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  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Today a little praying mantis crawled down the back of my neck.
I think I picked him up on my morning commute
when I rode my bike too close to the trees.
Perhaps my head hit the leaves and dislodged him,
forced to cling to my hair through the cycle-speed breeze
waiting only till I came to a halt to make his dash toward freedom
He made it quite a distance before I unknowingly squished him.
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Ramblur Playfool
I cannot stop this feeling that I broke something I shouldn’t have,
I felt like even now we could've worked as we are,
Maybe I'm naïve and greedy, I think I should let this go,
But what after, again back to the search, ****
I don’t want to, its painful to even image actually,

But you are not mine, I am not what you need,
I am a fleeting moment to you, a lesson to be learned,
Forgive me for today, I had not expected to find myself here,
Sometimes you get into a rhythm when you do something,
And you get so used to it, losing it surprises you,

What I am terrified of kait, is the fact that,
There is something, I am fond of you,
Beyond the posturing and desire,
I want you in a more sensual manner,
But it is not my place to ask that of you,

I am writing this because I am a writer,
Emotive speech is the one thing I'm not good at,
I don't want to be a distraction from what you need to do,
I don't want to be just a fix either though,

I've lost and gained something,
I don't know what it is yet,
Maybe I'm still too young of heart and mind,
I am actually far from the wolf I look to be

I'm still a wolf pup, I am learning the hunt,
You simply caught me of guard,
I hadn't expected this to be anything but temporary
That is the truth

It's amazing though, as I type this I feel more resigned,
I understand why it must end now,
My actions today were just a catalyst,
That is the truth

It would've just been a one more time thing,
Constantly trying edging towards exposure,
It's better if it ends before we're found out
That is the truth

Thank you though,
For taking this risk with me,
I truly needed to be reminded that there is more,
More to everything than just desire,
I hope we can be friends,
Maybe I think it's because we both seem to be fragile,
Yet as hard and strong as steel too
I wish i could've been more than a moment for you ey
But hey **** happens,
Lol that is the truth
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
we can go wherever we want
we can even go to
because we can't live here anymore
all the boys are talking to her,
they're drowning in blue and talking to her
it is hard to understand
in a similar way it is hard to understand
flowers growing,
maybe it is your birthday.
all the boys are talking,
their eyes are closed and they're talking to her
it is hard to hear when i sleep
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
The Fire Burns
Aztec shaman
Summons Quetzalcoatl
In dance and jumps
Atop pyramids

Back arched
Soul bared
Awaiting to embody
The feathered serpent

Ancient gods
From the sky
Through ritual

The enemy's heart
Will pump in his hand
And slowly stop
As the gods consume

The life forces energy
And the shaman
And he
Are as
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Security Breech Children
Risk, Listen or Don't
Harps Play
While Battlements
Thru Open Watchers Gate Adore
Here the Wind Roar  
Loves Vacuum Stealing
Fine Laughters Filial End
Drawn thru an Opening
As Above, So Below.
Doug Potter Sep 2016
I walk out the back door and see a doe
rise from bluegrass as two bucks
follow her into the timber,
she looks back and flags
her tail at the sound of
of my breath.
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