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Pitiful October sunbeam
Warm nutmeg concoctions
Visible morning tide breath , cherry cheekbones ,
gas lamps , golden leaves o'er cobblestone
Silvered gardens , blue eyes hold pine grove
reflections , knitted scarves , Fair- day candy apple
Magenta Dusk , harvest time orb , funnel cake
wisp in the fleeting , western Sun
Barkers , musicians , cider and ale
The windy pull of nights clutter , the Autumn wail
Copyright October 10 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The Dedpoet Oct 2017
Remember something that ties,
Something that holds
Holds the stilled face
In the cavernous heart,
Like a shirt worn
In a way that it tore
Itself into your mind,
Because they cannot see
Time and the finite body
Cannot contain the soul,
But remember the spirit
Of the displays through flesh,
Because the infernal
Tear that burns
Upon dying cheeks whom
Utter hate and love
With last breaths at the same
Time joy and sorrow complete
Then whispered life,
They cannot wear another
Sleave, adjust another collar,
Wear that shirt in a certain way,

Because the body
Is only action
In a windfall,
And every one grows apart
To syncing the mad pace
Toward death,
Because the earth swallows
Please, please remember
Something that ties,
A memory's drift
The eye of invisible winds.
The Dedpoet Oct 2017
The women stilled
In a shopping mall when
A sale made them go
As far away home,
     They mutter at the dresses
And cannot decide where
Green sweat earned
Will go,
And a closet abyss will ****
It out of existence, where.the day went, a husband wonders
About the next day.

Horrors of the sick,
Like duck soup
With water from its pond,
A singular observation
From a man stolen,
A woman under no
  Oct 2017 The Dedpoet
a man came to me and said
Revolution was the most painful thing that ever happened to him

I didn't see it
We hardly noticed the tides changing

With our unwavering conviction we believed
with passionately believed
nobody warned us
We blindly went all in

But that's just it
We believed the half baked truth we were given
we believed the compassionate lies we were told
we utterly feel in love with the "truth"

We could see change and hope
we could finally see the dreams of our
sons and daughters
mothers and fathers
coming to light
we could taste victory and the sweet fragrance of freedom coming our way.

But we couldn't see the destruction and annihilation that it came with
the pain and suffering awaiting us
The void and ache that would envelope us
That the price was going to be catastrophic and dreadful
The Dedpoet Oct 2017
Scorched earth
And the beams are in my eyes,
The light pulling it's warmth
Through my window
Like a coffin rectangle
And the chirping knocks
The vibes from an otherwise
Melancholy that makes
Me want to avenge my
Mother's death,

The early birds
Eaten by worms in the soiled
Veil of the repeat,
Slowly getting the point
Of no return and the ladies
Power walking to hell,
I pull the shades on the day
For a solitary confinement
And that's OK with me,
Cuz tomorrow,
Everyday the sun,
Lights blindingly.
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