chance and one day
nothing ever gets done tomorrow
anything is possible but,
it can only ever happen today
dr Jade Jul 2015
Life is too short for me to be afraid
Of falling or catching fire
I'll allow myself to be open
To experience joy, sadness, passion, heartache, contentment
At this hour, which is neither night nor day
I promise myself to be brave, be strong, be true
And let you know each day
Even though I cannot be by your side
That you are cherished, that you are loved
dr Jade Jul 2015
I'm just missing you tonight
As the rain beats its staccato rhythm
I just wish you were beside me
Warm, comforting...home

In this minute that is neither night nor day
I wonder how you are, so far away
That I cannot touch you or hold you close
That we cannot even share the same moon

It's selfish, I know, that I miss you because...
You make me stronger, braver
You make me feel, you make me hope
You make me love myself a little more

I'm selfish, I know...
I wonder if you feel my thoughts
If you're thinking of me too
dr Jade May 2015
I think it's time to let go, to finally move on
Our conversations have long since become awkward
The silence has been deafening for quite awhile
We have become different people, strangers with a shared past
But before I go, I just want to let you know...

That it always felt like home with you
That with you, I feel like the person I want to be
Instead of who I am right now
That you give me hope, despite all I've been through
That you make me appreciate life, when waiting for death is all I've known

I will give you a smile and embrace you
Wish you a good life, one that you deserve
As I learn to stand on my own feet and weather the storm alone
Maybe stumbling, maybe falling, but moving on, always moving on
All the while just trying to make sense of it all

...yet when I'm alone at night, teardrops fall as I yearn for you once more
...wondering if you miss me like I've always missed you
dr Jade May 2015
Come and see me
Sing me to sleep
Come and free me
Just hold me close tonight

I know there aren't any monsters under my bed
But there are many of those in my mind
Just waiting to bring havoc and pain
Distorting my perception of reality

You always bring me comfort
In every little thing you do
Stay with me a little while longer
Stay until I see you in my dreams
dr Jade May 2015
Take me to Neverland
Let me be lost forever
Where I can fly away
Go on an adventure or two
Not caring if I am missed or not
I'm better off never knowing...
Than having someone strum my heartstrings
Until it breaks
Leaving me to pick up the pieces
dr Jade May 2015
"I don't think about you"
Even when your mere name makes my heart ache
Even when I wonder how you are
Even when every little thing reminds me of you

"I don't miss you"
Even when I wanted to talk you each day
Even when I see you in my dreams
Even when I wish I was with you instead of someone else

"I don't need you"
Even when the sound of your voice makes it hard for me to breathe
Even when I lie awake at night needing comfort
Even when it's painful to keep myself from you

It's the only way I can protect myself
From falling for you any further
I might crash and burn
I might never recover...

So I put my heart aside
Try to go on living without you
Do you even think of me sometimes?
Do I even matter, or am I just an afterthought?
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