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  May 2017 The Dedpoet
Akira Chinen
If the sun could find a day to rest
Would the sun dream
of peaceful sleep
under oceans deep
Flames calmed
and swaying in
sea greens and blues
With mermaids swimming near
and singing lost songs of yesteryears
If the sun could stop burning bright
and enjoy the romance
and mystery
of the night
What would it write
What would it dream
I would think
It would write and dream
of all the beautiful things
that make you you
The Dedpoet May 2017
Insane like a heartless confession,
Soul sessions,
Reality of the beast spreading infection
I Spread the Ded in Poet,
Like a sobering moment-
Know it,
I take you down with me
As you took me to highest heights,
When you leave:
Even crickets seem to sigh at night,
Pain soars hand in hand with happiness,
Ironical elevations,
Body and soul
Better for the sickness,
I see i love you,
Destroyer of beauty with the quickness,
Personal mixing with business,
What is this,
A brokenness with every decision,
Precision demolitions,
Words of fire.
Love the ammunition,
A contradiction conflicting,
Happiness sickening,
Bring on the quickening
Face of the beast,
Hopeless in your light,
I see when its too late,
I earthquake,
Shake my head though,
How much of me can you take,
I still beg you dont leave though,
Lets be clear yo,
Im intentionally devided,
Lifetime glitch provided,
I cant hide it,
Fight it.....
Im down for you,
You go, i go,
Us against the world;
Easy though,
Me against you,
I really dont know.
  May 2017 The Dedpoet
It seems so plain to see
Sweeps us along
Leaves us behind
Every one of us,
You and me.

Our daily lives
The alarm clock at five a.m.
screaming our name again and again  
"Get up"

The infant
every dream we take,
"I need you mommydaddy too"

Monuments to what we choose
We know they come, and go.

Insurmountable problems
in the end
Time limited

We've been there
We know

Teenage angst, forever,
Childhood  puberty
Adulthood  old age

Time is god
it calls the shots
tells us
What is and What is not

Galaxies collide
all over the place
Big bangs bust
and must expand
Dark matter everywhere
Time it tells them
all their tales

Time is god
god is time
It seems so plain to see.
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