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Sep 2015 · 540
Dillon huey Sep 2015
I could hear your voice calling me from within,
As I waded through the waters of hell and sin.
No idea of direction or time,
It was haunting, yet oddly sublime.
I almost found myself at peace,
My problems and my worries they just seemed to cease.

But that is just the allure,
Of the demon trying to ensure,
My fate, for all of eternity.

Soon I realized that I couldn't stay for long,
And that's when the demon sang his song.
"Stay with me just for now,
And great power to you I will endow."

There he stood in front of me,
It's not what you would expect to see.
He looked just as any normal person would,
His eyes they were as black as coal,
And I knew that he lusted for my soul.

I turned my back,
And went on my way,
Not listening to anything he would say.
I knew that I had to be strong,
I couldn't slip up or turn wrong.

There were no days, only night,
Every passing moment was a constant fight.
Your voice had been silent for quite awhile,
It was the only thing helping a place so vile.

As I made my way through the treacherous pit,
There again was the demon tempting me to quit.
But I wouldn't heed what he said.
For I had no blood left to be bled,
I knew he couldn't truly hurt me,
And past him there was an exit that I could see.

This was my chance,
I pushed past without a backwards glance.
I knew I had been struggling for what felt like forever,
But I pushed on, ready to be done with this endeavor.

Just as I neared the end,
I heard your voice calling out,
begging me to stay,
but it was just the demon's clever trick,
His last attempt at keeping me from getting away.

During my time in this hell I learned a thing or two,
The demon had went to far so I bid him adieu.
At first he was quite confused.
But then I cut his head clean off his shoulders,
And his world grew that much colder.

I left without ever looking back,
For the past was behind me and fading black.
Sep 2015 · 835
Dillon huey Sep 2015
I watched the flames as they spilled over the landscape,
The danced higher than the skyscrapers as they took their shape,
The night sky burned brighter than even the sun,
And there was no way to know where the relentless fire had begun.
I walked away from the flames feeling the heat press firmly against my back,
Trying to get away before this city could collapse.
I was racking my brain trying to figure out how I got here,
The only clue I had was a note that read "This will be your final stop, my dear".
I didn't recognize the handwriting,
And it seemed like a part of me was fighting,
Fighting to spring awake from what it believed to be a dream,
But it was a reality that just tore at the seam.
I reached to put the note in my back pocket,
But instead I found a small heart shaped locket.
Another clue?
Or perhaps something to throw me askew.
I opened it without another moment to spare,
And inside was a small tuft of red hair.
Hair so red it seemed to burn,
A color so deep not even the flames could earn.
Everything was happening entirely too fast,
What had happened on this seemingly awful night that had passed?
I turned to face the flames once more,
But this time to let them engulf me in their allure.
The allure of a mystery gone unsolved,
And how around me it so seemed to revolve.
As I walked towards the burning city I looked above,
The smoke formed a cloud that almost looked like a dove.
I found myself back where I began,
And noticed a pair of black leather gloves on the ground spread like a fan,
I picked them up thinking they could be of good use,
When all of a sudden a building fell loose.
Collapsing underneath its own weight,
Burning from the inside like a person filled with hate.
I wouldn't let it set me back,
I had to make it before the whole city went black,
Before it was covered in its own filth and destruction.
Although it wouldn't be too different from the filth and corruption,
That had plagued the streets,
While the rest of the city lay asleep in their sheets.
I had been wandering through the burning city looking for anything that I recognized,
And I began to think that maybe I empathized,
With these people who watched everything they knew burn,
When I came across a building around the corner of a sharp turn.
It seemed almost familiar from a distance,
But it was hard to tell during this fiery instance,
There was so much smoke it caused my vision to be blurred,
I could only imagine the chaos of the cries unheard.
As I finally approached the door,
I put on the gloves as I could feel the heat more.
As I slipped them on out fell a small folded paper,
Surely another clue to this mysterious caper.
It was some sort of list,
I walked along and as I read a beam from the building fell and just nearly missed.
I put away the paper for now,
But only for as long as I could allow,
My curiosity to stay at bay,
Before in a grave my body lay.
Searching through the building I started to see,
This is a prison falling down around me.
I ran for the door just as more beams began to crash,
I wouldn't be left lying in the ash.
As I made it out the way I came,
I noticed something that didn't seem the same.
There was a giant fence that I didn't see before,
And empty cans of gas lying by the door.
I figured it was as good a time as any,
I removed the list and began to read, as the steps were many.
It was a plan to destroy the city,
step by step, the list almost made me giddy.
I was excited to be one step closer to figuring this out,
The handwriting matched that of the note in the locket, without a doubt.
I put the note away and continued on,
I noticed the sun starting to rise as it was almost dawn.
And As I walked away from the building I felt something beneath my foot,
I looked underneath and there was nothing there but a lighter.
Suddenly all of my memories rushed back to me,
I couldn't get a grip on this, everything as far as I could see
Was on fire, and it was burning hotter than the fury of hell.
I walked back into the prison only to let the flames engulf my being,
It was the only escape that I was seeing.
Sep 2015 · 341
The Storm
Dillon huey Sep 2015
The soft sound of the rolling thunder,
The astonishing light show of lightning on a distant shore,
The calming, peaceful noise of the tide as it rolls in, only to be ****** back into the ocean.
The dark clouds will eventually be left behind,
And as they pass, they grant peace of mind.
The steady wind, that isn't cold, but still leaves me chilled.
Reminds me that I'm not dreaming, but awake, and unfulfilled.
This is somewhere everything seems like it could all be okay.
And it will, one day.
It's almost relaxing watching a storm,
You start to think about everything that keeps you warm.
The ones you love, and why you wake up everyday.
But that could all change, and who's to say.
Nothing in life is constant,
and we all need our respondent.
A way to get rid of what's eating us alive,
Throw out all into the open,
Let it sink deep beneath the ocean.
Don't let your problems decide who you are,
Otherwise you'll end up afar.
You won't see the lightning,
Or hear the thunder.
Nor feel the wind, but be cast asunder.
For you will become the storm,
In every way, shape and form.
Don't let your problems define you.
Sep 2015 · 982
Dillon huey Sep 2015
I can hear the voices calling me to the gallows, and so speaks my soul.
Softly whispering my darkest secrets
for anyone listening close enough to hear.
Everything I've wanted to keep hidden from everyone, out in the open, hot summers air.
I hear the executioner walking as I wait to take my last breath and fall through the floor.
He reaches the platform, asks me to speak my final words.
Again I find words coming out of my mouth I'm not consciously speaking, everyone falls silent,
he pulls the lever, the floor drops, and my neck snaps.
I wake up from my disillusion only to find myself back where I started.
Trapped in my head searching for an escape that is seemingly impossible to find.
No one can save me from this, surrounded by the demons that haunt my thoughts.
I have to overcome them, I have to overcome this.
I won't let them consume me.
I can only save myself.
It's time to remove this hollow mask, shed the shell of who I was and become who I know I need to be.
I've been searching for a savior for far too long,
I am what I've been searching for all this time.
I've been a slave to my demons, letting my conscious existence blur.
I'm taking back control,
until history repeats itself once more.

— The End —