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It Can't be Langley?
in the undergrowth
of them
men in black
bringing the aliens back
tracking me
it can't be Langley
  Aug 2016 The Dedpoet
Being blown to bits is one thing
breathing in chemicals that will **** you is another
some , maybe the many, could not care less
and they witness to this by doing nothing.
Past is the time to put Putin in his place.
The Dedpoet Aug 2016
Behind myself in every shadow
I become aware of reflection,
That I am alone inside my unique-
Being the author of my deception.

A galloping dead horse breathing
Down my back startling,
A swelling comes into play when I
Decide the harder thing.

The superior memory scams
My day forward,
Closing doors I walk

Ghost external plays
A quivering chill,
I rest upon a hard earned sorrow,
There I lose my will.
  Aug 2016 The Dedpoet
Lazhar Bouazzi
A cabin that had once been white
Stood, peeled, on the shore of Carthage.
It looked like a drunken scarfaced knight -
Eyes shut to Dionysian carnage.
A pack of lost dogs roamed around it,
Their pangs of want they sought to manage.

The lone cabin stood on the wrinkled sand
Like a young tree on Shott el Jerid's* white pale
Whom the white monster forced to speak with the hand:
Basta, no stubborn resistance from me will avail.”

The fuming sun displayed his festival of fear
Over dogs who could handle their thirst no more;
While the salt has now made its white task clear:
Gnawing the sapling and gnawing evermore
Until the only mark on the Shott will disappear.

And the poet who has only half-chosen the vision
Half not knowing what to do, tried to listen
To the trickle of his obstinate, patient cheer
Oozing through the new orange laptop,
He had purchased from a Chinese peer.

(c) LazharBouazzi, August 10, 2016.
“*Shott el Jerid” is the largest salt lake in Tunisia and the Sahara desert, with a surface area of 7OOO km2. As far as the poem is concerned it would perhaps be helpful to say that the gigantic dry salt pan has the shape of a wolf.
The Dedpoet Aug 2016
When I retreat into myself
I reap the sky like a mountain
To a cloud,
The rainbow arch of sun rise in my eyes,
Because sometimes I just
Need to be alone,
I hide my dream's failures
In the words like a string
Of pearls sorrow,
The secrets of of my inner most,
When the outer seems too far,
Like the soft touch of a man
In darkness,
I plead the sadness with my imagination,
I hide behind the skies,
Pain becomes tender,
Just now I begin to believe
There is a better place....

Alone I hear the laughter of the
Dead beneath the earth.
Try to see this from a perspective of escapism from the world, a place only a poet can go.
  Aug 2016 The Dedpoet
Keith Wilson
The  first  signs  of  autumn
are  appearing  this  morning.

The­  sky  is  a  paler  blue
with  ominous  dark  clouds  all  aroun­d.

The  birds  are  much  quieter  too.
although  I  did  hear  ­a  pair  of  mallard  ducks  crying  out.

The fleeting sun across the lawn
Is quite pleasant

The  Invasion  of  house  flies
seem  to  have  subside­d.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
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