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deanena tierney Feb 2011
Though my love is over,
And fall could cling no more,
I shall enter into winter,
Much warmer than before.
Fire hoarding elements,
Closely in it's store,
Burns beneath the ashes,
Hidden in it's core.

And though my love is over,
And waits on distant shore,
And winter yet again returns,
And likewise, for a score,
And seasons, ever-changing,
And change they do implore,
My heart remains much warmer,
And will forevermore.
Feb 2011 · 604
On The Lips Of Every Man
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Might my words be enlightening, pure of purpose; clean of soil,
May they offer some solace for a pain, or rest from endless toil.
Might they beckon a long hoarded tear, from a long pent up soul,
Or a smile from a widowed heart, who longs to just feel whole.
May they bring peace to the restless one, who wanders all around,
Or gravity to the flighty ones, and gift them with solid ground.
Comfort to an aching core, words like fingers, stroke their hair,
A promise that all things do pass, when today is too much to bear.
A hope shining into the darkness, when all of the lights are out,
Faith, sweet faith, that comes to rescue, one who's full of doubt.
May my words be a lighthouse, for those who've lost their way,
And a reminder that all is possible, if they would only sit and pray,
May my words strike an inner voice, as is now, and always the plan,
To make GOD known and hear his praise, on the lips of every man.
Feb 2011 · 414
The You Inside Still Grows
deanena tierney Feb 2011
What has escaped you, my dear friend?
Has your passion left you dry?
Or just discovered the next phase of life,
With so many new things to try?

Do you no longer feel the poet's tug,
Of words you can't ignore?
Or have you lost your inspiration,
That was so grand before?

Have you found yourself a happiness,
In a far more peaceful state?
Or has your life become so very busy,
There's no room on your plate?

Was the interval of you (then and now),
Nurtured by your prose?
No matter if you write more or less,
The you inside still grows.
Feb 2011 · 578
To Those I've Called My Own
deanena tierney Feb 2011
When my heart ceases to beat,
So that I have not lived in vain,
While my whole's no longer here,
I pray some pieces will remain.
In the smile of my daughter,
When she sees a rustic swing,
And the humor of my only son,
And the hope that it can bring.
In laughter of shared memories,
Of all those who really knew,
Just what I truly believed in,
And just what faith can do.
In all the lessons, even hard-learned,
The reward of giving, and of love,
The peace of daffodils I so admire,
The healing power from above.
In tears that are cried , shameless,
With a courage to endure it all,
In the books which I so cherished,
In old photos on the wall.
In the honor of a priceless ring,
And a renewing field of green,
The fruits of a long ago planted tree,
That yields the sweetest tangerine.
In the promise things can always change,
And the possibility to start again,
In every new dawn that now is counted,
As a new story that may begin.
In the hearts, minds, and souls of those,
With the beauty of passion delayed,
The taming of needless restlessness,
And forgiveness of those who betrayed.
In an old and tattered bible,
That was neglected for too long,
That always held the only way,
To make right of any wrong.
In every dream held with iron grip,
And each October's healing wind,
Knowing that things don't have to break,
But that they must, and always,.... bend.
Oh, yes! I hope to leave behind,
Some truth's, that life, to me, has shown,
For those I never had the chance to meet,
And to those I've called my own.
Feb 2011 · 453
Suck on Something Else
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Go ahead... curse me for your failure,
I've heard this all before.
I give and give and give and give,
But you take a little more.
And then you negate all of the effort,
I exhausted in your name,
When you win, you take the credit,
When you lose, I take the blame.
I have never understood just why,
Some "men" stay little boys,
And believe that they are owed,
All kinds of fancy toys.
Without ever having earned them,
Not ever having paid,
And sleep like babies every night,
In beds their mothers made.
Always something for nothing,
Ain't that a pile of ****.
Come on ladies, I think it's time,
To wean them off the ***.
Feb 2011 · 609
Damn Dog
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Feel free to run away my pet,
You will return, that I will bet.
Once you're missing the way that I,
Wipe the snot out of your eye,
And pick the fleas off your back,
Wash your paws when they are black,
Rub your belly, kiss your nose,
Allow you to always lick my toes.
I have helped you grow and grow,
What this poem means I only know.
You see my pet, your awful dumb,
And when I called, you didn't come.
So enjoy your freedom for the night,
Don't look here, you'll see no light,
I've turned them off, and have no doubt,
That I'm not here , and you're locked out!!!
Feb 2011 · 435
Days That Went
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Oh! Childhood days, so bright and fair,
When thought did flit without a care,
Every heart I loved , just as my own,
Long before any ill was known.
Spent so reckless, so did enthrall,
Innocence, ignorance, defeated all.
When the spirit knew no atmosphere,
No fence, no range;  and conscience clear.
Fulfilled alone by effort spent,
And outcome was it's own content.
Unaware that time would slow the pace,
Of the hastened soul to present place.
Or that the path of life, and circumstance,
Would steal away the certain chance.
But sometimes, when the rush is done,
And nature and I - we sit as one,
Memory, on haunches, will return,
Of passion's youth for which I yearn.
Whether wind, a glimpse, or forgotten scent,
I feel again the stir of days that went.
Feb 2011 · 424
Thanks... to you.
deanena tierney Feb 2011
There within my prison cell,
Your words found their way to me.
Bringing with them inspiration,
Of how incredible life could be.
I wonder if when you wrote them,
You knew they held the key,
That would unlock this soul of mine,
And somehow set me free.
Feb 2011 · 484
The Last Act
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Will my final act be finished,
Or interrupted premature?
Will my soul ever reach fruition,
And just how can I be sure?

That all my tasks will be completed,
Before death claims my last?,
That every action's been performed,
Before my time has passed?

That every lesson has been learned,
That every due tear's been shed?
That every purpose that I hold,
Has been done before I'm dead?

That every seed has been planted,
And every harvest has been sown?
That every "thank you" has been spoken,
To the inspiring souls I've known?

That every word has been written,
That every wrong has been made right?
That I've become all I was meant to be,
Before I lose this mortal fight?

Will my final act be finished,
Or interrupted premature?
Will my soul ever reach fruition,
Just how can I be sure?
Feb 2011 · 537
The World's Loss
deanena tierney Feb 2011
We always bargain death,
Assume tomorrow before dawn.
Believing in another moment,
Right until that moment's gone.
Another day, another hour,
More time to get to know,
Yet another incredible soul,
Before it's time to go.
But one unexpected dawn,
A kindred soul departs,
Leaving traces of himself,
As words within our hearts.
And the whole world is weeping,
Unaware though they may grieve,
They suffered a magnificent loss,
On the day he had to leave.
Feb 2011 · 621
Knock Knock
deanena tierney Feb 2011
If the wind blew me to your door,
Would you open it fast or slow?
Would my heart swell with a joy,
Of a love that I think I know?
Would it be like coming home again,
Would you invite me to stay,
To sit and share and pass the hours,
Until we've lost the day.
Would your eyes mirror everything,
That mine are sure to show,
If the wind blew me to your door,
Would you open it fast or slow?
Feb 2011 · 495
Happily Never-After
deanena tierney Feb 2011
Perhaps happily ever-after will come,
After I breathe my last,
Because I surely don't have it now,
Nor have I in the past.
Perhaps they are just words made up,
A fallacy so it seems,
From the pens of those who still believe,
In unobtainable dreams.
Or perhaps it is merely a silly idea,
That took quite a hold,
In the hearts of so many little girls,
A million copies sold.
And I don't think I'll ever find it,
No matter how hard I look,
Except of course on lonely nights,
When I open up a book.
deanena tierney Jan 2011
If I ever lose my love of poetry,
Please read me a little Pope,
He had a way of inspiring me,
Out of boredom bringing hope.
Or dig out some old Whitman,
So I can see nature new again,
Or Shakespeare for an illusion,
Of how things were back then.
If none of these can bring it back,
And no thrill swells in my chest,
Break out my Canadian poet,
Because I loved him the best.
Jan 2011 · 874
The Afterglow of Prodigal
deanena tierney Jan 2011
In the afterglow of prodigal, there is found a sour taste,
One of worthless memories, and of time that was a waste.
A bitterness which became ingrown by neglectful disconnect,
Which thrives on learned indifference and a lack of self respect.
And as for needs, there are not many, shy of another breath.
But even that is questionable, still there is no desire for death.
A ticking clock with broken hands, there's no edge on the knife,
Thus only the heartbeat's contrary to, an empty pointless life.
Jan 2011 · 881
Barking Mad
deanena tierney Jan 2011
i like to swing sideways
and laugh when i am alone
i like to stand naked in the rain in the summertime
and leave naughty messages to myself on my phone

i love to clean my ears
and tickle a spot on my right hip
and i like to wear reading glasses i dont need on my head
and i like to play with this little hair thats on my upper lip

i love the smell of gasoline
i like to shave my arms and feet
i like to bite my toenails off (come on doesnt everybody)
i love to smear mayo and jelly on almost every kind of meat

i love vinegar on broccoli
i almost always like to feel sad
Most people i know think im just plain old crazy
But the one who knows me best calls me barking mad!!!!!!!!
Jan 2011 · 545
deanena tierney Jan 2011
The fire is beginning to smolder
other than few small pieces of transparent orange.
No need to put it out
it will take care of that itself.
There is no fuel left to burn.
And even with all the air in the world,
You must have substance have fire.
I will move out of the way of the lazy smoke.
It causes my eyes to tear.
Jan 2011 · 902
Grieve and Grieve again
deanena tierney Jan 2011
In the middle of a love affair,
That is broken at each end,
Where I did not find a soulmate,
But I sure did lose a friend.
It was a chance worth taking,
And I knew from the start,
Just what would be sacrificed,
Being greedy with my heart.
Why? when things are going great,
Do we push for something more,
I should've just been satisfied,
With the way we were before.
Because now I find, I have less,
Than I had on even Day One,
And I feel even more empty now,
And this is not much fun,
In the middle of a love affair,
That is broken at each end,
Where I did not find a soulmate,
But I sure did lose a friend.
deanena tierney Jan 2011
The glare of the monitor is a bit much tonight.
I turn it a shade down, though the button is hard to find in the dark.
I left my lap tray with the book light in the dining room and it's too dark to go looking for it now.
I shouldn't even be on here.
It's way late and I am way tired.
Unfortunately, loneliness causes awesome insomnia.
So I got on here to maybe find some company, but so far that hasn't happened.
So I am writing in the dark, struggling to find the keys, and writing this scribble, which is taking twice as long as it should.
You would think the screen lights would illuminate the keyboard a bit but somehow it doesn't work like that.
I can't understand why I feel like I could use a pair of Ray-bans right now but I can't see a **** thing.
Anyway going to shut her down now and lie awake in the dark some more.
I really hate being alone.
Jan 2011 · 452
Call It Whatever You Like
deanena tierney Jan 2011
Well, it appears he is not coming,
Even a smile can't hide the hurt,
People are staring, and  I feel so silly,
In my "Looking for Trouble?" shirt.

The Arrival's Lounge is empty,
Which caused another pang in my chest,
I really believed that he was different.
But he is just like all the rest.

And I really needed to be alone,
So I found the nearest hiding place,
And in a stall in the ladies bathroom,
Silent tears rolled down my face.

And after a time my eyes went dry,
Though the pain remained inside,
How could the sun be shining bright,
When all my dreams had died?

And as if, in a fog, I ambled outside,
Feet moving without even a care,
For some reason towards a shade tree,
Which had somebody resting there.

And I stopped to sit for just a while,
On the opposite side of that tree,
Wishing the one I'd been waiting on,
Was sitting right next to me.
Jan 2011 · 469
Love Like The Sun
deanena tierney Jan 2011
Oh! Dear Sun! Dear friend of mine,
With your infinite healing powers,
You've warmed my whole,
Relaxed my soul,
Through the endless trying hours.

Granted strength within a promise,
And enlightened all visions seen,
Helped me cope,
Brought me hope,
Of a life like you....serene.

And you are there, despite the storm,
To gift a lesser shade of black,
With just a hint,
When I am spent,
You can bring my spirit back.

Under your pardon, I've often laid,
Surrendered, naked, and new.
I dare to dream,
With every beam,
Of a love that's just like you.
Jan 2011 · 675
Traveling Light
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I guess I'll just wait in baggage claim forever,
But you know what? That's okay.
I've been guessing which bag belongs to who,
For the better part of the day.
And I am matching them most effortlessly,
Most people are easily read,
"The khaki bag with the khaki pants",
Goes the dialogue in my head.
It's a game I have found, helps pass the time,
Makes my mood a bit more light,
While I stand with my thumb, you know where,
Expecting a cancelled flight.
Baggage claim is more lonely than I expected..
Jan 2011 · 718
Baggage Claim
deanena tierney Jan 2011
From here I spy the baggage claim,
And my eyes dart frantically,
Nerves are twisted, stomach tied,
As I fidget quite anxiously.
There's a khaki bag there all alone,
Circling yet again once more,
And I am certain it must belong to,
The one that I'm waiting for.
Will he appear the way I imagined,
And will he even recognize,
Just who I am and all my hopes,
When he looks into my eyes.
Now I've begun to wring my hands,
My hives are starting to show.
Where's the one I'm searching for?
The flight landed so long ago.
All at once, I feel a hint of breath,
And a chill runs down my spine,
I turn, and I finally meet the one,
Whose soul is merged with mine.
Maybe he went to the arrival's lounge,
For a shot of courage or two,
What this story, really needs though,
Is a few more words from you!
So I'll wait here by the baggage claim,
For it's now your turn to write,
But please don't take too long, ok?
I wouldn't want you to miss your flight!
Jan 2011 · 397
The Truth
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I thought that life would be less trying,
If I put an end to lying,
For then there'd be no need for proof,
But it's much harder and that's the truth!
Jan 2011 · 635
Life Jacket
deanena tierney Jan 2011
The air is getting heavier,
With each shallow breath I take,
Struggle gives way to stridor,
And leaves pure panic in it's wake.
And just as any drowning victim would,
I desperately flail around,
Upwards seeking outstretched hand,
Below for solid ground.
Yet still I find no glimpse of you,
There isn't a single calming hint,
And now I am floating aimlessly,
For I know not where you went.
No purpose left to follow,
No vision still to seek,
Without my soul's life jacket,
My future looks quite bleak.
Jan 2011 · 687
The Invocation
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I have never seen a snow bank,
Nor have I ever flown,
To any distant place or time,
I have not always known.
Upon my inner eye I find,
Images in repeat,
Filled of where I long to be,
Yet can not move thy feet.
Every lonely meager wind,
Invokes impatient will,
Toward all I can't envision,
Yet my heart does thrill.
Soul will not be silent,
No rest at all abound,
Until it follow's distant call,
And it's home is found.
Why must every journey begin with a single step...rather than a giant leap?   Misunderstood yet again.
Jan 2011 · 1.5k
Lucky Charms
deanena tierney Jan 2011
When every single rabbit's foot is rubbed down to the core,
And all your note's in lil' bottles fail to reach the shore,
And you realize that no *** of gold, has, nor will be found,
And not even one, heads-up penny, remains on any ground,
And all that Buddha seems to get, is a real bad tummy ache,
And you can't locate a wishbone, to have a chance to break,
And every finger becomes so stiff, that you just can't cross,
And you find the numbers, seven and eleven, bring you only loss,
When every ladybug becomes so sick, and appears surely to die,
And you search, but find no rainbows, to view up in the sky,
And finally, you must admit, horseshoes only work for fun,
Must it take all of this to know that's GOD's the ONE?
Jan 2011 · 1.2k
deanena tierney Jan 2011
Go ahead and push on me,
Give it your very best.
Push me until I have to bend
In your crazy little test.

But know that I am flexible,
Cos' I've been bent before.
Just when you think I'll crumble,
I will bend a wee bit more.

You've finally met your match, life,
There's no pressure I can't take.
So go right ahead and push on me,
         I will bend...I will not break.
Thanks to a dear friend for assistance with this one! :)
Jan 2011 · 618
In My Dreams
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I will set the guiding tempo, the rhythm of each day,
And not by every meager wind, be up and blown away.
But hold fast to an anchor, secured in solid ground,
So when all the storms arrive, I won't be tossed around.
I'll just breathe in and out, shut my eyes if the need arise,
Open them when the fury passes, to brighter, sunny skies.
Shut out all of the chaos, that man breeds, and always try,
To dwell in that safe haven, that was made for you and I.
An a-ged oak waits on a hill, waits for us, or so it seems,
We planted it together, and it's growing in my dreams.
Jan 2011 · 764
I love early mornings.
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I love early mornings.
When the air is quiet
crisp and
I always think about you.
And pretend that we are together,
sharing coffee,
waking slowly.
Wishing the sun
would stall
just on the horizon
for several hours...
So that our morning chat
could be prolonged.
We sit on the swing
in our robes and
just a while longer,
my head resting on your shoulder,
with my eyes closed,
feeling your chest vibrate when you talk.
Little peck kisses and
shared glances and
silly little grins.
I so love early mornings.
Early mornings with you.
Jan 2011 · 1.3k
A Fable (of sorts)
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I'd like to share a story,
A sad and tragic little tale,
About a silly, naive woman,
Who was so scared and frail.
Who finally found her anam cara.
Ah! But he lived so far away.
She vowed that she would meet him,
On a not too distant day.
But somewhere in the meantime,
She did meet another beau,
Who treated her so very well,
And a love of sorts did grow.
A love that offered comfort,
A safe place to lay her head,
And she began to wonder,
If she should stay with him instead.
But there was always a nagging,
A pulling , if you will,
And without her anam cara,
Her soul would not be still.
After so much time had passed,
She wrote to him to say,
"I really want to meet you now,"
"Could you come down my way?"
And she waited for many months,
But anam cara, he never replied,
She later learned, she'd waited too long,
Her anam cara had died.
The lesson of this fable friend:
Take a chance...and do not wait!
If you waste time, you just might find,
That you made your choice too late!
Jan 2011 · 463
Just Get Over It
deanena tierney Jan 2011
Will the nighttime greet me,
With more dreams of you?
Will my heart remind me of,
Our days that were so few?
Will my tears offer any solace,
Or just cause more to flow?
Will I ever find the reason,
Or accept I can not know?
Will time fade the memories,
Fond ones that we shared?
Will my soul ever get over,
The fact you never cared?
Jan 2011 · 490
The Sunset
deanena tierney Jan 2011
I suffer a certain sort of death,
With the loss of you and I,
The same as a falling star does,
After shooting across the sky.
Gone in a very short instant,
Disappearing from all view,
Unsure if it was really there,
The way that shadows do.
But the hole thats left behind,
Is infinite or so it seems,
And everything is jumbled,
Just like disturbing dreams.
Surrounded by so many,
Yet, still I'm the only one.
I just wasn't prepared for,
The setting of our sun.
Dec 2010 · 582
Wanna Piece Of Me?
deanena tierney Dec 2010
I will re-teach myself the lesson,
Which I failed to learn again,
While shoving tiny fragments back,
Into where my faith had been.

And in proportion to your worthiness,
I'll offer a little piece of me,
Will you treasure or make shards of it,
I'll watch, and wait, and see.

For with ample time and a cunning gaze,
I'll know exactly what you lack,
If proven true, I'll give some more,
And if not, I'll take it back.

For you see, I'm a fierce protector of,
This gift I call my soul.
And unless you surrender yours to mine,
You'll never have the whole.

For I have an eye that misses none,
And a heart that's just as keen,
So be careful dear, while you discern,
What your loss of me would mean.
Dec 2010 · 553
Be Still
deanena tierney Dec 2010
As if late, the mighty river rushes head on,
To an end that, it finds, is already gone.
Winding, impatient, carrying useless debris,
Cutting  a path as far as any eye can see.

Moved by a force that is all of it's own,
Recklessly moving towards the unknown.
With a passion that it can not explain,
A tributary veering off from the main.

And we, like the river, urge right on ahead,
So weary, yet rushing, until we are dead.
Picking up baggage for which we have no need,
Tossed about, powerless and drowning indeed.

Yet there is a shore on which we can stand.
Just walk in faith, the way it was planned.
But until we can quiet our own inner will,
We will run like that river, and never be still.
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
deanena tierney Dec 2010
I need a hand to hold mine tight,
And a shoulder to rest my head.
I long for someone to kiss me goodnight,
And tuck me safely into bed.
Someone to whisper "I love you.",
And with tenderness stroke my hair,
Who lies awake just to look at me,
Someone who truly does care.
Someone I can snuggle up next to,
So I can listen to their heart,
Someone who I can hold right now,
Before I fall completely apart.
Dec 2010 · 489
Where art thou?
deanena tierney Dec 2010
Where , oh where, just have you been?
I check everyday just to see.
If you found some inspiration,
That you wouldn't mind sharing with me.
The words, they used to come like rain,
Sometimes too quick to recall,
But lately, it's been such a struggle,
To write anything worthy at all.
And so I check for something of yours,
Which has always saved the day,
Could you help start a landslide friend,
So I could find something to say?
Dec 2010 · 603
The Ornament
deanena tierney Dec 2010
Of all the ornaments, on the crowded tree,
The one, by far, that means the most to me,
Is the one that reminds me of a true friend,
Who has filled my heart and helped it mend.
For when my days were troubled,
And I was feeling so very lost,
He stayed by my side, even closer,
And never once counted the cost.
And with his help I am now able,
To be myself once again,
And there is love in place of where,
An empty hole had been.
And He did it because he wanted to,
No motive that I can see,
For being someone who gave it all,
Gave it all... just for me.
Of all the ornaments, on the crowded tree,
The one, by far, that means the most to me,
Is the one that reminds me of a true friend,
Who has filled my heart and helped it mend.
deanena tierney Dec 2010
Is it just coincidence,
That our paths crossed long ago?
So many others have entered here,
So many seem to come and go.

Tell me why you seem to stay,
And I just can't let go,
Is it because I stunted it?
Is it because I do not know...

Just what truly you are to me,
I'm so afraid to try and see,
Yet with every thought of never knowing,
Something dies inside of me.

I long to hear your genuine laugh,
And to see just how you smile,
And feel a certain thrill inside,
I haven't felt in quite a while.

So, selfishly I will make this plea,
"Please don't give up on me just yet."
Cos' I don't want to remember you as,
"The Greatest Love I Never Met."
Dec 2010 · 622
deanena tierney Dec 2010
There is a despair of sorts,
Of which no one can tell.
When a soul fails to breathe,
And dies to certain hell.
Elongated and underlived,
Monotonous, empty, vain.
Joyless, careless, hollow,
And filled with only pain.
Dec 2010 · 3.8k
deanena tierney Dec 2010
The air was very frigid,
Early eve on a very cold night.
As I sat in the drivers' seat,
Waiting at a very long light.
And I heard a tap on the window,
Looked over and saw him there,
He was wearing broken glasses,
And had not combed his hair.
And I rolled it down just slightly,
And he you mind If I stand?
Close to your car to feel its warmth,
And he had a few dollars in his hand.
Then he began to tell me about,
The local shelter where he did stay.
And how he worked day labor,
And of the church where he did pray.
He continued on to tell me that,
The shelter was not free,
And he needed 32 dollars,
To pay enough for his family.
He gave me the telephone number,
To the shelter and then his name,
But I never called, just gave him cash,
And I'm the only one to blame.
That later on that very night,
The man who I gave "aid".
Overdosed on crystal-****,
Of which I'm sure I paid.
Dec 2010 · 718
Another Sucky One HeHe
deanena tierney Dec 2010
When I'm in your arms, things are certain.
When your hand's in mine, I don't doubt.
But as soon as distance steps in between,
My soul just somehow feels "without".

And I can't seem to explain it.
How can a connection be real?
When it disappears so quickly,
Just because I can no longer feel..

Your breathe, so soft, upon my neck,
Your eyes, so deep, focused on me,
Your arms snaked about my waist,
Words whispered from lips , so lovingly.

So the only way I can feel happy,
The only way I feel "right" with you,
Is to stay in your presence forever,
And that just simply won't do.
Dec 2010 · 390
deanena tierney Dec 2010
I don't feel the rain anymore,
Neither the sun upon my face.
Everything is so muddled,
And nothing has it's place.

I don't feel the undeserved love,
That you give to help me heal.
I wound just like a wild beast,
And even this I can not feel.

And it's clear I am no better,
Then I was a few years ago.
I take things so very easily;
And just as easily let them go.

But I don't find any comfort,
In just what I have become,
I'm sure I'd hate indifference,
If I wasn't so **** numb.
Dec 2010 · 765
Games People Play
deanena tierney Dec 2010
I think I've had enough,
Enough of all the games,
Forgetting all the faces,
Forgetting all the names.
Moving to the next one,
The next one in the line,
Moving to the back again,
Because no place is mine.
Nothing ever seems to last,
Present is the same as past.
So, I think I've had enough,
No more flat land to climb,
I'd rather sit quite solitaire,
And play a game with time.
Dec 2010 · 531
The Funny Thing With Truth
deanena tierney Dec 2010
The day, it was just beautiful; the sun was shining bright,
Until I saw a photograph..... that turned my day to night.
And once again truth is missing, once again I am unsure,
And I wish I'd never seen it, so I'd be happy like before.
But the funny thing with truth? the funny thing is this...
It always finds the little things, the little things I miss.
Dec 2010 · 583
The Filler
deanena tierney Dec 2010
She has eyes that see right through,
The heart that holds the bits of you,
The pieces that you now can't give,
With her goodbye, love ceased to live.
No genuine smile shows in your eyes,
Longing for her, while telling me lies,
Be true to yourself; be true to me,
Her face is the one that you wish to see,
Sitting right here, holding your hand,
But it's just me and I don't understand.
Just what is it that I don't possess,
Is it the way I laugh, the way I dress?
Don't lead me on, please don't pretend,
That I'm the one and there is no end,
I know that I'm being settled for,
And I just can't take it anymore,
You cry at night,.. I hear,.. I know,
But I'm hurting too, and I must go.
Dec 2010 · 912
deanena tierney Dec 2010
Write to me...write to me...
write to me, friend.
Before old time shadows
Start to descend.
Don't let them close me in
like they did before,
Please write your words
that mean much more.
Secret messages
that lure me to light.
That birth in me
despite dead of night.
Your words, your words,
please gift them again,
There's a scary shadow
where they have been.
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
The Neverending Poem
deanena tierney Dec 2010
You are my anam cara, my soul's friend.
Who knows me from beginning to end.
Your every word reaches out to me,
You see what the others can not see.
Who holds me close though far away,
And within your arms I hope to stay.

You're the warm slippers
I wear all the time,
The inspiration for almost
every rhyme,
The hot cup of cocoa,
that warms my hands,
The knowing look no one
else understands,
The old favorite song
I sing in my head,
The fluffy comforter
I have on my bed,
The view I see when
I'm on my swing,
The song that plays
when I can't sing,
The warmth on my face
from the great sun,
The quickened sleep
when the day is done,
The first one I want
to tell about my day,
The confident voice
when I just can't say.
The friendly hand
that calms my feet,
The reason my heart
still wants to beat.
The face I see sitting
there by me,
In dreams beneath
the poetry tree.
The one who reaches out
to break my fall,
Who hears every scream,
whisper, or call.

You are my anam cara, my soul's friend.
Who knows me from beginning to end.
Your every word reaches out to me,
You see what the others can not see.
Who holds me close though far away,
And within your arms I hope to stay.
To be continued..................
Dec 2010 · 653
Why Doesn't GOD?
deanena tierney Dec 2010
Why doesn't GOD take all the pain,
That we feel so much of here,
And make it just a useless word,
Make it all just disappear?
And why doesn't GOD take sickness,
And all the ills of day to day,
Children's hospitals and chemo,
Make them all just go away?
Why didn't GOD make all men good,
And let not one man be poor,
And why can't we live in paradise,
The way they did before?
I know within my heart that GOD,
Can make all these things true,
But I'm not supposed to question,
Just what GOD will do.
With just my faith I will believe,
In the perfection of his plan,
For he knows every single thing,
In the heart of every man.
Nov 2010 · 413
Can't You See?
deanena tierney Nov 2010
Do you see that little boy
Who is sitting over there?
The one with the blue eyes,
And the ***** blonde hair?
The one you walked right past,
On your way over to me?
He was holding up his new toy,
Just so you could see?
He tried to get your attention,
He had a quick story to tell,
But you moved away so quickly,
He tried to keep up but fell.
You see that incredible little boy,
Has been overlooked too long,
And I know he often wonders,
Just what he did so wrong.
So please take a second glance,
Try to see just what I see,
A precious special little boy,
Who means the world to me.
deanena tierney Nov 2010
I can remember the pain of grieving,
And the release from shedding tears,
But lately I can't seem to shed them,
I am numb after all these years.
And oh! what I wouldn't give to feel,
Like I had something I couldn't lose,
Instead of always, easy come, easy go,
No matter which way I choose.
And I know that some may argue,
An even temperament is the best,
But oh! how I long to know passion,
Just the same as all the rest.
Just give me something to fight for,
Of which I can't find any doubt,
So that I may wage one hell of a war,
For something I can't live without.
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