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Nov 2015 · 606
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
Let my heart
turn to

Maybe then
I can sleep

Maybe then
I can eat
a stomachache

Maybe then
I can read
without fear
of a unhappy ending

Take the knife
out of my heart
and please,
let it
turn to
Nov 2015 · 388
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
In books
we watch
as characters
go through
hard times

We pull
for them
as they
to survive

In our hearts
they deserve
the happy ending

I haven't always
rooted for myself
Haven't always
believed in my heart
that I deserve
the happy ending

While I've always
cherished words
books and poetry

I haven't always
cherished my
own story

I realize now
my life is worth

And I'm going to fight
for my own
happy ending
Nov 2015 · 335
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
In the dark,
the flowers hide
They wait
for the right time
to come up

Warm temperatures
and sunshine
encouarge them
to come out,
to reach,
to grow

They are proud
of who they are
They bloom
giving the world
color and joy

In the dark
the people hide
They wait
for the right time
to speak up

and kind words
encourage them
to come out,
to reach,
to grow

They are proud
of who they are
They bloom
giving them hope

Sometimes it's dark
where I am
I don't want to hide
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
I wanted to
But you couldn't

I hoped
But you wouldn't

I understood
Why we shouldn't

So you declined
And we didn't

But it would
Have been fun

If we would've
Nov 2015 · 395
You Tell Me
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
It cannot be so
        you say
simple hands
cannot change
the fate of humanity
I say
humanity is
a boundless
absorbing heart
deathand generatins
and centuries
absorbing bullets
and stitches
and tear gas
enduring humiliation
ad illegal abortions
and thankless jobs
        I say to you
the heart of humanity
has not
and will not be broken
And let us raise ourselves
like lanterns
with the millons of others-
with the mad
and the forgotten
and the strong of heart
to shine
Nov 2015 · 690
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
Her dark eyes are blind
She's told they are beautiful
at those words, she laughs
and her smile is like sunlight:
it does not reach her eyes
Nov 2015 · 404
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
I was born on the tongue
of the prophets. i was here
before the profit. I never thought
the money would ever stop it.
spirit verses spit. Baraka
versus nonsense.
holocaust versus holocaust
at what cost
whose blood lost
in God the dollar trust
from Fanon to Fila
Adidas to Allah
we die with prayer beads in our palms
store em in box so the
leather never worn.
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
When I hold a rose
I see the soft, velvety petals
and smile, because
tucked between
those precious petals
is a special gift-
the one of a frgrance
pure and sweet

When you hold a rose,
you see the thorns
along the stem,
and you frown
because those thorns
can bring you pain
and cause you to bleed.

I see the gift
you see the tragedy
More and more
I fear that one of these days
someone will and me a rose
and all I will see
are the thorns. Again.
Nov 2015 · 6.9k
The Message
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
Malcom was fed 16 bullets because of his. A slug kissed the jaw of King Jr. and silenced him forever. Gandhi shriveled like snakeskin. Joan of Arc became Joan of Ash- so you can understand why Melle Mel was jittery scribbling it all down, on a napkin, at Lucy's Noodle Shop in Harlem. Sweat poured into his green tea. He thought Jesus hanging from the dull wood. Heard about the poet Lorca under an olive tree, shot in the back. Everyone has felt this way through, he thought, never could he have imagined what would happen when he pressed his thumbprint into vinyl. Hip-Hop was still a tadpole. The DJ had just learned to scratch a record and make sounds no ear had never conjugated. How was he to know Tupac and Biggie would follow his lead and get plugged with lead? So he wrote it down, in big curling letters, emphatic: **DON'T PUSH ME
Nov 2015 · 241
Deztine Lorenza Nov 2015
I am my own

I delight me
with words
of both wisdom
and wit

I teach myself
so much
such insight
into the human
such compassion
for the weak and weary
such utter contempt
for the self-satisfied

I think
what a wonderful world
It would be
if only people
would listen
to me

I look at the full moon
and bay
come to me
let's explore
a new world

— The End —