I don't know if I should drown myself in love
Or in whiskey
Or in the ocean
Sometimes I feel like I'm hiding myself behind my cigarette
As if the thin veil of bitter smoke
And a snarky remark
Could protect me
I'm like a distorted mirror image
I might have been beautiful
But out of hatred and anger
I punched the glass
I don't even know who I am anymore
Or who I was
Or who I will be
Sometimes I'm flooded with emotion
And it takes me under and drowns me like a tsunami tide
Sometimes I'm numb
As if somehow death has found me despite my beating heart
Alcohol, drugs, stoges, blades, flames
Rebellion, hatred, stubbornness, sarcasm, spite
Have all made me completely different
From who I could have been
Had I just stayed in societies boundaries
But I couldn't
I'm an outcast by design
Designed to always be alone
So here I sit
Curled up in a sheet-less mattress
And I still don't know
I don't know if I should drown myself in love
Or in whiskey
Or in the ocean