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  Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
As you watch your lover leave,
Allow yourself an eye for a
Week upon their character; on
How much remains.

If less than you thought,
You'll know how
Much of it was

We're all
  Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
A Farewell.

Part two.*

Sun nearly forgiving of summer.
I save my whole spectrum of emotions
For gratitude.
How can air be this clean?

All there is, is me.
And a cat that hasn't given a
Whimper in complaint
Since then.
I see something like a sun;

Only brighter, throw; no -hurl-
Herself in my face, screaming:
"I love you, you crazy Norwegian
Brute of an imbecile
Viking Poet!

Now be with me! I will admire  
You living your every dream
From as far away
As you wish me
new love

Emerging like a mad phoenix
From the ashes of my sorrow,
Shining through feather tips
As I see crows the size
Of falcons part and

Reveal her singing to me:
"I will not breathe, my lord,
Until you share this fireside
Bed with me yet... oh, yet

I have been given
So much
I will treasure
  Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Jessica Leigh
I think of all the things in the world,
The future is the hardest thing
To hold onto.
  Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
Petal pie
His jazz hymn of praise
And saxophone serenades
The bless'd trinity
Inspired by Coltrane
  Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
SG Holter
Funny how self-
Sacrifice is such an
Alien concept to

I'd rather break your
Heart and both your
Legs, than one of
My nails.

Suppose we're all
Raised one
Way, or
Not. At all.
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